184 research outputs found

    How to calculate the main characteristics of random uncorrelated networks

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    We present an analytic formalism describing structural properties of random uncorrelated networks with arbitrary degree distributions. The formalism allows to calculate the main network characteristics like: the position of the phase transition at which a giant component first forms, the mean component size below the phase transition, the size of the giant component and the average path length above the phase transition. We apply the approach to classical random graphs of Erdos and Renyi, single-scale networks with exponential degree distributions and scale-free networks with arbitrary scaling exponents and structural cut-offs. In all the cases we obtain a very good agreement between results of numerical simulations and our analytical predictions.Comment: AIP conference proceedings format, 17 pages, 6 figure

    Kauffman Boolean model in undirected scale free networks

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    We investigate analytically and numerically the critical line in undirected random Boolean networks with arbitrary degree distributions, including scale-free topology of connections P(k)kγP(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}. We show that in infinite scale-free networks the transition between frozen and chaotic phase occurs for 3<γ<3.53<\gamma < 3.5. The observation is interesting for two reasons. First, since most of critical phenomena in scale-free networks reveal their non-trivial character for γ<3\gamma<3, the position of the critical line in Kauffman model seems to be an important exception from the rule. Second, since gene regulatory networks are characterized by scale-free topology with γ<3\gamma<3, the observation that in finite-size networks the mentioned transition moves towards smaller γ\gamma is an argument for Kauffman model as a good starting point to model real systems. We also explain that the unattainability of the critical line in numerical simulations of classical random graphs is due to percolation phenomena

    Supremacy distribution in evolving networks

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    We study a supremacy distribution in evolving Barabasi-Albert networks. The supremacy sis_i of a node ii is defined as a total number of all nodes that are younger than ii and can be connected to it by a directed path. For a network with a characteristic parameter m=1,2,3,...m=1,2,3,... the supremacy of an individual node increases with the network age as t(1+m)/2t^{(1+m)/2} in an appropriate scaling region. It follows that there is a relation s(k)km+1s(k) \sim k^{m+1} between a node degree kk and its supremacy ss and the supremacy distribution P(s)P(s) scales as s12/(1+m)s^{-1-2/(1+m)}. Analytic calculations basing on a continuum theory of supremacy evolution and on a corresponding rate equation have been confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical mechanics of the international trade network

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    Analyzing real data on international trade covering the time interval 1950-2000, we show that in each year over the analyzed period the network is a typical representative of the ensemble of maximally random weighted networks, whose directed connections (bilateral trade volumes) are only characterized by the product of the trading countries' GDPs. It means that time evolution of this network may be considered as a continuous sequence of equilibrium states, i.e. quasi-static process. This, in turn, allows one to apply the linear response theory to make (and also verify) simple predictions about the network. In particular, we show that bilateral trade fulfills fluctuation-response theorem, which states that the average relative change in import (export) between two countries is a sum of relative changes in their GDPs. Yearly changes in trade volumes prove that the theorem is valid.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Mean-field theory for clustering coefficients in Barabasi-Albert networks

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    We applied a mean field approach to study clustering coefficients in Barabasi-Albert networks. We found that the local clustering in BA networks depends on the node degree. Analytic results have been compared to extensive numerical simulations finding a very good agreement for nodes with low degrees. Clustering coefficient of a whole network calculated from our approach perfectly fits numerical data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Ferromagnetic fluid as a model of social impact

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    The paper proposes a new model of spin dynamics which can be treated as a model of sociological coupling between individuals. Our approach takes into account two different human features: gregariousness and individuality. We will show how they affect a psychological distance between individuals and how the distance changes the opinion formation in a social group. Apart from its sociological aplications the model displays the variety of other interesting phenomena like self-organizing ferromagnetic state or a second order phase transition and can be studied from different points of view, e.g. as a model of ferromagnetic fluid, complex evolving network or multiplicative random process.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure