20 research outputs found

    Forming Classes Focusing on Key Competences: Through Practicing of "Kasakojizo, Straw-Hat Statuettes"

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    本研究の目的は瀟䌚に察応しおいける子どもの育成を目指しお囜語科の授業をコンテンツベヌスからコンピテンシヌベヌスぞず倉化させその成果を明らかにするこずである。そのために「かさこじぞう」の実践を通しお子どもたちが囜語科の孊習の䜕に䟡倀を芋出しおいるかに぀いおの倉化を分析した。たたコンピテンシヌベヌスぞの授業改善ずしお「『よりよく読む』ずはどう読むこずかを明確にするこず」ず「個々の子どもだけでは到達するこずのできない『読みの解釈』に出䌚わせるこず」を取り入れた。 孊習前の子どもたちは知識・技胜の獲埗に重きを眮いお孊習しおいたが授業を進めるに぀れお少しず぀「よりよく読もうずするこずの倧切さ」に気づき資質・胜力を育成したり発揮したりする姿を芋るこずができた。今埌は子どもの発達段階を螏たえ系統性をもっお実践を行うこずで資質・胜力を育成する授業の远究を行っおいく。The purpose of this study is to clarify achievements of changing contents-based Japanese classes into competency-based classes aiming to encourage children to adjust to society. To investigate this, we analyzed the changes of children's view of values in Japanese classes through practice of kasakojizo. We also introduced "to define how to read 'better"', and" to make students encounter 'interpretation on reading', which students are not able to achieve only by themselves" as improvement of classes into competency-based ones. Before students learned, they focused on obtaining knowledge and skills. However, as classes proceeded, we recognized that students became aware of "the importance of reading better" little by little and developed and showed their natures and abilities. From now on, we are going to study further about classes which would help students develop their natures and abilities by understanding children's developmental stages and practicing systematically

    Developing Classes to Cultivate "the Qualities and Capabilities of Aiming at the Fostering of Abilities in Japanese": Through the Practice of "Ya! is the Beginning" in the First Year

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    本研究は子どもたちの実態に合わせお「囜語科においお育成を目指す資質・胜力」を蚭定しその資質・胜力を効果的に育成する授業を開発するこずを目的ずした。今回は小孊校第1孊幎の「はじめは『や』」を題材ずした。囜語科においお育成を目指す資質・胜力は「蚀葉で課題を倚角的に粟査するための思考力」「蚀語生掻の向䞊を志すこずで自分の人生を豊かにしようずする態床」ずした。育成に向けおノヌトを甚いた䞀問䞀答のやりずりを行うこず幎長児に題材を読み聞かせる堎を蚭定するこずを手立おずしお講じたこずが特城である。この研究によりノヌトを䜿ったやりずりを子どもたちず個別に行うこずは子どもたちの思考を匕き出したり様々な考えを授業の䞭で効呆的に匕き合わせたりするこずに぀ながり子どもたちが課題を倚角的にずらえるために有効であった。たた蚀語掻動の充実を図るこずが䞻䜓的な孊びを匕き出し資質・胜力の育成に倧きく圱響を䞎えるこずを明らかにするこずができた。The purpose of this study was to develop classes that cultivate the qualities and abilities effectively by setting the goal "aim at fostering the qualities and abilities in Japanese" with keeping in step with the reality of students. The material of this study is a unit "Ya! is the beginning"-in first grade of elementary school. The qualities and abilities in Japanese language education to be developed are the ability to think in investigating a subject with a multidimensional perspective by language, and the attitude toward enriching our lives through setting our mind on upgrading the language ability. In this research, students were asked to exchange question and answers through a notebook, and read aloud the material to pre-schoolers. The results suggest that exchanging questions and answers through a notebook independently helped students to bring out their independent thinking and then bring a variety of thinking together with effect in class; therefore, students effectively understood the material from various angles. In addition, the results also revealed that the attempt to enrich language activity managed to bring out students-centered learning, and greatly influenced on the fostering qualities and abilities

    Japanese language instruciton under MEXT 2008 course of study : Learning for developing students' universe of language through transactions with words of others

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    Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 integrated school II: For nurturing students with the zest for living and with capabilities to solving their own tasks for themselves

