14 research outputs found

    Integrated Tool for Cabin and Fuselage Modeling in Future Aircraft Research

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    The paper describes a set of software tools for cabin and fuselage engineering in conceptual aircraft design. Focus is at collaboration and inclusion of advanced analysis methods

    Automatic Fuselage System Layout using Knowledge Based Design Rules

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    This paper introduces a tool for preliminary system placement inside an aircraft’s fuselage. Objective is to estimate the effect of design decisions on system routing, which may then be used for better weight estimation or physical modeling. The method uses a detailed geometrical model of the fuselage including cabin and primary structure. The system components and connectors are placed according to knowledge patterns. The focus is on large fuselage systems such as the environmental control system, the water&waste system and parts of the electrical system, which are the most significant in terms of size and weight

    Cabin Design for Minimum Boarding Time

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    Single and twin aisle cabin layouts of various capacities are compared regarding their boarding and debaording time. Basis is a boarding simulation and detailed cabin layout


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    The objective of this paper is to describe a method for rapid creation of cabin CAD (Computer Aided Design) models for usage in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations of cabin air ventilation. The intention is to automate the process of model creation in order to speed up the process and reduce the workload both in CAD modeling and mesh creation. The described method is part of a larger process intended to facilitate the usage of CFD cabin air ventilation simulations for passenger comfort. Thus it serves the long-term objective of increased cabin comfort. The complete simulation process including flow calculation and post-processing will be detailed in future publications

    Twin Aisle Aircraft for Short Range Operations - An Economically Attractive Alternative?

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    Short range air tra�c is dominated by single aisle aircraft. The average seat count of delivered single aisles has grown considerably. Single aisles are handicapped by lengthy boarding and deboarding times. Aircraft with twin aisle cabin layout may alleviate the boarding problem. But those aircraft may su�er from increased cost of operation. This paper studies how much better twin aisles fare in turnaround operations and how much more they cost to operate. These �gures are analyzed for a selection of capacities and mission ranges in order to analyze where twin aisles o�er bene�ts. The general �nding is that twin aisles are more suitable above 240 seats capacity, but may o�er superior economics even for lower capacities at short distances

    CAD-Geometrieerstellung für CFD

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    Beschreibung einer Methode zur automatischen Erstellung CFD-gähige Modelle mit CATIA V5. Modelliert wird die Flugzeugkabine. Matlab wird als Pre-Processor benutzt. Der Bericht beschreibt zudem umfänglich, wie man CATIA automatisieren kann mittels CATvbs. Der Bericht ist hilfreich für alle, die vergleichbare Herausforderungen haben

    Weight and Fuel saving Potential Through Changed Cabin and Fuselage Design

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    The paper investigates the effect of weight saving in the cabin and the effect of changed fuselage layout. Underused facilities and capabilities are removed and the aircraft becomes slightly smaller and lighter. Fuel burn is reduced by up to 9%

    A multi-disciplinary design optimization of the passenger supply channel in the aircraft cabin

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    This paper shows the first results of a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) of the passenger service functions in the cabin. Therefore, both the placement of the components and the dimensions of the passenger supply channel (PSC) are varied. In order to modify the parameters, the individual components of the PSC are generated as objects using model based systems engineering. As a result, the information is stored in each object and can be used for the evaluation. In particular, the focus will be on passenger comfort and safety regulations. Collectively, this paper shows some possible variations for the arrangement of the PSC elements and discusses and compares the results obtained as well as possible future developments of this work