66 research outputs found

    Breaking Existential Unforgeability of a Signature Scheme from Asiacrypt 2014

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    We show how to compute an existential forgery after querying 4 signatures on chosen messages for a signature scheme presented at Asiacrypt 2014

    WI Is Not Enough: Zero-Knowledge Contingent (Service) Payments Revisited

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    While fair exchange of goods is known to be impossible without assuming a trusted party, smart contracts in cryptocurrencies forgo such parties by assuming trust in the currency system. They allow a seller to sell a digital good, which the buyer will obtain if and only if she pays. Zero-knowledge contingent payments (zkCP) show that, despite the limited expressiveness of its scripting language, this is even possible in Bitcoin by using zero-knowledge proofs. At CCS\u2717, Campanelli, Gennaro, Goldfeder and Nizzardo showed that the zkCP protocol was flawed, in that the buyer could obtain information about the good without paying. They proposed countermeasures to repair zkCP and moreover observed that zkCP cannot be used when a service is sold. They introduce the notion of ZK contingent payments for services and give an instantiation based on a witness-indistinguishable (WI) proof system. We show that the main countermeasures they proposed are not sufficient and present an attack against their fixed zkCP scheme. We also show that their realization of zkCP for services is insecure, as the buyer could learn the desired information (i.e., whether the service was provided) without paying; in particular, we show that WI of the used proof system is not enough

    Commuting Signatures and Verifiable Encryption and an Application to Non-Interactively Delegatable Credentials

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    Verifiable encryption allows to encrypt a signature and prove that the plaintext is valid. We introduce a new primitive called commuting signature that extends verifiable encryption in multiple ways: a signer can encrypt both signature and message and prove validity; more importantly, given a ciphertext, a signer can create a verifiably encrypted signature on the encrypted message; thus signing and encrypting commute. We instantiate commuting signatures using the proof system by Groth and Sahai (EUROCRYPT \u2708) and the automorphic signatures by Fuchsbauer (ePrint report 2009/320). As an application, we give an instantiation of delegatable anonymous credentials, a powerful primitive introduced by Belenkiy et al. (CRYPTO \u2709). Our instantiation is arguably simpler than theirs and it is the first to provide non-interactive issuing and delegation, which is a standard requirement for non-anonymous credentials. Moreover, the size of our credentials and the cost of verification are less than half of those of the only previous construction, and efficiency of issuing and delegation is increased even more significantly. All our constructions are proved secure in the standard model

    Subversion-zero-knowledge SNARKs

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    Subversion zero knowledge for non-interactive proof systems demands that zero knowledge (ZK) be maintained even when the common reference string (CRS) is chosen maliciously. SNARKs are proof systems with succinct proofs, which are at the core of the cryptocurrency Zcash, whose anonymity relies on ZK-SNARKs; they are also used for ZK contingent payments in Bitcoin. We show that under a plausible hardness assumption, the most efficient SNARK schemes proposed in the literature, including the one underlying Zcash and contingent payments, satisfy subversion ZK or can be made to at very little cost. In particular, we prove subversion ZK of the original SNARKs by Gennaro et al. and the almost optimal construction by Groth; for the Pinocchio scheme implemented in libsnark we show that it suffices to add 4 group elements to the CRS. We also argue informally that Zcash is anonymous even if its parameters were set up maliciously


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    Generalized Selective Decryption (GSD), introduced by Panjwani [TCC’07], is a game for a symmetric encryption scheme Enc that captures the difficulty of proving adaptive security of certain protocols, most notably the Logical Key Hierarchy (LKH) multicast encryption protocol. In the GSD game there are n keys k1,..., kn, which the adversary may adaptively corrupt (learn); moreover, it can ask for encryptions Encki (kj) of keys under other keys. The adversary’s task is to distinguish keys (which it cannot trivially compute) from random. Proving the hardness of GSD assuming only IND-CPA security of Enc is surprisingly hard. Using “complexity leveraging” loses a factor exponential in n, which makes the proof practically meaningless. We can think of the GSD game as building a graph on n vertices, where we add an edge i → j when the adversary asks for an encryption of kj under ki. If restricted to graphs of depth ℓ, Panjwani gave a reduction that loses only a factor exponential in ℓ (not n). To date, this is the only non-trivial result known for GSD. In this paper we give almost-polynomial reductions for large classes of graphs. Most importantly, we prove the security of the GSD game restricted to trees losing only a quasi-polynomial factor n3 log n+5. Trees are an important special case capturing real-world protocols like the LKH protocol. Our new bound improves upon Panjwani’s on some LKH variants proposed in the literature where the underlying tree is not balanced. Our proof builds on ideas from the “nested hybrids” technique recently introduced by Fuchsbauer et al. [Asiacrypt’14] for proving the adaptive security of constrained PRFs