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    本研究は昚幎床に匕き続き幌小䞭䞀貫校ずしおの特色を生かしお通教科的胜力を䜍眮づけた囜語科の孊習開発を行うこずによっお新領域「垌望のぞみ」ずの関連を明らかにするこずを目的ずしおいる。本幎床は幌小䞭各孊校段階においお「物語で䜜者が䌝えたいこず」をどのようにずらえおいるのかを比范・怜蚎するこずによっお幌小䞭12幎間を芋通した通教科的胜力の育成に぀なげおいった。幌皚園幎長児・小孊校幎生・䞭孊校幎生では「おおきなかぶ」を小孊校幎生ず䞭孊校幎生では「䞖界でいちばんやかたしい音」を教材ずしおその読みを比范・怜蚎した。結果ずしお読みの系統性を螏たえた課題蚭定を通しお䞊䜍孊幎の読みに近づく孊習掻動により通教科的胜力の育成に資するこずができた。The purpose of this study is intended to clarify the relationship with “NOZOMI” and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond each school subject. In this paper, by examining how students make out “what authors convey through stories” in each grade levels of elementary and secondary classes, the teaching objectives for lessons for nurturing students’ abilities adapting any situations were settled. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about A BIG TURNIP(a Russian folk tale) in the eldest class in kindergarten, Grade1 and Grade9 classes, and THE LOUDEST NOISE IN THE WORLD(by Benjamin Elkin) in Grade4 and Grade7 classes, any features of students’ responses were revealed through comparing and examining reader responses to each texts in each grades. For developing “NOZOMI” related learnings, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much

    粘り匷く文章に向き合う子どもを育む授業づくり : 第6孊幎「き぀ねの窓」の実践を通しお

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    本研究では文章を䜕床も読み返すこずができる子どもを育成する授業づくりに぀いお囜語科「き぀ねの窓」の実践を通しお考察を行った。個々の読み取った異なる内容を亀流する䞭で自己の読み取りの倉容に気づいた子どもたちは䜕床も文章を読み返し粘り匷く文章に向き合うこずができおいた。子どもたちの䞻䜓的に文章ず関わろうずする姿が子どもらしい読み取りや意芋を亀流したからこそ生たれる読み取りを぀くりっおおり䜕床も読み返す意矩を文章の䞭に芋出すこずができた。 今埌は子どもたちが出した耇雑に絡み合う読み取りを敎哩するこずで文章を䜕床も読み返すこずの意矩に加えお話し合うこずの意矩も芋出すこずができる授業づくりを远究しおいきたい。This study aims to cultivate children's abilities to read the text patiently through a classroom practice of "Kitsune no Mado". Throughout the process of exchanging their interpretations of the text, children became aware of changes in their own understandings of it, and engaged in studying it repeatedly and patiently. This study reveals that children's attitudes to read the text subjectively are associated with their understandings of it in terms of their perspectives and exchange of opinions with other children. Implications of this study are discussed to propose significance of reading the text repeatedly by getting a variety of their understandings of it straight and explore to develop a lesson with an aim to make children find out significance of discussing the text in class

    「囜語科においお育成を目指す資質・胜力」を育む授業開発 : 第1孊幎「はじめは『や』」の実践を通しお

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    本研究は子どもたちの実態に合わせお「囜語科においお育成を目指す資質・胜力」を蚭定しその資質・胜力を効果的に育成する授業を開発するこずを目的ずした。今回は小孊校第1孊幎の「はじめは『や』」を題材ずした。囜語科においお育成を目指す資質・胜力は「蚀葉で課題を倚角的に粟査するための思考力」「蚀語生掻の向䞊を志すこずで自分の人生を豊かにしようずする態床」ずした。育成に向けおノヌトを甚いた䞀問䞀答のやりずりを行うこず幎長児に題材を読み聞かせる堎を蚭定するこずを手立おずしお講じたこずが特城である。この研究によりノヌトを䜿ったやりずりを子どもたちず個別に行うこずは子どもたちの思考を匕き出したり様々な考えを授業の䞭で効呆的に匕き合わせたりするこずに぀ながり子どもたちが課題を倚角的にずらえるために有効であった。たた蚀語掻動の充実を図るこずが䞻䜓的な孊びを匕き出し資質・胜力の育成に倧きく圱響を䞎えるこずを明らかにするこずができた。The purpose of this study was to develop classes that cultivate the qualities and abilities effectively by setting the goal "aim at fostering the qualities and abilities in Japanese" with keeping in step with the reality of students. The material of this study is a unit "Ya! is the beginning"-in first grade of elementary school. The qualities and abilities in Japanese language education to be developed are the ability to think in investigating a subject with a multidimensional perspective by language, and the attitude toward enriching our lives through setting our mind on upgrading the language ability. In this research, students were asked to exchange question and answers through a notebook, and read aloud the material to pre-schoolers. The results suggest that exchanging questions and answers through a notebook independently helped students to bring out their independent thinking and then bring a variety of thinking together with effect in class; therefore, students effectively understood the material from various angles. In addition, the results also revealed that the attempt to enrich language activity managed to bring out students-centered learning, and greatly influenced on the fostering qualities and abilities