27,591 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the Chelyabinsk event: pre-impact orbital evolution

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    The Chelyabinsk superbolide was the largest known natural object to enter the Earth's atmosphere since the Tunguska event in 1908 and it has become a template to understand, manage and mitigate future impacts. Although the event has been documented in great detail, the actual pre-impact orbit of the parent body is still controversial. Here, we revisit this topic using an improved Monte Carlo approach that includes the coordinates of the impact point to compute the most probable solution for the pre-impact orbit (a = 1.62 au, e = 0.53, i = 3.97 degrees, \Omega; = 326.45 and \omega; = 109.71). We also check all the published solutions using a simple yet robust statistical test to show that many of them have problems to cause an impact at the right time. We use the improved orbit and N-body simulations to revisit the dynamical status of a putative Chelyabinsk asteroid family and confirm that it could be linked to resonant asteroids 2007 BD7 and 2011 EO40. In addition, and as the classification of Chelyabinsk meteorites is well established, a search for meteorite falls of the same chondrite group and petrologic type gives some evidence for the existence of an associated LL5 chondrite cluster.Comment: 5+4 pages, 5+1 figures, 1+4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Revised to reflect final version published in MNRA

    Transient Co-orbitals of Venus: An Update

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    Venus has no known satellites, but has four known co-orbitals: (322756) 2001 CK32, 2002 VE68, 2012 XE133, and 2013 ND15. Here, we present numerical evidence suggesting that 2015 WZ12 is a possible Venus co-orbital; it might have been until recently a transient Trojan. Follow-up observations of this target in the near future will be difficult, though.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Evidence for a possible bimodal distribution of the nodal distances of the extreme trans-Neptunian objects: avoiding a trans-Plutonian planet or just plain bias?

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    It is a well-known fact that the presence of a massive perturber interacting with a population of minor bodies following very eccentric orbits can strongly affect the distribution of their nodal distances. The details of this process have been explored numerically and its outcome confirmed observationally in the case of Jupiter, where a bimodal distribution of nodal distances of comets has been found. Here, we show evidence for a possible bimodal distribution of the nodal distances of the extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) in the form of a previously unnoticed correlation between nodal distance and orbital inclination. This proposed correlation is unlikely to be the result of observational bias as data for both large semimajor axis Centaurs and comets fit well into the pattern found for the ETNOs, and all these populations are subjected to similar background perturbations when moving well away from the influence of the giant planets. The correlation found is better understood if these objects tend to avoid a putative planet with semimajor axis in the range 300-400 au.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Revised to match version published in MNRAS: Letters --MNRAS 471, L61-L65 (2017

    Asteroid 2017 FZ2 et al.: signs of recent mass-shedding from YORP?

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    The first direct detection of the asteroidal YORP effect, a phenomenon that changes the spin states of small bodies due to thermal reemission of sunlight from their surfaces, was obtained for (54509) YORP 2000 PH5. Such an alteration can slowly increase the rotation rate of asteroids, driving them to reach their fission limit and causing their disruption. This process can produce binaries and unbound asteroid pairs. Secondary fission opens the door to the eventual formation of transient but genetically-related groupings. Here, we show that the small near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 2017 FZ2 was a co-orbital of our planet of the quasi-satellite type prior to their close encounter on 2017 March 23. Because of this flyby with the Earth, 2017 FZ2 has become a non-resonant NEA. Our N-body simulations indicate that this object may have experienced quasi-satellite engagements with our planet in the past and it may return as a co-orbital in the future. We identify a number of NEAs that follow similar paths, the largest named being YORP, which is also an Earth's co-orbital. An apparent excess of NEAs moving in these peculiar orbits is studied within the framework of two orbit population models. A possibility that emerges from this analysis is that such an excess, if real, could be the result of mass shedding from YORP itself or a putative larger object that produced YORP. Future spectroscopic observations of 2017 FZ2 during its next visit in 2018 (and of related objects when feasible) may be able to confirm or reject this interpretation.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    The analemma criterion: accidental quasi-satellites are indeed true quasi-satellites

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    In the Solar system, a quasi-satellite is an object that follows a heliocentric path with an orbital period that matches almost exactly with that of a host body (planetary or not). The trajectory is of such nature that, without being gravitationally attached, the value of the angular separation between host and quasi-satellite as seen from the Sun remains confined within relatively narrow limits for time-spans that exceed the length of the host's sidereal orbital period. Here, we show that under these conditions, a quasi-satellite traces an analemma in the sky as observed from the host in a manner similar to that found for geosynchronous orbits. The analemmatic curve (figure-eight-, teardrop-, ellipse-shaped) results from the interplay between the tilt of the rotational axis of the host and the properties of the orbit of the quasi-satellite. The analemma criterion can be applied to identify true quasi-satellite dynamical behaviour using observational or synthetic astrometry and it is tested for several well-documented quasi-satellites. For the particular case of 15810 (1994 JR1), a putative accidental quasi-satellite of dwarf planet Pluto, we show explicitly that this object describes a complex analemmatic curve for several Plutonian sidereal periods, confirming its transient quasi-satellite status.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Revised to match version published in MNRA

