376 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Formation of CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and electron transport layers using antisolvent method for efficient perovskite solar cells

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    A new antisolvent method was developed to prepare CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and electron transport layers for making efficient hybrid perovskite solar cells. By directly using [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester in chlorobenzene solution as antisolvent, CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and electron transport layers were simultaneously formed in the films. This method not only simplifies the fabrication process of devices, but also produces uniform perovskite films and improves the interfacial structures between CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and electron transport layers. Large perovskite grains were observed in these films, with the average grain size of >1 μm. The so-formed CH₃NH₃PbI₃/electron transport layers demonstrated good optical and charge transport properties. And perovskite solar cells fabricated using these simultaneously-formed layers achieved a higher power conversion efficiency of 16.58% compared to conventional antisolvent method (14.92%). This method reduces nearly 80% usage of chlorobenzene during the fabrication, offering a more facile and environment-friendly approach to fabricate efficient perovskite solar cells than the conventional antisolvent method

    Diagnosis and microecological characteristics of aerobic vaginitis in outpatients based on preformed enzymes

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    AbstractObjectiveAerobic vaginitis (AV) is a recently proposed term for genital tract infection in women. The diagnosis of AV is mainly based on descriptive diagnostic criteria proposed by Donders and co-workers. The objective of this study is to report AV prevalence in southwest China using an objective assay kit based on preformed enzymes and also to determine its characteristics.Materials and methodsA total of 1948 outpatients were enrolled and tested by a commercial diagnostic kit to investigate the AV prevalence and characteristics in southwestern China. The study mainly examined the vaginal ecosystem, age distribution, Lactobacillus amount, and changes in pH. Differences within groups were analyzed by Wilcoxon two-sample test.ResultsThe AV detection rate is 15.40%. The AV patients were usually seen in the sexually active age group of 20–30 years, followed by those in the age group of 30–40 years. The vaginal ecosystems of all the patients studied were absolutely abnormal, and diagnosed to have a combined infection [aerobic vaginitis (AV) + bacterial vaginitis (BV) 61.33%; 184/300]. Aerobic bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, were predominantly found in the vaginal samples of these women.ConclusionAV is a common type of genital infection in southwestern China and is characterized by sexually active age and combined infection predominated by the AV and BV type

    User-adaptive sketch-based 3D CAD model retrieval

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    3D CAD models are an important digital resource in the manufacturing industry. 3D CAD model retrieval has become a key technology in product lifecycle management enabling the reuse of existing design data. In this paper, we propose a new method to retrieve 3D CAD models based on 2D pen-based sketch inputs. Sketching is a common and convenient method for communicating design intent during early stages of product design, e.g., conceptual design. However, converting sketched information into precise 3D engineering models is cumbersome, and much of this effort can be avoided by reuse of existing data. To achieve this purpose, we present a user-adaptive sketch-based retrieval method in this paper. The contributions of this work are twofold. Firstly, we propose a statistical measure for CAD model retrieval: the measure is based on sketch similarity and accounts for users’ drawing habits. Secondly, for 3D CAD models in the database, we propose a sketch generation pipeline that represents each 3D CAD model by a small yet sufficient set of sketches that are perceptually similar to human drawings. User studies and experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the design process are presented

    Neurospheres from rat adipose-derived stem cells could be induced into functional Schwann cell-like cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schwann cells (SC) which are myelin-forming cells in peripheral nervous system are very useful for the treatment of diseases of peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. However, it is difficult to obtain sufficient large number of SC for clinical use, so alternative cell systems are desired.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a procedure similar to the one used for propagation of neural stem cells, we could induce rat adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) into floating neurospheres. In addition to being able to differentiate into neuronal- and glial-like cells, neurospheres could be induced to differentiate into SC-like cells. SC-like cells were bi- or tri-polar in shape and immunopositive for nestin and SC markers p75, GFAP and S-100, identical to genuine SC. We also found that SC-like cells could induce the differentiation of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells efficiently, perhaps through secretion of soluble substances. We showed further that SC-like cells could form myelin structures with PC12 cell neurites in vitro.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings indicated that ADSC could differentiate into SC-like cells in terms of morphology, phenotype and functional capacities. SC-like cells induced from ADSC may be useful for the treatment of neurological diseases.</p

    Mechanism for Selective Binding of Aromatic Compounds on Oxygen-Rich Graphene Nanosheets Based on Molecule Size/Polarity Matching

