22 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Double-Row Construct: An Untied Medial Row Demonstrates Equivalent Mean Contact Pressures in a Rotator Cuff Model

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    Background: The merits of a double-row rotator cuff repair (RCR) construct are well-established for restoration of the footprint and lateral-row security. The theoretical benefit of leaving the medial row untied is to prevent damage to the rotator cuff by tissue strangulation, and the benefit of suture tape is a more even distribution of force across the repair site. These benefits, to our knowledge, have not been evaluated in the laboratory. Hypothesis: Leaving the medial row untied and using a suture bridge technique with suture tape will offer more even pressure distribution across the repair site without compromising total contact force. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: A laboratory model of RCR was created using biomechanical research-grade composite humeri and human dermal allografts. The pressure distribution in a double-row suture bridge repair construct was analyzed using the following testing matrix: double-loaded suture anchors with the medial row tied (n = 15) versus untied (n = 15) compared with double-loaded suture tape and anchors with the medial row tied (n = 15) versus untied (n = 15). A digital pressure sensor was used to measure pressure over time after tensioning of the repair site. A multivariate analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis with post hoc testing. Results: The total contact force did not significantly differ between constructs. The contact force between double-loaded suture anchors and double-loaded suture tape and anchors was similar when tied (P = .15) and untied (P = .44). An untied medial row resulted in similar contact forces in both the double-loaded suture anchor (P = .16) and double-loaded suture tape and anchor (P = .25) constructs. Qualitative increases in focal contact pressure were seen when the medial row was tied. Conclusion: An untied medial row did not significantly affect the total contact force with double-loaded suture anchors and with double-loaded suture tape and anchors. Tying the medial row qualitatively increased crimping at the construct\u27s periphery, which may contribute to tissue strangulation and hinder clinical healing. Qualitative improvements in force distribution were seen with double-loaded suture tape and anchors. Clinical Relevance: Both tied and untied medial rows demonstrated similar pressures across the repair construct

    Thrower\u27s Exostosis of the Shoulder: A Systematic Review with a Novel Classification

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    Background: A variety of thrower\u27s exostoses are grouped under the term Bennett lesion, which makes understanding diagnosis and treatment difficult. Purpose: To identify all types of reported thrower\u27s and overhead athlete\u27s exostoses and categorize them into a classification system to allow a morphology-based classification. Study Design: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: A systematic review of all articles pertaining to Bennett lesions and thrower\u27s exostosis was performed. The classification and treatments were evaluated to describe the types, proposed causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. Results: A total of 27 studies were included in the systematic review. The anatomic locations referenced in the study demonstrated posteroinferior, posterior, and posterosuperior glenoid lesions. Aggregate radiographic data demonstrated 158 of 306 patients (52%) with a thrower\u27s exostosis of any type and location. Of these 158 patients with a radiographic lesion, 119 (75%) patients were symptomatic. The locations were posteroinferior in 110 patients (70%), directly posterior in 2 patients (1.3%), posterosuperior in 44 patients (28%), and unknown in 2 patients (1.3%). Avulsed lesions were present in 9 (5.7%) posteroinferior lesions, 0 direct posterior lesions, and 2 (1.3%) posterosuperior lesions. Treatment plans included both nonoperative and operative strategies, but operative intervention was more commonly reported for detached lesions. After operative intervention, only 61% of reported athletes returned to preinjury performance. Conclusion: Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, we identified several anatomic locations for a thrower\u27s exostosis beyond the classic Bennett lesion. We categorized the reported exostoses into a new classification system for description of location and type (subperiosteal or free fragment) of the thrower\u27s exostosis, which may be used to study future treatments. Current treatment strategies recommend that surgical treatment of thrower\u27s exostosis is considered only after exhausting nonoperative management because reported return to sport is variable after surgery. The effectiveness of excision or repair for both subperiosteal and detached lesions has not been established

