1,339 research outputs found

    FishBase 2000: Concepts, designs and data sources

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    FishBase (Computer file), Data collections, Fishery biology, Fishery resources

    Carleman estimates and absence of embedded eigenvalues

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    Let L be a Schroedinger operator with potential W in L^{(n+1)/2}. We prove that there is no embedded eigenvalue. The main tool is an Lp Carleman type estimate, which builds on delicate dispersive estimates established in a previous paper. The arguments extend to variable coefficient operators with long range potentials and with gradient potentials.Comment: 26 page

    Vitamin B12, folate, and the methionine remethylation cycle-biochemistry, pathways, and regulation

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    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) is a nutrient essential to human health. Due to its complex structure and dual cofactor forms, Cbl undergoes a complicated series of absorptive and processing steps before serving as cofactor for the enzymes methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and methionine synthase. Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is required for the catabolism of certain (branched-chain) amino acids into an anaplerotic substrate in the mitochondrion, and dysfunction of the enzyme itself or in production of its cofactor adenosyl-Cbl result in an inability to successfully undergo protein catabolism with concomitant mitochondrial energy disruption. Methionine synthase catalyzes the methyl-Cbl dependent (re)methylation of homocysteine to methionine within the methionine cycle; a reaction required to produce this essential amino acid and generate S-adenosylmethionine, the most important cellular methyl-donor. Disruption of methionine synthase has wide-ranging implications for all methylation-dependent reactions, including epigenetic modification, but also for the intracellular folate pathway, since methionine synthase uses 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as a one-carbon donor. Folate-bound one-carbon units are also required for deoxythymidine monophosphate and de novo purine synthesis; therefore, the flow of single carbon units to each of these pathways must be regulated based on cellular needs. This review provides an overview on Cbl metabolism with a brief description of absorption and intracellular metabolic pathways. It also provides a description of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism and its intersection with Cbl at the methionine cycle. Finally, a summary of recent advances in understanding of how both pathways are regulated is presented

    Efficient Algorithm for Asymptotics-Based Configuration-Interaction Methods and Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Atoms

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    Asymptotics-based configuration-interaction (CI) methods [G. Friesecke and B. D. Goddard, Multiscale Model. Simul. 7, 1876 (2009)] are a class of CI methods for atoms which reproduce, at fixed finite subspace dimension, the exact Schr\"odinger eigenstates in the limit of fixed electron number and large nuclear charge. Here we develop, implement, and apply to 3d transition metal atoms an efficient and accurate algorithm for asymptotics-based CI. Efficiency gains come from exact (symbolic) decomposition of the CI space into irreducible symmetry subspaces at essentially linear computational cost in the number of radial subshells with fixed angular momentum, use of reduced density matrices in order to avoid having to store wavefunctions, and use of Slater-type orbitals (STO's). The required Coulomb integrals for STO's are evaluated in closed form, with the help of Hankel matrices, Fourier analysis, and residue calculus. Applications to 3d transition metal atoms are in good agreement with experimental data. In particular we reproduce the anomalous magnetic moment and orbital filling of Chromium in the otherwise regular series Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Announcing the release of FishBase 96

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    FishBase is a computerized encyclopedia of fishes developed at International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) with the support of the European Commission and in collaboration with a large number of institutions throughout the world, notably FAO, and available since 1995 as CD-ROM. Major improvements since version 1.2 have now allowed for the release of FishBase 96, whose name indicates the intention to update FishBase annually. Some of the major improvements of FishBase 96 are: (a) 3,000 more species (total 15,000) and 3,000 more pictures (total 9,000); (b) complete marine checklists for 48 countries, and freshwater checklists for 60 countries; (c) a new user module to document local knowledge of fishes; (d) a stand-alone glossary defining 2,500 ichthyological and related terms; (e) new databases on brain weights (from R. Beauchot and colleagues at the University of Paris VII), on ciguatera (from P. Dalzell, South Pacific Commission, Noumea), and on recruitment (from R.A. Myers and colleagues at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. John's); and (f) new graphs to display quantitative data: through time series, pie charts and bivariate plots. As before, FishBase is available free to collaborators, for US50asupdatetoregisteredusersofpreviousversions,andforUS50 as update to registered users of previous versions, and for US95 for new users

    FISHBASE: assembling information on fish

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    Magnetism in purple bronze Li0.9_{0.9}Mo6_6O17_{17}

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    Muon spin relaxation measurements around the 25 K metal-insulator transition in Li0.9_{0.9}Mo6_6O17_{17} elucidate a profound role of disorder as a possible mechanism for this transition. The relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and the muon Knight shift are incompatible with the transition to a SDW state and thus exclude it.Comment: pages 2, fig 2, The conf. on strongly correlated electron systems, SCES 2004, German

    A theoretical study of the C- 4So_3/2 and 2Do_{3/2,5/2} bound states and C ground configuration: fine and hyperfine structures, isotope shifts and transition probabilities

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    This work is an ab initio study of the 2p3 4So_3/2, and 2Do_{3/2,5/2} states of C- and 2p2 3P_{0,1,2}, 1D_2, and 1S_0 states of neutral carbon. We use the multi-configuration Hartree-Fock approach, focusing on the accuracy of the wave function itself. We obtain all C- detachment thresholds, including correlation effects to about 0.5%. Isotope shifts and hyperfine structures are calculated. The achieved accuracy of the latter is of the order of 0.1 MHz. Intra-configuration transition probabilities are also estimated.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 12 table

    A genus at risk: Predicted current and future distribution of all three Lagopus species reveal sensitivity to climate change and efficacy of protected areas

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    Aim: Cold-adapted species are considered vulnerable to climate change. However, our understanding of how climate-induced changes in habitat and weather patterns will influence habitat suitability remains poorly understood, particularly for species at high latitudes or elevations. Here, we assessed potential future distributions for a climate-sensitive genus, Lagopus, and the effectiveness of protected areas in tracking shifting distributions. Location: British Columbia, Canada. Methods: Using community science observations from 1970 to 2020, we built species distribution models for white-tailed (L. leucura), rock (L. muta) and willow ptarmigan (L. lagopus) across British Columbia, a globally unique region harbouring all three ptarmigan species. We assessed the impact of climate (direct) and climate-induced habitat change (indirect) on potential future distributions of ptarmigan. Results: White-tailed and rock ptarmigan were associated with colder temperatures and tundra-like open habitats and willow ptarmigan with open, shrub habitats. Future projections based on climate and vegetation scenarios indicated marked losses in suitable habitat by the 2080s (RCP +8.5 W/m2), with range declines of 85.6% and 79.5% for white-tailed and rock ptarmigan, respectively, and a lower 61.3% for willow ptarmigan. Predicted current and future suitable habitat occurred primarily outside of current protected areas (67%–82%), yet range size declined at a less pronounced rate within protected areas suggesting a capacity to buffer habitat loss. Main conclusions: Ptarmigan are predicted to persist at higher elevations and latitudes than currently occupied, with the magnitude of elevation shifts consistent with trends observed elsewhere in the Holarctic. Our spatially explicit assessment of potential current and future distributions of ptarmigan species provides the first comprehensive evaluation of climate change effects on the distribution of three congeneric, cold-adapted species with different habitat preferences and life-history traits. We also highlight the potential role of protected areas in preserving suitable future sites for ptarmigan and other climate-sensitive or high-elevation species
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