941 research outputs found

    Quenched twisted mass QCD at small quark masses and in large volume

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    As a test of quenched lattice twisted mass QCD, we compute the non-perturbatively O(aa) improved pseudoscalar and vector meson masses and the pseudoscalar decay constant down to MPS/MV=0.467(13)M_{\rm PS}/M_{\rm V} = 0.467(13) at ÎČ=6\beta=6 in large volume. We check the absence of exceptional configurations and -- by further data at ÎČ=6.2\beta=6.2 -- the size of scaling violations. The CPU time cost for reaching a given accuracy is close to that with ordinary Wilson quarks at MPS/MV≃0.6M_{\rm PS}/M_{\rm V} \simeq 0.6 and grows smoothly as MPS/MVM_{\rm PS}/M_{\rm V} decreases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Twisted mass QCD for the pion electromagnetic form factor

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    The pion form factor is computed using quenched twisted mass QCD and the GMRES-DR matrix inverter. The momentum averaging procedure of Frezzotti and Rossi is used to remove leading lattice spacing artifacts, and numerical results for the form factor show the expected improvement with respect to the standard Wilson action. Although some matrix inverters are known to fail when applied to twisted mass QCD, GMRES-DR is found to be a viable and powerful option. Results obtained for the pion form factor are consistent with the published results from other O(a) improved actions and are also consistent with the available experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Nucleon and Delta masses in twisted mass chiral perturbation theory

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    We calculate the masses of the nucleons and deltas in twisted mass heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. We work to quadratic order in a power counting scheme in which we treat the lattice spacing and the quark masses to be of the same order. We give expressions for the mass and the mass splitting of the nucleons and deltas both in and away from the isospin limit. We give an argument using the chiral Lagrangian treatment that, in the strong isospin limit, the nucleons remain degenerate and the delta multiplet breaks into two degenerate pairs to all orders in chiral perturbation theory. We show that the mass splitting between the degenerate pairs of the deltas first appears at quadratic order in in the lattice spacing. We discuss the subtleties in the effective chiral theory that arise from the inclusion of isospin breaking.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, version published in PR

    Light quarks with twisted mass fermions

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    We investigate Wilson twisted mass fermions in the quenched approximation using different definitions of the critical bare quark mass m_c to realize maximal twist and, correspondingly, automatic O(a) improvement for physical observables. A particular definition of m_c is given by extrapolating the value of m_c obtained from the PCAC relation at non-vanishing bare twisted quark mass mu to mu=0. Employing this improved definition of the critical mass the Wilson twisted mass formulation provides the possibility to perform reliable simulations down to very small quark masses with correspondingly small pion masses of m_pi \simeq 250 MeV, while keeping the cutoff effects of O(a^2) under control.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, v2: version accepted for publication in PLB, minor correction

    Pion form factor with twisted mass QCD

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    The pion form factor is calculated using quenched twisted mass QCD with beta=6.0 and maximal twisting angle omega=pi/2. Two pion masses and several values of momentum transfer are considered. The momentum averaging procedure of Frezzotti and Rossi is used to reduce lattice spacing errors, and numerical results are consistent with the expected O(a) improvement.Comment: Talk presented at Lattice2004(spectrum), 3 pages, one reference added and one typo fixe

    Cutoff effects in twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We present a first numerical study of lattice QCD with O(a) improved Wilson quarks and a chirally twisted mass term. Renormalized correlation functions are derived from the Schroedinger functional and evaluated in an intermediate space-time volume of size 0.75^3 x 1.5 fm^4. In the quenched approximation precise results are then obtained with a moderate computational effort, allowing for a detailed study of the continuum approach. The latter is discussed in terms of observables which converge to meson masses and decay constants in the limit of large space-time volume. In the O(a) improved theory we find residual cutoff effects to be at the level of a few percent for lattice spacings of about 0.1 fm.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Comments about the uncertainties on improvement coefficients adde

    The phase diagram of twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We use the effective chiral Lagrangian to analyze the phase diagram of two-flavor twisted mass lattice QCD as a function of the normal and twisted masses, generalizing previous work for the untwisted theory. We first determine the chiral Lagrangian including discretization effects up to next-to-leading order (NLO) in a combined expansion in which m_\pi^2/(4\pi f_\pi)^2 ~ a \Lambda (a being the lattice spacing, and \Lambda = \Lambda_{QCD}). We then focus on the region where m_\pi^2/(4\pi f_\pi)^2 ~ (a \Lambda)^2, in which case competition between leading and NLO terms can lead to phase transitions. As for untwisted Wilson fermions, we find two possible phase diagrams, depending on the sign of a coefficient in the chiral Lagrangian. For one sign, there is an Aoki phase for pure Wilson fermions, with flavor and parity broken, but this is washed out into a crossover if the twisted mass is non-vanishing. For the other sign, there is a first order transition for pure Wilson fermions, and we find that this transition extends into the twisted mass plane, ending with two symmetrical second order points at which the mass of the neutral pion vanishes. We provide graphs of the condensate and pion masses for both scenarios, and note a simple mathematical relation between them. These results may be of importance to numerical simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, small clarifying comments added in introduction, minor typos fixed. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Speeding up Lattice QCD simulations with clover-improved Wilson Fermions

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    We apply a recent proposal to speed up the Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulation of systems with dynamical fermions to two flavour QCD with clover-improvement. The basic idea of our proposal is to split the fermion matrix into two factors with a reduced condition number each. In the effective action, for both factors a pseudo-fermion field is introduced. For our smallest quark masses we see a speed-up of more than a factor of two compared with the standard algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Non-perturbative scaling tests of twisted mass QCD

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    We present a scaling study of lattice QCD with O(a) improved Wilson fermions and a chirally twisted mass term. In order to get precise results with a moderate computational effort, we have considered a system of physical size of 0.75^3 * 1.5 fm^4 with Schroedinger functional boundary conditions in the quenched approximation. Looking at meson observables in the pseudoscalar and vector channels, we find that O(a) improvement is effective and residual cutoff effects are fairly small.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Lattice 2000 (Improvement and Renormalization), two misprints correcte

    Spectrum of quenched twisted mass lattice QCD at maximal twist

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    Hadron masses are computed from quenched twisted mass lattice QCD for a degenerate doublet of up and down quarks with the twist angle set to pi/2, since this maximally twisted theory is expected to be free of linear discretization errors. Two separate definitions of the twist angle are used, and the hadron masses for these two cases are compared. The flavor breaking, that can arise due to twisting, is discussed in the context of mass splittings within the Delta(1232) multiplet.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, added discussion of pion decay constan