    Characteristics associated with noncompliance of current pitch smart guidelines in high school baseball pitchers throughout the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Although pitch count and rest guidelines have been promoted for youth and adolescent baseball players for nearly 2 decades, compliance with guidelines remains poorly understood. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of compliance with Major League Baseball (MLB) Pitch Smart guidelines as well as the association between compliance and range of motion (ROM), strength, velocity, injury, and pitcher utilization. It was hypothesized that pitchers in violation of current recommendations would have increased strength, velocity, and injury. STUDY DESIGN: Case-control study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: This was a prospective, multicenter study of 115 high school pitchers throughout the United States. Pitchers were surveyed about their compliance with current off-season, rest-related guidelines, and history of injury. During the preseason, pitchers underwent standardized physical examinations, and pitch velocity was measured. Pitch counts were collected during the baseball season that followed. Dynamometer strength testing of shoulder forward flexion, and external rotation as well as grip strength was recorded. We compared pitchers who were compliant with recommendations with those who were noncompliant using Student RESULTS: Based on preseason data, 84% of pitchers had violated current Pitch Smart guidelines. During the season, 14% had at least 1 violation of the Pitch Smart guidelines. Across both the preseason survey and in-season pitch counts, 89% of players had at least 1 violation of the Pitch Smart guidelines. While there were no significant differences in ROM or strength, the noncompliant group had higher maximum pitch velocity than the compliant group (74 ± 8 vs 69 ± 5 mph [119 ± 13 vs 111 ± 8 kph], respectively; CONCLUSION: Most high school pitchers were not fully compliant with current Pitch Smart guidelines, and they tended to overestimate their peak velocity by 7 mph (11 kph). Pitchers who threw with greater velocity were at higher risk for violating Pitch Smart recommendations

    Shoulder Surgery Postoperative Immobilization: An International Survey of Shoulder Surgeons

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    Background: There is currently no consensus on immobilization protocols following shoulder surgery. The aim of this study was to establish patterns and types of sling use for various surgical procedures in the United States (US) and Europe, and to identify factors associated with the variations. Methods: An online survey was sent to all members of the American Shoulder and Elbow Society (ASES) and European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow (ESSSE). The survey gathered member data, including practice location and years in practice. It also obtained preferences for the type and duration of sling use after the following surgical procedures: arthroscopic Bankart repair, Latarjet, arthroscopic superior/posterosuperior rotator cuff repair (ARCR) of tears <3 cm and >3 cm, anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA) and reverse TSA (rTSA), and isolated biceps tenodesis (BT). Relationships between physician location and sling type for each procedure were analyzed using Fisher’s exact tests and post-hoc tests using Bonferroni-adjusted p-values. Relationships looking at years in practice and sling duration preferred were analyzed using Spearman’s correlation tests. Results: In total, 499 surgeons with a median of 15 years of experience (IQR = 9–25) responded, with 54.7% from the US and 45.3% from Europe. US respondents reported higher abduction pillow sling use than European respondents for the following: Bankart repair (62% vs. 15%, p < 0.0001), Latarjet (53% vs. 12%, p < 0.001), ARCR < 3 cm (80% vs. 42%, p < 0.001) and >3 cm (84% vs. 61%, p < 0.001), aTSA (50% vs. 21%, p < 0.001) and rTSA with subscapularis repair (61% vs. 22%, p < 0.001) and without subscapularis repair (57% vs. 17%, p < 0.001), and isolated BT (18% vs. 7%, p = 0.006). European respondents reported higher simple sling use than US respondents for the following: Bankart repair (74% vs. 31%, p < 0.001), Latarjet (78% vs. 44%, p < 0.001), ARCR < 3 cm (50% vs. 17%, p < 0.001) and >3 cm (34% vs. 13%, p < 0.001), and aTSA (69% vs. 41%, p < 0.001) and rTSA with subscapularis repair (70% vs. 35%, p < 0.001) and without subscapularis repair (73% vs. 39%, p < 0.001). Increasing years of experience demonstrated a negative correlation with the duration of sling use after Bankart repair (r = −0.20, p < 0.001), Latarjet (r = −0.25, p < 0.001), ARCR < 3 cm (r = −0.14, p = 0.014) and >3 cm (r = −0.20, p < 0.002), and aTSA (r = −0.37, p < 0.001), and rTSA with subscapularis repair (r = −0.10, p = 0.049) and without subscapularis repair (r = −0.19, p = 0.022. Thus, the more experienced surgeons tended to recommend shorter durations of post-operative sling use. US surgeons reported longer post-operative sling durations for Bankart repair (4.8 vs. 4.1 weeks, p < 0.001), Latarjet (4.6 vs. 3.6 weeks, p < 0.001), ARCR < 3 cm (5.2 vs. 4.5 weeks p < 0.001) and >3 cm (5.9 vs. 5.1 weeks, p < 0.001), aTSA (4.9 vs. 4.3 weeks, p < 0.001), rTSR without subscapularis repair (4.0 vs. 3.6 weeks, p = 0.031), and isolated BT (3.7 vs. 3.3 weeks, p = 0.012) than Europe respondents. No significant differences between regions within the US and Europe were demonstrated. Conclusions: There is considerable variation in the immobilization advocated by surgeons, with geographic location and years of clinical experience influencing patterns of sling use. Future work is required to establish the most clinically beneficial protocols for immobilization following shoulder surgery. Level of Evidence: Level IV

