103 research outputs found

    FLOCK-REPROD non hormonal insemination protocols for goats

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    Projekt je razvio inovativna rješenja za proizvodnju hormone free kozjeg mlijeka tijekom cijele godine. FLOCK-REPROD (Hormone free non-seasonal or seasonal goat reproduction for a sustainable European goat-milk market), uz potporu 7. okvirnog programa, iznosi nehormonska rješenja koja omogućuju kontrolu sezonosti uz primjenu umjetnog osjemenjivanja (UO). Na taj način FLOCK-REPROD pomaže uzgajivačima proizvesti više mlijeka i osigurava alternativni put koji je u skladu sa zakonskom regulativom EU koja ograničava uporabu hormona. Razvijeni su novi progestagen free UO protokoli (PG1, PG1, HF) koji uključuju postupke temeljene na učinku mužjaka i svjetlosnim režimima u svrhu indukcije i sinkronizacije ovulacije tijekom cijele godine. PG1 i PG2 temelje se na jednoj ili dvije injekcije prostaglandina (nisu podvrgnute rezidualnim ograničenjima). HF protokol je hormone free te može biti primijenjen i na organskim uzgojima. Novi protokoli UO testirani su u terenskim uvjetima. Najbolji su rezultati dobiveni s HF (58 % gravidnosti, slično klasičnom hormonskom protokolu HT), a zatim s PG2 (54 %) te PG1 (45 %). Osnovni problem za implementaciju protokola PG1 i HF jest visoka varijabilnost plodnosti među farmama. Novi protokoli UO manje su učinkoviti glede utrošenih radnih sati i ulaznih troškova u usporedbi s HT. PG1 je protokol koji zahtijeva najveći utrošak vremena, a nakon njega to su HF i PG2. HF se pokazao najskupljim protokolom, dok je PG2 jeftiniji od PG1. Veći radni angažman i viši troškovi koje stvaraju novi UO protokoli nastaju najviše zbog potrebe za dodatnim brojem jarčeva nužnih za provođenje utjecaja mužjaka (veći troškovi hranidbe, utrošak vremena za baratanje mužjacima).The project has developed innovative solutions for the production of hormone-free goat milk throughout the year. FLOCK-REPROD (“Hormone-free non-seasonal or seasonal goat reproduction for a sustainable European goat-milk market”), supported by the 7th Framework Programme, created non-hormonal solutions that enable seasonal control of reproduction, which include the use of artificial insemination (AI). In this way, FLOCK-REPROD helps farmers to produce more milk and provides an alternative in line with the EU legislation which restricts the use of hormones. New “progestagen free” AI protocols (PG1, PG2, HF) have been developed, which include protocols based on the male effect and light treatment in order to provide induction and synchronization of blokiovulation throughout the year. PG1 and PG2 are based on one or two injections of prostaglandins (not subject to residual restrictions so far). The HF protocol is hormone-free and can be applied even in organic farming systems. New AI protocols have been tested in field conditions. The best results were obtained with HF (58% pregnancy, similar to classical hormonal protocol HT results), and then with PG2 (54%) and PG1 (45%). The main problem for the implementation of protocols PG1 and HF is the high variability of fertility between goat farms. New AI protocols are less effective with regard to working hours and input costs compared with HT protocols. PG1 is a protocol that requires the greatest working hour input, followed by the HF and PG2 protocols. HF has proven to be the most expensive protocol, while the PG 2 is cheaper than the PG1 protocol. The greater work engagement and higher input costs created by new AI protocols arise mainly due to the need for additional bucks to perform the male effect (higher feeding costs, more time spent in handling males)

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    : Rapport final d'activité

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