2 research outputs found

    Fooling sets and rank

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    An n×nn\times n matrix MM is called a \textit{fooling-set matrix of size nn} if its diagonal entries are nonzero and Mk,ℓMℓ,k=0M_{k,\ell} M_{\ell,k} = 0 for every k≠ℓk\ne \ell. Dietzfelbinger, Hromkovi{\v{c}}, and Schnitger (1996) showed that n \le (\mbox{rk} M)^2, regardless of over which field the rank is computed, and asked whether the exponent on \mbox{rk} M can be improved. We settle this question. In characteristic zero, we construct an infinite family of rational fooling-set matrices with size n = \binom{\mbox{rk} M+1}{2}. In nonzero characteristic, we construct an infinite family of matrices with n= (1+o(1))(\mbox{rk} M)^2.Comment: 10 pages. Now resolves the open problem also in characteristic