    The Effect of Straight-Line Long-Toss Versus Ultra-Long-Toss Throwing on Passive Glenohumeral Range of Motion Recovery After Pitching

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    Background: Repetitive throwing in baseball pitchers can lead to pathologic changes in shoulder anatomy, range of motion (notably glenohumeral internal rotation deficit), and subsequent injury; however, the ideal strengthening, recovery, and maintenance protocol of the throwing shoulder in baseball remains unclear. Two strategies for throwing shoulder recovery from pitching are straight-line long-toss (SLT) throwing and ultra-long-toss (ULT) throwing, although neither is preferentially supported by empirical data. Hypothesis: ULT will be more effective in returning baseline internal rotation as compared with SLT in collegiate pitchers after a pitching session. Study Design: Cohort study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: A total of 24 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I baseball pitchers with mean age 20.0 ± 1.1 years were randomized to either the ULT group (n = 13; 9 right-hand dominant, 4 left-hand dominant) or SLT group (n = 11; 10 right-hand dominant, 1 left-hand dominant). Measurements (dominant and nondominant, 90° abducted external rotation [ER], internal rotation [IR], and total range of motion [TROM]) were taken at 5 time points across 3 days: before and immediately after a standardized bullpen session on day 1; before and immediately after a randomized standardized ULT or SLT session on day 2; and before practice on Day 3. Results: ULT demonstrated significantly greater final ER compared with baseline (+10°; P = 0.05), but did not demonstrate significant IR changes. Similarly, SLT demonstrated significantly greater post-SLT ER (+12°; P = 0.02) and TROM (+12°;P = 0.01) compared with baseline, but no significant IR changes. Final ER measurements were similar between ULT (135° ± 14°) and SLT (138° ± 10°) (P = 0.59). There was also no statistically significant difference in final IR between ULT (51° ± 14°) and SLT (56° ± 8°) (P = 0.27). Conclusion: The routine use of postperformance, ULT throwing to recover from range of motion alterations, specifically IR loss, after a pitching session is not superior to standard, SLT throwing. Based on these findings, the choice of postpitching recovery throwing could be player specific based on experience and comfort. Clinical Relevance: The most effective throwing regimens for enhancing performance and reducing residual impairment are unclear, and ideal recovery and maintenance protocols are frequently debated with little supporting data. Two strategies for throwing shoulder recovery from pitching are SLT and ULT throwing. These are employed to help maintain range of motion and limit IR loss in pitchers. The routine use of ULT throwing for recovery and to limit range of motion alterations after a pitching session is not superior to SLT throwing

