3,604 research outputs found

    A “Managerial” Trade Union and Economic Growth

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    By setting up a simple Romer-type (1989) endogenous growth model embodying a political trade union (rather than the traditional economic labor union), this paper explores the effects of unionization on unemployment, growth and welfare by highlighting the essence of internal conflict within the union. It is shown that the conflicting interests between the leadership and membership within the union play a decisive role in the unemployment, growth and welfare effects of unionization. Given the fact that taxation, besides unions, is another potential candidate in explaining the poor performance of employment and economic growth, we re-examine the taxation effects within the growth model with equilibrium unemployment caused by the presence of the trade union and compare our findings with those for the traditional full-employment growth model. In addition, the dynamic properties of the unionized economy are also examined, with particular emphasis being placed on the role of the trade union in the formation of equilibrium indeterminacy.Managerial trade union, collective bargaining, unemployment, economic growth

    Interest Rate Rules, Target Policies, and Endogenous Economic Growth in an Open Economy

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    This paper sets up an endogenous growth model of an open economy in which the monetary authority implements a gradualist interest-rate rule with targets for inflation and economic growth. We show that, under a passive rule, a monetary equilibrium exists and is unique; moreover, the equilibrium is locally determinate. Under an active rule, the open economy either generates multiple equilibria or does not have any equilibrium. If equilibria exist, the high-growth equilibrium is locally determinate while the low-growth equilibrium is a source. Besides these, the stabilization and growth effects of alternative target policies are also explored in this study.Nominal interest rate rules, gradualism, endogenous economic growth

    Integration of Social Media News Mining and Text Mining Techniques to Determine a Corporate’s Competitive Edge

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    Market globalization have triggered much more severe challenges for corporates than ever before. Thus, how to survive in this highly fluctuating economic atmosphere is an attractive topic for corporate managers, especially when an economy goes into a severe recession. One of the most consensus conclusions is to highly integrate a corporate’s supply chain network, as it can facilitate knowledge circulation, reduce transportation cost, increase market share, and sustain customer loyalty. However, a corporate’s supply chain relations are unapparent and opaque. To solve such an obstacle, this study integrates text mining (TM) and social network analysis (SNA) techniques to exploit the latent relation among corporates from social media news. Sequentially, this study examines its impact on corporate operating performance forecasting. The empirical result shows that the proposed mechanism is a promising alternative for performance forecasting. Public authorities and decision makers can thus consider the potential implications when forming a future policy

    Shape coexistence and evolution in neutron-deficient krypton isotopes

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    Total Routhian Surface (TRS) calculations have been performed to investigate shape coexistence and evolution in neutron-deficient krypton isotopes 72,74,76Kr. The ground-state shape is found to change from oblate in 72Kr to prolate in 74,76Kr, in agreement with experimental data. Quadrupole deformations of the ground states and coexisting 0+2 states as well as excitation energies of the latter are also well reproduced. While the general agreement between calculated moments of inertia and those deduced from observed spectra confirms the prolate nature of the low-lying yrast states of all three isotopes (except the ground state of 72Kr), the deviation at low spins suggests significant shape mixing. The role of triaxiality in describing shape coexistence and evolution in these nuclei is finally discussed

    Concept and Feasibility of One-Embedded System Payload Including Baseband Communication

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    Traditional approach of payload design develops modules separately such as control, compression and communication. Due to increasing demand of shorter development cycles and lower cost, we shall develop a highly adaptive approach for payload implementation so that we can update it in a short time according to the need of a new mission. Besides, the optimization of payload performance and communication link together becomes possible. Based on these, we propose a “one-embedded system” payload approach. All the control, file management, processing such as compression, and communications are implemented in one built-in embedded system. In other words, after the sensor signal is converted as digital data (after ADC, analog-to-digital-converter), the data gets into the proposed embedded system. And the system “does everything” and then outputs data to DAC (digital-to-analog-converter) and then transmitted it in analog form. The proposed embedded system includes a FPGA implementing a processor IP. Due to the programmable characteristic of FPGA, hardware interfaces can be adjusted quickly according to various mission requirements. Besides, because of the flexibility and adaptability of software, code can be updated to optimize performance according to various tasks during flight. In this work, we provide concept, guideline of optimization, structure, feasibility, benefits and risks of one-embedded system payload approach. An example of implementation for optical remotes sensing payload including interfaces will be investigated


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    Abstract This study aims to investigate users' knowledge sharing intention and collaborative stickiness intention towards social network sites (SN