37 research outputs found

    Die satirische Kurzprosa Heinrich Bölls

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    This work is a structural analysis of Böll's short satirical prose, which is generally acclaimed as his most successful fiction. The author shows how Böll shifted the form and structure of his satirical writing over time in response to changing political and social conditions, focusing on Böll's changing conception of satire from the early 1950s to the 1970s, his use of satirical conventions, and his personal, unmistakable signature as a satirist. The investigation is rounded out by synoptic chapters on the proto-satirical texts of the late forties, on the lines of separation between satirical and parabolic texts, and on the longer satirical narratives

    Die satirische Kurzprosa Heinrich Bölls

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    This work is a structural analysis of Böll's short satirical prose, which is generally acclaimed as his most successful fiction. The author shows how Böll shifted the form and structure of his satirical writing over time in response to changing political and social conditions, focusing on Böll's changing conception of satire from the early 1950s to the 1970s, his use of satirical conventions, and his personal, unmistakable signature as a satirist. The investigation is rounded out by synoptic chapters on the proto-satirical texts of the late forties, on the lines of separation between satirical and parabolic texts, and on the longer satirical narratives

    Böll\u27s Short Stories Since 1977

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    For a writer often described as a master of the short story, Böll in recent years has published precious little in what he considers his favorite genre. And when now and again he does present us with a new short story, we welcome it with a sense of uneasy anticipation. His short stories of the last two decades, creditable though indeed they are, do not rank with the best efforts of his younger years

    “Mitleidend Bleibt Das Ewige Herz Doch Fest”: Formen der SentimentalitĂ€t in Bölls \u3cem\u3eFĂŒrsorgliche Belagerung\u3c/em\u3e

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    Eines der bestĂ€ndigsten Klischees in der Böll-Kritik ist die Klage, daß Böll allzu sehr zum Sentimentalen neige. Es handelt sich bei diesen Beanstandungen allerdings eher um Feststellungen ais um Analysen. NĂ€her besehen ist das Sentimentale bei Böll durchaus kein simples, mit einem Pauschalurteil abzutuendes Manko. sondern ein nuancenreich gefĂ€chertes Stilmittel zur Ermittlung und Sichtbarmachung von auktorialen Normen und Positionen

    Böll\u27s Satires

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    Die satirische Kurzprosa Heinrich Bölls

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