    Non-interactive Mimblewimble transactions, revisited

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    Mimblewimble is a cryptocurrency protocol that promises to overcome notorious blockchain scalability issues and provides user privacy. For a long time its wider adoption has been hindered by the lack of non-interactive transactions, that is, payments for which only the sender needs to be online. Yu proposed a way of adding non-interactive transactions to stealth addresses to Mimblewimble, but we show that it is flawed. Building on Yu and integrating ideas from Burkett, we give a fixed scheme and provide a rigorous security analysis in a strenghtening of the previous security model from Eurocrypt\u2719. Our protocol is considered for implementation by MimbleWimbleCoin and a variant is now deployed as MimbleWimble Extension Blocks (MWEB) in Litecoin

    Concurrently Secure Blind Schnorr Signatures

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    Many applications of blind signatures (notably in blockchains) require the resulting signatures to be compatible with the existing system. This makes schemes that produce Schnorr signatures (now being standardized and supported by major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin) desirable. Unfortunately, the existing blind-signing protocol has been shown insecure when users can open signing sessions concurrently (Eurocrypt\u2721). On the other hand, only allowing sequential sessions opens the door to denial-of-service attacks. We present the first practical, concurrently secure blind-signing protocol for Schnorr signatures, using the standard primitives NIZK and PKE and assuming that Schnorr signatures themselves are unforgeable. We cast our scheme as a generalization of blind and partially blind signatures: we introduce the notion of predicate blind signatures, in which the signer can define a predicate that the blindly signed message must satisfy. We provide proof-of-concept implementations and benchmarks for various choices of primitives and scenarios, including blindly signing Bitcoin transactions conditioned on certain properties

    Policy-Based Signatures

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    We introduce policy-based signatures (PBS), where a signer can only sign messages conforming to some authority-specified policy. The main requirements are unforgeability and privacy, the latter meaning that signatures not reveal the policy. PBS offers value along two fronts: (1)~On the practical side, they allow a corporation to control what messages its employees can sign under the corporate key. (2)~On the theoretical side, they unify existing work, capturing others forms of signatures as special cases or allowing them to be easily built. Our work focuses on definitions of PBS, proofs that this challenging primitive is realizable for arbitrary policies, efficient constructions for specific policies, and a few representative applications

    Anonymous Consecutive Delegation of Signing Rights: Unifying Group and Proxy Signatures

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    We define a general model for consecutive delegations of signing rights with the following properties: The delegatee actually signing and all intermediate delegators remain anonymous. As for group signatures, in case of misuse, a special authority can open signatures to reveal the chain of delegations and the signer\u27s identity. The scheme satisfies a strong notion of non-frameability generalizing the one for dynamic group signatures. We give formal definitions of security and show them to be satisfiable by constructing an instantiation proven secure under general assumptions in the standard model. Our primitive is a proper generalization of both group signatures and proxy signatures and can be regarded as non-frameable dynamic hierarchical group signatures

    On Security Proofs of Existing Equivalence Class Signature Schemes

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    Equivalence class signatures (EQS), introduced by Hanser and Slamanig (AC\u2714), sign vectors of elements from a bilinear group. Signatures can be ``adapted\u27\u27, meaning that anyone can transform a signature on a vector to a (random) signature on any multiple of that vector. (Signatures thus authenticate equivalence classes.) A transformed signature/message pair is then indistinguishable from a random signature on a random message. EQS have been used to efficiently instantiate (delegatable) anonymous credentials, (round-optimal) blind signatures, ring and group signatures and anonymous tokens. The original EQS construction (J.Crypto\u2719) is only proven in the generic group model, while the first construction from standard assumptions (PKC\u2718) only yields security guarantees insufficient for most applications. Two works (AC\u2719, PKC\u2722) propose applicable schemes which assume the existence of a common reference string for the anonymity notion. Their unforgeability is argued via a security proof from standard (or non-interactive) assumptions. In this work we show that their security proof is flawed and explain the subtle issue
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