    Sensor Location Matters When Estimating Player Workload for Baseball Pitching

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    Estimating external workload in baseball pitchers is important for training and rehabilitation. Since current methods of estimating workload through pitch counts and rest days have only been marginally successful, clubs are looking for more sophisticated methods to quantify the mechanical loads experienced by pitchers. Among these are the use of wearable systems. While wearables offer a promising solution, there remains a lack of standards or guidelines for how best to employ these devices. As a result, sensor location and workload calculation methods vary from system to system. This can influence workload estimates and blur their interpretation and utility when making decisions about training or returning to sport. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which sensor location influences workload estimate. A secondary purpose was to compare estimates using different workload calculations. Acceleration data from three sensor locations—trunk, throwing upper arm, and throwing forearm—were collected from ten collegiate pitchers as they threw a series of pitches during a single bullpen session. The effect of sensor location and pitch type was assessed in relation to four different workload estimates. Sensor location significantly influenced workload estimates. Workload estimates calculated from the forearm sensor were significantly different across pitch types. Whole-body workload measured from a trunk-mounted sensor may not adequately reflect the mechanical loads experienced at throwing arm segments. A sensor on the forearm was the most sensitive to differences in workloads across pitch types, regardless of the calculation method

    Suprascapular Nerve: Is It Important in Cuff Pathology?

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    Suprascapular nerve and rotator cuff function are intimately connected. The incidence of suprascapular neuropathy has been increasing due to improved understanding of the disease entity and detection methods. The nerve dysfunction often results from a traction injury or compression, and a common cause is increased tension on the nerve from retracted rotator cuff tears. Suprascapular neuropathy should be considered as a diagnosis if patients exhibit posterosuperior shoulder pain, atrophy or weakness of supraspinatus and infraspinatus without rotator cuff tear, or massive rotator cuff with retraction. Magnetic resonance imaging and electromyography studies are indicated to evaluate the rotator cuff and function of the nerve. Fluoroscopically guided injections to the suprascapular notch can also be considered as a diagnostic option. Nonoperative treatment of suprascapular neuropathy can be successful, but in the recent decade there is increasing evidence espousing the success of surgical treatment, in particular arthroscopic suprascapular nerve decompression. There is often reliable improvement in shoulder pain, but muscle atrophy recovery is less predictable. More clinical data are needed to determine the role of rotator cuff repair and nerve decompression in the same setting

    Shoulder Surgery Postoperative Immobilization: An International Survey of Shoulder Surgeons

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    Background: There is currently no consensus on immobilization protocols following shoulder surgery. The aim of this study was to establish patterns and types of sling use for various surgical procedures in the United States (US) and Europe, and to identify factors associated with the variations. Methods: An online survey was sent to all members of the American Shoulder and Elbow Society (ASES) and European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow (ESSSE). The survey gathered member data, including practice location and years in practice. It also obtained preferences for the type and duration of sling use after the following surgical procedures: arthroscopic Bankart repair, Latarjet, arthroscopic superior/posterosuperior rotator cuff repair (ARCR) of tears 3 cm, anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA) and reverse TSA (rTSA), and isolated biceps tenodesis (BT). Relationships between physician location and sling type for each procedure were analyzed using Fisher’s exact tests and post-hoc tests using Bonferroni-adjusted p-values. Relationships looking at years in practice and sling duration preferred were analyzed using Spearman’s correlation tests. Results: In total, 499 surgeons with a median of 15 years of experience (IQR = 9–25) responded, with 54.7% from the US and 45.3% from Europe. US respondents reported higher abduction pillow sling use than European respondents for the following: Bankart repair (62% vs. 15%, p p p 3 cm (84% vs. 61%, p p p p p = 0.006). European respondents reported higher simple sling use than US respondents for the following: Bankart repair (74% vs. 31%, p p p 3 cm (34% vs. 13%, p p p p p p p = 0.014) and >3 cm (r = −0.20, p p p = 0.049) and without subscapularis repair (r = −0.19, p = 0.022. Thus, the more experienced surgeons tended to recommend shorter durations of post-operative sling use. US surgeons reported longer post-operative sling durations for Bankart repair (4.8 vs. 4.1 weeks, p p p 3 cm (5.9 vs. 5.1 weeks, p p p = 0.031), and isolated BT (3.7 vs. 3.3 weeks, p = 0.012) than Europe respondents. No significant differences between regions within the US and Europe were demonstrated. Conclusions: There is considerable variation in the immobilization advocated by surgeons, with geographic location and years of clinical experience influencing patterns of sling use. Future work is required to establish the most clinically beneficial protocols for immobilization following shoulder surgery. Level of Evidence: Level IV

