5,043 research outputs found

    "PolyMin": software for identification of the minimum number of polymorphisms required for haplotype and genotype differentiation

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    Background Analysis of allelic variation for relevant genes and monitoring chromosome segment transmission during selection are important approaches in plant breeding and ecology. To minimize the number of required molecular markers for this purpose is crucial due to cost and time constraints. To date, software for identification of the minimum number of required markers has been optimized for human genetics and is only partly matching the needs of plant scientists and breeders. In addition, different software packages with insufficient interoperability need to be combined to extract this information from available allele sequence data, resulting in an error-prone multi-step process of data handling. Results PolyMin, a computer program combining the detection of a minimum set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and/or insertions/deletions (INDELs) necessary for allele differentiation with the subsequent genotype differentiation in plant populations has been developed. Its efficiency in finding minimum sets of polymorphisms is comparable to other available program packages. Conclusion A computer program detecting the minimum number of SNPs for haplotype discrimination and subsequent genotype differentiation has been developed, and its performance compared to other relevant software. The main advantages of PolyMin, especially for plant scientists, is the integration of procedures from sequence analysis to polymorphism selection within a single program, including both haplotype and genotype differentiation

    On temporal homogenization in the numerical simulation of atherosclerotic plaque growth

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    A temporal homogenization approach for the numerical simulation of atherosclerotic plaque growth is extended to fully coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations. The numerical results indicate that the two-scale approach yields significantly different results compared to a simple heuristic averaging, where only stationary long-scale FSI problems are solved, confirming the importance of incorporating stress variations on small time-scales. In the homogenization approach, a periodic fine-scale problem, which is periodic with respect to the heart beat, has to be solved for each long-scale time step. Even if no exact initial conditions are available, periodicity can be achieved within only 2-3 heart beats by simple time-stepping

    A locally modified second-order finite element method for interface problems

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    The locally modified finite element method, which is introduced in [Frei, Richter: SINUM 52(2014), p. 2315-2334] is a simple fitted finite element method that is able to resolve weak discontinuities in interface problems. The method is based on a fixed structured coarse mesh, which is then refined into sub-elements to resolve an interior interface. In this work, we extend the locally modified finite element method to second order using an isoparametric approach in the interface elements. Thereby we need to take care that the resulting curved edges do not lead to degenerate sub-elements. We prove optimal a priori error estimates in the L2L^2-norm and in a modified energy norm, as well as a reduced convergence order of O(h3/2){\cal O}(h^{3/2}) in the standard H1H^1-norm. Finally, we present numerical examples to substantiate the theoretical findings

    Breeding Maize Maternal Haploid Inducers

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    Maize doubled haploid (DH) lines are usually created in vivo, through crosses with maternal haploid inducers. These inducers have the inherent ability of generating seeds with haploid embryos when used to pollinate other genotypes. The resulting haploid plants are treated with a doubling agent and self-pollinated, producing completely homozygous seeds. This rapid method of inbred line production reduces the length of breeding cycles and, consequently, increases genetic gain. Such advantages explain the wide adoption of this technique by large, well-established maize breeding programs. However, a slower rate of adoption was observed in medium to small-scale breeding programs. The high price and/or lack of environmental adaptation of inducers available for licensing, or the poor performance of those free of cost, might explain why smaller operations did not take full advantage of this technique. The lack of adapted inducers is especially felt in tropical countries, where inducer breeding efforts are more recent. Therefore, defining optimal breeding approaches for inducer development could benefit many breeding programs which are in the process of adopting the DH technique. In this manuscript, we review traits important to maize maternal haploid inducers, explain their genetic basis, listing known genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL), and discuss different breeding approaches for inducer development. The performance of haploid inducers has an important impact on the cost of DH line production

    Accelerating plant breeding

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    The growing demand for food with limited arable land available necessitates that the yield of major food crops continues to increase over time. Advances in marker technology, predictive statistics, and breeding methodology have allowed for continued increases in crop performance through genetic improvement. However, one major bottleneck is the generation time of plants, which is biologically limited and has not been improved since the introduction of doubled haploid technology. In this opinion article, we propose to implement in vitro nurseries, which could substantially shorten generation time through rapid cycles of meiosis and mitosis. This could prove a useful tool for speeding up future breeding programs with the aim of sustainable food production

    Generation of Maize (Zea mays) Doubled Haploids via Traditional Methods

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    Commercial maize hybrid production has corroborated the usefulness of producing inbred lines; however, the delivery of new lines has always been a major time constraint in breeding programs. Traditional methods for developing inbred lines typically require 6 to 10 generations of self-pollination to obtain sufficient homozygosity. To bypass the time and costs associated with the development of inbred lines, doubled haploid (DH) systems have been widely adopted in the commercial production of maize. Within just two generations, DH systems can create completely homozygous and homogeneous lines. A typical maize DH system, utilizing anthocyanin markers R1-nj or Pl1 for haploid selection, is described in this protocol
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