881 research outputs found

    The breaking of the flavour permutational symmetry: Mass textures and the CKM matrix

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    Different ansaetze for the breaking of the flavour permutational symmetry according to S(3)L X S(3)R in S(2)L X S(2) give different Hermitian mass matrices of the same modified Fritzsch type, which differ in the symmetry breaking pattern. In this work we obtain a clear and precise indication on the preferred symmetry breaking scheme from a fit of the predicted theoretical Vckm to the experimentally determined absolute values of the elements of the CKM matrix. The preferred scheme leads to simple mass textures and allows us to compute the CKM mixing matrix, the Jarlskog invariant J, and the three inner angles of the unitarity triangle in terms of four quark mass ratios and only one free parameter: the CP violating phase Phi. Excellent agreement with the experimentally determined absolute values of the entries in the CKM matrix is obtained for Phi = 90 deg. The corresponding computed values of the Jarlskog invariant and the inner angles are J = 3.00 X 10^-5, alpha= 84 deg, beta= 24 deg and gamma =72 deg in very good agreement with current data on CP violation in the neutral kaon-antikaon system and oscillations in the B-Bbar system.Comment: 21 pages, 1 fig. Content enlarged, references added and typos corrected. To be published in Phys Rev

    Implications of the KamLAND Measurement on the Lepton Flavor Mixing Matrix and the Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    We explore some important implications of the KamLAND measurment on the lepton flavor mixing matrix VV and the neutrino mass matrix MM. The model-independent constraints on nine matrix elements of VV are obtained to a reasonable degree of accuracy. We find that nine two-zero textures of MM are compatible with current experimental data, but two of them are only marginally allowed. Instructive predictions are given for the absolute neutrino masses, Majorana phases of CP violation, effective masses of the tritium beta decay and neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: RevTex 15 pages (4 PS figures included

    Quark masses and mixings in the RS1 model with a condensing 4th generation

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    We study the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings in a model based on a 5-dimensional spacetime with constant curvature of Randall-Sundrum type with two branes, where the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking is caused dynamically by the condensation of a 4th generation of quarks, due to underlying physics from the 5D bulk and the first KK gluons. We first study the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings that can be obtained from purely adjusting the profile localizations, finding that realistic masses are not reproduced unless non trivial hierarchies of underlying 4-fermion interactions from the bulk are included. Then we study global U(1) symmetries that can be imposed in order to obtain non-symmetric modified Fritzsch-like textures in the mass matrices that reproduce reasonably well quark masses and CKM mixings.Comment: Minor changes. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Non-Universal Correction To ZbbˉZ \to b {\bar{b}} And Flavor Changing Neutral Current Couplings

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    A non-universal interaction associated with top quark induces flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC) among light fermions. The size of the FCNC effect depends crucially on the dynamics of the fermion mass generation. In this paper, we study the effect of a non-universal interaction on ZbbZ b b, ZbsZ b s {\it etc}, by using an effective lagrangian technique and assuming the quark mass matrices in the form of a generalized Fritzsch ansatz. We point out that if fitting RbR_b to the LEP data within 1σ1 \sigma, the induced FCNC couplings are very close to the experimental limits.Comment: 9 pages, Te

    Checking the variability of the gravitational constant with binary pulsars

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    The most precise measurements are done at present by timing of radiopulsars in binary systems with two neutron stars. The timing measurements of the Taylor-Hulse pulsar B1913+16 gave the most precise results on testing of general relativity (GR), finding implicit proof of existence of gravitational waves. We show that available results of existing measurements, obtained to the year 1993, in combination with the results of the Mariner 10 in (1992), give the boundaries for the variation of the gravitational constant G˙/G{\dot G}/{G} inside the limits (0.6÷+2)1012(-0.6 \div +2)\cdot 10^{-12} year{1^{-1}}.Comment: Submitted to Journa

    Almost Maximal Lepton Mixing with Large T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We point out two simple but instructive possibilities to construct the charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices, from which the nearly bi-maximal neutrino mixing with large T violation can naturally emerge. The two lepton mixing scenarios are compatible very well with current experimental data on solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations, and one of them may lead to an observable T-violating asymmetry between \nu_\mu --> \nu_e and \nu_e --> \nu_\mu transitions in the long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. Their implications on the neutrinoless double beta decay are also discussed.Comment: RevTex 15 pages (2 PS figures