    Using Sensors for Player Development: Assessing Biomechanical Factors Related to Pitch Command and Velocity

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    Pitching biomechanical research is highly focused on injury prevention with little attention to how biomechanical data can facilitate skill development. The overall purpose of this study was to explore how sensor-derived segment kinematics and timing relate to command and ball velocity during baseball pitching. We used a cross-sectional design to analyze a series of pitches thrown from 10 collegiate baseball pitchers. We collected biomechanical data from six inertial sensors, subjective command from the pitchers, and ball velocity from a radar device. Stepwise regression analyses were used to explore biomechanical variables associated with command for all pitches and ball velocity for fastballs only. We found that only peak forearm linear acceleration was significantly associated with command, whereas several segment kinematic measures were significantly associated with ball velocity. Our results suggest that different biomechanical variables are linked to specific pithing skills. Our findings suggest that end-effector (forearm) movement is more important for pitch command, whereas proximal-to-distal (pelvis, trunk, upper arm, forearm) segmental movement is important for ball velocity

    Upper-Extremity Injuries Have the Poorest Return to Play and Most Time Lost in Professional Baseball: A Systematic Review of Injuries in Major League Baseball

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    PURPOSE: To summarize the incidence of injuries occurring in professional baseball and compare player outcomes reported in the literature. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines across 3 databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase). Inclusion criteria were studies of injury incidences and/or injury outcomes on active Major League Baseball (MLB) athletes and studies published in the English language. Exclusion criteria were non-MLB players, case series and case report studies with a cohort of ≤3 players, and/or review articles. RESULTS: A total of 477 articles were identified from the initial search of 3 databases, with 105 studies meeting inclusion criteria. Among these articles, the most common injuries studied were elbow (38%), shoulder (14%), hip/groin (11%), hand/wrist (7%), head/face (7%), knee (7%), spine (5%), and foot/ankle (3%). Injuries with the greatest incidence included hand/wrist (150.3 per year), hamstring (7.8-73.5 per year), ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears (0.23-26.8 per year), gastrocnemius strains (24.2 per year), and concussions (3.6-20.5 per year). Lowest rates of return to play were seen following shoulder labral tears (40%-72.5%), rotator cuff tears (33.3%-87%), and UCL tears (51%-87.9%). The injuries leading to most time away from sport included elbow UCL tears (average 90.3 days treated nonoperatively to 622.8 days following revision reconstruction), shoulder labral tears (average 315-492 days), and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears (average 156.2-417.5 days). Following ACL tears, rotator cuff tears, shoulder labral tears, and hip femoroacetabular impingement requiring arthroscopy, athletes had a significantly lower workloads compared with before injury upon return to play. CONCLUSIONS: Most published investigations focus on elbow injuries of the UCL, with variable return to play and mixed performance following surgery. UCL tears, shoulder labral tears, and ACL tears result in the most missed time. Upper-extremity injury such as shoulder labral tears, rotator cuff tears, and UCL tears had the poorest return to play rates. Workload was most affected following ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, shoulder labral repair, and hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV, systematic review of level II-IV studies