    Dynamically correlated minor bodies in the outer Solar system

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    The organization of the orbits of most minor bodies in the Solar system seems to follow random patterns, the result of billions of years of chaotic dynamical evolution. Much as heterogeneous orbital behaviour is ubiquitous, dynamically coherent pairs and groups of objects are also present everywhere. Although first studied among the populations of asteroids and comets that inhabit or traverse the inner Solar system, where they are very numerous, at least one asteroid family has been confirmed to exist in the outer Solar system and two other candidates have been proposed in the literature. Here, we perform a systematic search for statistically significant pairs and groups of dynamically correlated objects through those with semimajor axis greater than 25 au, applying a novel technique that uses the angular separations of orbital poles and perihelia together with the differences in time of perihelion passage to single out pairs of relevant objects. Our analysis recovers well-known, dynamically coherent pairs and groups of comets and trans-Neptunian objects and uncovers a number of new ones, prime candidates for further spectroscopic study.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Revised to match version published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal. It includes multiple minor changes in both text and figure

    Plutino 15810 (1994 JR1), an accidental quasi-satellite of Pluto

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    In the solar system, quasi-satellites move in a 1:1 mean motion resonance going around their host body like a retrograde satellite but their mutual separation is well beyond the Hill radius and the trajectory is not closed as they orbit the Sun not the host body. So far, minor bodies temporarily trapped in the quasi-satellite dynamical state have been identified around Venus, Earth, the dwarf planet (1) Ceres, the large asteroid (4) Vesta, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Using computer simulations, Tiscareno and Malhotra have predicted the existence of a small but significant population of minor bodies moving in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with Pluto. Here we show using N-body calculations that the Plutino 15810 (1994 JR1) is currently an accidental quasi-satellite of Pluto and it will remain as such for nearly 350,000 yr. By accidental we mean that the quasi-satellite phase is triggered (or terminated) not by a direct gravitational influence in the form of a discrete close encounter but as a result of a resonance. The relative mean longitude of the Plutino circulates with a superimposed libration resulting from the oscillation of the orbital period induced by the 2:3 mean motion resonance with Neptune. These quasi-satellite episodes are recurrent with a periodicity of nearly 2 Myr. This makes 15810 the first minor body moving in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with Pluto. It also makes Pluto the second dwarf planet, besides Ceres, to host a quasi-satellite. Our finding confirms that the quasi-satellite resonant phase is not restricted to small bodies orbiting major planets but is possible for dwarf planets/asteroids too. Moreover, 15810 could be considered as a possible secondary target for NASA's Pluto-Kuiper Belt Mission New Horizons after the main Pluto flyby in 2015.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters (the abstract has been shortened

    A Fruit of a Different Kind: 2015 BP519 as an Outlier among the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects

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    A number of intriguing patterns have been identified in the distributions of the orbital elements of the known extreme trans-Neptunian objects or ETNOs --those with semimajor axis greater than 150 au and perihelion distance greater than 30 au. The announcement of the discovery of 2015 BP519, also known as Caju, has been hailed by some as a consistent piece of robust evidence for the existence of a yet-to-be-discovered massive planet far beyond the trans-Neptunian belt. In this Note, we use the latest data available to provide evidence against 2015 BP519 having followed the same dynamical pathway that placed other ETNOs where they are now. As an statistical outlier within the 29 known ETNOs, 2015 BP519 cannot be used as a reference to further support the trends perhaps present for other ETNOs. Asteroid 2015 BP519 represents a case of extreme dynamical anticorrelation within the ETNO orbital realm and the value of the distance to its descending node, nearly 700 au from the Sun, is the largest of any known ETNO.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Research Notes of the AA

    Ghosts of Jupiter's past: is 2017 UV43 a relative of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9?

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    The present-day orbit of 2017 UV43 resembles the average one of the fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Here, we present numerical evidence suggesting that 2017 UV43 might be related to Shoemaker-Levy 9. With our exploratory results we intend to encourage a search for precovery images of 2017 UV43 and perhaps even follow-up observations that may help in improving its poorly determined orbit so its true dynamical nature can be understood.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 1, Number 1, Article 45 (published 2017 December 13

    Colliding with G2 near the Galactic Centre: a geometrical approach

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    The object G2 will pass within nearly 100 au from Sgr A* in 2014. Due to its very short periapse, the study of the dynamical evolution of this object in the short-term future may offer some insight into the region surrounding the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Galaxy. With this scenario in mind, it has recently been proposed by Bartos et al. (arXiv:1302.3220) that, prior to its perinigricon, G2 will likely experience multiple encounters with members of the black hole and neutron-star populations believed to orbit near the Galactic Centre. Here, we further explore this possibility and study the general case for collisions with the G2 object using the latest orbital solutions provided by Phifer et al. (arXiv:1304.5280) and Gillessen et al., (arXiv:1306.1374) and a Monte Carlo approach to estimate the minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) with G2 as a function of the orbital parameters of the incoming body. Our results indicate that encounters at distances closer than 100 au started to become statistically significant only during the last few years or so. MOIDs under 100 au are statistically more probable for the most dynamically cold orbits. If there is a population of objects moving in low-inclination, low-eccentricity orbits around the central black hole, the highest probability for a close encounter with G2 is found to be in the period 2014 January-March but enhanced activity due to encounters may start as early as 2013 July-August.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Revised to reflect final version published in MNRAS Letter
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