12 research outputs found

    Code Generation from UML Models

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    Creating a generic, object-oriented, component-based, transactional business system, which covers the whole lifecycle, is possible only with the integration of commercial tools, component technologies, newly developed class libraries and by using code generators. Most of the recently used tools for development techniques are focusing on only one of the layers of the model from the code generation point of view. As a consequence, the inter-layer connections are lost in the generated code. In this article, we describe a code generator technique which uses a UML model as a starting point and generates several layers directly. While generating the code, it preserves the original interlayer relationships originated in the model. Based on our experiences with 4GL systems it is obvious that there is a need to provide customisation in the generated code. We offer a multi-paradigm approach [1] to let the developer choose the appropriate solution for her or his implementation

    Hungarian Teachers Programme 2008

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    Encrypted Data Storage in EGEE

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    The medical community is routinely using clinical images and associated medical data for diagnosis, intervention planning and therapy follow-up. Medical imaging is producing an increasing number of digital images for which computerized archiving, processing and analysis are needed. Grids are promising infrastructures for managing and analyzing the huge medical databases. Given the sensitive nature of medical images, practiotionners are often reluctant to use distributed systems though. Security if often implemented by isolating the imaging network from the outside world inside hospitals. Given the wide scale distribution of grid infrastructures and their multiple administrative entities, the level of security for manipulating medical data should be particularly high. In this presentation we describe the architecture of a solution, the gLite Encrypted Data Storage (EDS), which was developed in the framework of Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE), a project of the European Commission (contract number INFSO--508833). The EDS does enforce strict access control to any medical file stored on the grid. It also provides file encryption facilities, that ensure the protection of data sent to remote storage, even from their administrator. Thus, data are not only transferred but also stored encrypted and can only be decrypted in host memory by authorized users. Introduction ============ The basic building blocks of the grid data management architecture are the Storage Elements (SE), which provide transport (e.g. gridftp), direct data access (e.g. direct file access, rfio, dcap) and administrative (Storage Resource Management, SRM) interfaces for a storage system. However the most widely adopted standard today for managing medical data in clinics is DICOM (Digital Image and COmmunication in Medicine). The simplified goal is to secure the data movement among these blocks, and the client hosts, which actually process the data. Challenges ========== Here we describe the mos

    Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms for Multi-Domain Grid Environments

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    This article discusses the authentication and the authorization aspects of security in grid environments spanning multiple administrative domains. Achievements in these areas are presented using the EU DataGrid project as an example implementation. It also gives an outlook on future directions of development. 1

    List of Papers Author Title of Abstract Page

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    The workshop aims at providing a platform for young researchers to present their work. These presentations will be commented by experienced panelists. The workshop serves as a forum for the participants to get in contact with other researchers in the field and to become familiar with other approaches and future research topics