270 research outputs found

    On answering accusations in controversies

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    Accusations are a very frequent type of speech act both in everyday life and in formal controversies, and answering accusations is a sophisticated type of linguistic practice well worth analysing from a pragmatic point of view. In my paper I shall first describe some basic properties of accusations and characteristic types of reactions to accusations, i. e. denying the alleged fact, making excuses, and giving justifications. I then go on to describe some fundamental functions of accusations in controversies. Using the basic patterns of accusations and reactions to accusations as an object of comparison, I then analyse some relevant exchanges from historical controversies (l6th to 18th century), among them famous polemical interactions like the Hobbes-Bramhall controversy, but also less well-known debates from the fields of medicine and theology. The present paper is both a contribution to the theory of controversy and to the pragmatic history of controversies. Keywords: historical pragmatics, theory of controversy, ad hominem moves, dynamics of controvers

    Remarks on the structure of the verbal complex in early 17th century German

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    Speakers of various Southern german dialects may be heard to use two syntactic variants of subordinate clauses which are represented by the following Swabian examples: (1) daß er den net will komme lasse (2) daß er den net komme lasse will Of these two variants of the three-element verbal complex, only the non-dialect counterpart of (2) is accepted as standard modern written German: (3) daß er ihn nicht kommen lassen will In earlier periods of the German language, however, both variants were used by authors of written texts

    Comprehensibility and the basic structures of dialogue

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    The study of what makes utterances difficult or easy to understand is one of the central topics of research in comprehension. It is both theoretically attractive and useful in practice. The more we know about difficulties in understanding the more we know about understanding. And the better we grasp typical problems of understanding in certain types of discourse and for certain recipients the better we can overcome these problems and the better we can advise people whose job it is to overcome such problems. It is therefore not surprising that comprehensibility has been the object of much reflection as far back as the days of classical rhetoric and that it is a center of lively interest in several present-day scientific disciplines, ranging from artificial intelligence and educational psychology to linguistics

    Dialogical structures in 17th century controversies

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    This article is a contribution to historical dialogue analysis, a field of research which has gained momentum in recent years (Fritz 1995, 1997, Gloning 1999, and other articles in Jucker/Fritz/Lebsanft 1999). In the present paper, I report some results of ongoing research from a project on the history of controversies from 1600 to 1800, which Marcelo Dascal and I are conducting at the Universities of Tel Aviv, Israel and Gießen, Germany

    Coreference in dialogue

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    Since the early days of discourse analysis coreference has always been considered a major factor in the formation of texts and dialogues. The repetition of nominal elements and the anaphoric use of pronouns in successive sentences is a fundamental cohesive pattern which ties sentences together and contributes to the coherence of sequences. "La coherence transphrastique trouve dans la pronominalisation un des procedes les plus efficaces" (Stati 1990, 160). The basic structural pattern on which linguists focused their interest in the early 1970s is captured by the following examples: (1) A man entered the house. After closing the door, the man sat down. He was tired. (2) Peter The man entered the house. He was tired. He ..

    Text types in a new medium : the first newspapers (1609)

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    The first printed newspapers in the modern sense of the word appeared in the seventeenth century. They were weekly publications which contained regular reports by correspondents from all over Europe, mainlyon political matters. Although the new medium as such was innovative in its general organization, the individual news items were produced by following text patterns which already had a history of their own. The article reports recent research on the emerging constellation of text types in the first two German newspapers, the Aviso and the Relation of the year 1609. lt is focussed on delineating a prototype-based typology of the relevant text types and on tracing back these forms of presentation of news items to earlier genres and media like chronicles, handwritten newsletters, printed pamphlets and biannual news collections. The general interest of this line of research as a contribution to historical pragmatics lies in the attempt to see historical text types in an evolutionary perspective, taking into account the context of text production and, as far as possible, the reactions of the reading public

    Metonymische Muster und Metaphernfamilien : Bemerkungen zur Struktur und Geschichte der Verwendungsweisen von "scharf"

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    Wie hÀngen die verschiedenen Verwendungsweisen eines sprachlichen Ausdrucks miteinander zusammen? Diese Kernfrage der lexikalischen Semantik war schon immer ein praktisches Problem der Lexikographie und ein theoretisches Zentralthema der traditionellen Semasiologie (vgl. Paul 1894, 68ff.). In der neueren Semantik stand dieses theoretische Problem lÀngere Zeit nicht im Vordergrund der Diskussion. Eine gewisse Stagnation in dieser Frage mag auf linguistischer Seite bedingt gewesen sein durch methodische Vorgaben strukturalistischer Bedeutungsauffassungen (vgl. Lyons 1977, 553; Heringer 1981, 109ff.) und auf philosophischer Seite u.a. durch das notorische Desinteresse der wahrheitsfunktionalen Semantik an lexikalischen Fragen

    Formale Dialogspieltheorien

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    Das Feld der Dialoganalyse umfaßt sehr unterschiedliche theoretische und methodische AnsĂ€tze, von der hermeneutischen Erschließung eines bestimmten Einzeldialogs ĂŒber die quantitative Analyse bestimmter Typen von DialogverlĂ€ufen und die systematische Analyse der Grundstrukturen von Dialogformen bis hin zur formalen Theorie eines bestimmten Fragments einer Dialogform. Diese unterschiedlichen AnsĂ€tze können miteinander durchaus vertrĂ€glich sein, insofern als sie unterschiedliche Aspekte des dialogischen Redens zum Gegenstand haben oder unterschiedliche Reichweite beanspruchen. Die in den bisherigen Artikeln dieses Handbuchs behandelten dialoganalytischen AnsĂ€tze erheben alle den Anspruch auf SystematizitĂ€t der Analyse, sind aber keine formalen Theorien im strengen Sinne. Das heißt allerdings nicht, daß sie nicht formalisierbar sind, wie etwa die Formalisierung der Sprechakttheorie in Searle/ Vanderveken (1985) und die formale Beschreibungssprache fĂŒr Handlungen in Heringer (1974) zeigen

    Grundlagen der Dialogorganisation

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    Die Hauptaufgabe einer Dialogtheorie ist die Beantwortung der folgenden Frage: Worin besteht die FĂ€higkeit von Dialogteilnehmern, DialogzusammenhĂ€nge zu produzieren und zu verstehen? So einfach und selbstverstĂ€ndlich das dialogische Reden oft praktiziert wird, so komplex erscheinen dem Analysierenden die Mittel und Organisationsprinzipien, deren sich die Sprechenden bedienen, um in zusammenhĂ€ngender Rede ihre kommunikativen Ziele zu verfolgen. Sie verwenden bestimmte Satzformen und Intonationsmuster , um hervorzuheben, worum es ihnen gerade besonders geht; sie benutzen bestimmte syntaktische und lexikalische Mittel, um VerknĂŒpfungen zwischen Teilen lĂ€ngerer Äußerungen zu verdeutlichen; sie bereiten die Bezugnahme auf GegenstĂ€nde des GesprĂ€chs vor, indem sie notwendiges Wissen sichern; sie entfernen sich in kleinen Schritten, fast unmerklich, von einem Hauptthema und steuern ein anderes an; sie kontrollieren ihre eigenen DialogbeitrĂ€ge und die ihrer Dialogpartner auf Relevanz und auf WidersprĂŒche hin; sie klĂ€ren MißverstĂ€ndnisse auf; sie wĂ€hlen aus alternativen Reaktionsmöglichkeiten virtuos diejenigen aus, die ihre Ziele zu fördern versprechen. Manchmal mißlingen allerdings auch Teile dieser komplexen AktivitĂ€t