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    Selective binding of organic compounds is the cornerstone of many important industrial and pharmaceutical applications. Here, we achieved highly selective binding of aromatic compounds in aqueous solution and gas phase by oxygen-enriched graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets via a previously unknown mechanism based on size matching and polarity matching. Oxygen-containing functional groups (predominately epoxies and hydroxyls) on the nongraphitized aliphatic carbons of the basal plane of GO formed highly polar regions that encompass graphitic regions slightly larger than the benzene ring. This facilitated size match–based interactions between small apolar compounds and the isolated aromatic region of GO, resulting in high binding selectivity relative to larger apolar compounds. The interactions between the functional group(s) of polar aromatics and the epoxy/hydroxyl groups around the isolated aromatic region of GO enhanced binding selectivity relative to similar-sized apolar aromatics. These findings provide opportunities for precision separations and molecular recognition enabled by size/polarity match–based selectivity

    Common Variants in PLXNA4 and Correlation to CSF-related Phenotypes in Alzheimer's Disease

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    The Plexin-A 4 (PLXNA4) gene, has recently been identified in genome wide association studies (GWAS), as a novel genetic player associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Additionally, PLXNA4 genetic variations were also found to increase AD risk by tau pathology in vitro. However, the potential roles of PLXNA4 variants in the amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology, were not evaluated. Five targeted loci capturing the top common variations in PLXNA4, were extracted using tagger methods. Multiple linear regression models were used to explore whether these variations can affect the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (Aβ1−42, T-tau, and P-tau) phenotypes in the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. We detected that two loci (rs6467431, rs67468325) were significantly associated with CSF Aβ1−42 levels in the hybrid population (rs6467431: P = 0.01376, rs67468325: P = 0.006536) and the significance remained after false discovery rate (FDR) correction (rs6467431: Pc = 0.03441, rs67468325: Pc = 0.03268). In the subgroup analysis, we further confirmed the association of rs6467431 in the cognitively normal (CN) subgroup (P = 0.01904, Pc = 0.04761). Furthermore, rs6467431-A carriers and rs67468325-G carriers showed higher CSF Aβ1−42 levels than non-carriers. Nevertheless, we did not detect any significant relationships between the levels of T-tau, P-tau and these PLXNA4 loci. Our findings provided preliminary evidence that PLXNA4 variants can confer AD risk through modulating the Aβ deposition

    All‐In‐One OsciDrop Digital PCR System for Automated and Highly Multiplexed Molecular Diagnostics

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    Digital PCR (dPCR) holds immense potential for precisely detecting nucleic acid markers essential for personalized medicine. However, its broader application is hindered by high consumable costs, complex procedures, and restricted multiplexing capabilities. To address these challenges, an all‐in‐one dPCR system is introduced that eliminates the need for microfabricated chips, offering fully automated operations and enhanced multiplexing capabilities. Using this innovative oscillation‐induced droplet generation technique, OsciDrop, this system supports a comprehensive dPCR workflow, including precise liquid handling, pipette‐based droplet printing, in situ thermocycling, multicolor fluorescence imaging, and machine learning‐driven analysis. The system's reliability is demonstrated by quantifying reference materials and evaluating HER2 copy number variation in breast cancer. Its multiplexing capability is showcased with a quadruplex dPCR assay that detects key EGFR mutations, including 19Del, L858R, and T790M in lung cancer. Moreover, the digital stepwise melting analysis (dSMA) technique is introduced, enabling high‐multiplex profiling of seven major EGFR variants spanning 35 subtypes. This innovative dPCR system presents a cost‐effective and versatile alternative, overcoming existing limitations and paving the way for transformative advances in precision diagnostics

    Mild Infections with Multiple Spotted Fever Grouped Rickettsia Species among Forest Rangers with Tick Bites

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    Tick-borne rickettsiae are increasingly recognized to cause human infections; however, a complete clinical spectrum is lacking. Thus, surveillance study was conducted among forest rangers with tick bites to describe the clinical manifestations. One hundred fifty-nine blood samples were obtained from individuals bitten by ticks and 780 tick samples collected in the same endemic region were examined for the presence of Rickettsia . Serum samples were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies against R. heilongjiangensis . Twenty-five (15.7%) individuals were shown to be infected with 5 Rickettsia species, including 14 Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae (CRT), 8 R. raoultii , 1 R. felis , 1 R. heilongjiangensis , and 1 R. massiliae . Five individuals (1 CRT, 1 R. heilongjiangensis , and 3 R. raoultii ) had mild illnesses; the other 20 individuals were asymptomatic. CRT was present in 38.4% (274/713) of I. persulcatus and 6.4% (3/47) of Hae. concinna . R. raoultii was demonstrated in 30.0% (6/20) of D. silvarum and 14.9% (7/17) of Hae. concinna . R. heilongjiangensis was detected in 9.5% (2/21) of D. silvarum and 0.3% (2/713) of I. persulcatus . The clinical manifestations of these rickettsioses were non-specific and differed from traditional features, thus supporting the necessity of wider investigations involving individuals with tick bites to develop an early differential diagnosis