    Hierarchical Quark Mass Matrices

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    I define a set of conditions that the most general hierarchical Yukawa mass matrices have to satisfy so that the leading rotations in the diagonalization matrix are a pair of (2,3) and (1,2) rotations. In addition to Fritzsch structures, examples of such hierarchical structures include also matrices with (1,3) elements of the same order or even much larger than the (1,2) elements. Such matrices can be obtained in the framework of a flavor theory. To leading order, the values of the angle in the (2,3) plane (s_{23}) and the angle in the (1,2) plane (s_{12}) do not depend on the order in which they are taken when diagonalizing. We find that any of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix parametrizations that consists of at least one (1,2) and one (2,3) rotation may be suitable. In the particular case when the s_{13} diagonalization angles are sufficiently small compared to the product s_{12}s_{23}, two special CKM parametrizations emerge: the R_{12}R_{23}R_{12} parametrization follows with s_{23} taken before the s_{12} rotation, and vice versa for the R_{23}R_{12}R_{23} parametrization.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages. References added, minor changes in text. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Massive neutrinos, Lorentz invariance dominated standard model and the phenomenological approach to neutrino oscillations

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    For the electroweak interactions, the massive neutrino perturbative kinematical procedure is developed in the massive neutrino Fock space. This yields the dominant Lorentz invariant Standard Model mass-less flavor neutrino cross-sections as well as the neutrino oscillation cross-sections some of which are Lorentz invariance and flavor conservation violating. But all these oscillating cross-sections being proportional to the squares of neutrino masses are practically unobservable in the laboratory; however, they are consistent with the original Pontecorvo neutrino oscillating transition probability expression at short time (baseline), as presented by Dvornikov. Then, by mimicking the time dependence of the original Pontecorvo neutrino oscillating transition probability, one can formulate the dimensionless neutrino intensity-probability I, by phenomenological extrapolating the time t, or, equivalently the baseline distance L away from the collision point for the oscillating differential cross-section. For the incoming neutrino of 10MeV in energy and neutrino masses from Fritzsch analysis with the neutrino mixing matrix of Harrison, Perkins and Scott, the baseline distances at the first two maxima of the neutrino intensity are L=281km and L=9279km . The intensity I at the first maximum conserves the flavor, while at the second maximum; the intensities violate the flavor, respectively, in the final and initial state. At the end some details are given as to how these neutrino oscillations away from the collision point one should be able to verify experimentally.Comment: 20 preprint, 9 published, page

    Can the Lepton Flavor Mixing Matrix Be Symmetric?

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    Current neutrino oscillation data indicate that the 3x3 lepton flavor mixing matrix V is likely to be symmetric about its V_{e3}-V_{\mu 2}-V_{\tau 1} axis. This off-diagonal symmetry corresponds to three pairs of {\it congruent} unitarity triangles in the complex plane. Terrestrial matter effects can substantially modify the genuine CP-violating parameter and off-diagonal asymmetries of V in realistic long-baseline experiments of neutrino oscillations.Comment: RexTex 14 pages (4 PS figures). More discussions adde

    Unique Mass Texture for Quarks and Leptons

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    Texture specific quark mass matrices which are hermitian and hierarchical are examined in detail . In the case of texture 6 zeros matrices, out of sixteen possibilities examined by us, none is able to fit the low energy data (LED), for example, Vus=0.2196±0.0023V_{us} = 0.2196 \pm 0.0023, Vcb=0.0395±0.0017V_{cb} = 0.0395 \pm 0.0017, VubVcb=0.08±0.02\frac{V_{ub}}{V_{cb}} = 0.08 \pm 0.02, VtdV_{td} lies in the range 0.0040.0130.004 - 0.013 (PDG). Similarly none of the 32 texture 5 zeros mass matrices considered is able to reproduce LED. In particular, the latest data from LEP regarding Vub/Vcb(=0.093±0.016)|V_{ub}|/|V_{cb}|(=0.093\pm0.016) rules out all of them. In the texture 4 zeros case, we find that there is a unique texture structure for UU and DD mass matrices which is able to fit the data.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX,some changes in the references,minor changes in the text,to appear in Phys Rev D(Rapid communications