40 research outputs found

    A Swedish heterodyne facility instrument for the APEX telescope

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    In March 2008, the APEX facility instrument was installed on the telescope at the site of Lliano Chajnantor in northern Chile. The main objective of the paper is to introduce the new instrument to the radio astronomical community. It describes the hardware configuration and presents some initial results from the on-sky commissioning. The heterodyne instrument covers frequencies between 211 GHz and 1390 GHz divided into four bands. The first three bands are sideband-separating mixers operating in a single sideband mode and based on superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) tunnel junctions. The fourth band is a hot-electron bolometer, waveguide balanced mixer. All bands are integrated in a closedcycle temperature-stabilized cryostat and are cooled to 4 K. We present results from noise temperature, sideband separation ratios, beam, and stability measurements performed on the telescope as a part of the receiver technical commissioning. Examples of broad extragalactic lines are also included

    SEPIA345: A 345 GHz dual polarization heterodyne receiver channel for SEPIA at the APEX telescope

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    Context. We describe the new SEPIA345 heterodyne receiver channel installed at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope, including details of its configuration, characteristics, and test results on sky. SEPIA345 is designed and built to be a part of the Swedish ESO PI Instrument for the APEX telescope (SEPIA). This new receiver channel is suitable for very high-resolution spectroscopy and covers the frequency range 272- 376 GHz. It utilizes a dual polarization sideband separating (2SB) receiver architecture, employing superconductor-isolator-superconductor mixers (SIS), and provides an intermediate frequency (IF) band of 4- 12 GHz for each sideband and polarization, thus covering a total instantaneous IF bandwidth of 4 \uc3\uc2 - 8 = 32 GHz. Aims. This paper provides a description of the new receiver in terms of its hardware design, performance, and commissioning results. Methods. The methods of design, construction, and testing of the new receiver are presented. Results. The achieved receiver performance in terms of noise temperature, sideband rejection, stability, and other parameters are described. Conclusions. SEPIA345 is a commissioned APEX facility instrument with state-of-the-art wideband IF performance. It has been available on the APEX telescope for science observations since July 2021

    Dual Band MM-Wave Receiver for Onsala 20 m Antenna

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    We present the design and the first light results for the new dual band receiver (4 mm and 3 mm bands) for Onsala Observatory 20 m antenna. For single dish operation, the receiver uses innovative on-source/off-source optical switch. Within the same optical layout, the switch, in combination with additional optical components, provides 2 calibration loads and sideband measurements possibilities. The optics layout of the receiver uses offset elliptical cold mirrors for both channels whereas the on-off switch employs flat mirrors only. The 3 mm channel employs 2SB dual polarization receiver with OMT, 4-8 GHz IF, x 2pol x (USB+LSB). The cryostat has 4 optical widows made of HDPE with anti-reflection corrugations, two for the signal and two for each frequency band cold load. The cryostat employs a two stage cryocooler RDK 408D2 and uses anti-vibration suspension of the cold-head to minimize impact of the vibrations on the receiver stability. The LO system is based on Gunn oscillator with PLL and two mechanical tuners for broadband operation, providing independently tunable LO power for each polarization. At the conference, we will present details on the receiver optics, cryostat design and the result of the first on-sky observations

    Dual Band MM-Wave Receiver for Onsala 20 m Antenna

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    We present the design and the first light results for the new dual band receiver (4 mm and 3 mm bands) for Onsala Observatory 20 m antenna. For single dish operation, the receiver uses innovative on-source/off-source optical switch. Within the same optical layout, the switch, in combination with additional optical components, provides 2 calibration loads and sideband measurements possibilities. The optics layout of the receiver uses offset elliptical cold mirrors for both channels whereas the on-off switch employs flat mirrors only. The 3 mm channel employs 2SB dual polarization receiver with OMT, 4-8 GHz IF, x 2pol x (USB+LSB). The cryostat has 4 optical widows made of HDPE with anti-reflection corrugations, two for the signal and two for each frequency band cold load. The cryostat employs a two stage cryocooler RDK 408D2 and uses anti-vibration suspension of the cold-head to minimize impact of the vibrations on the receiver stability. The LO system is based on Gunn oscillator with PLL and two mechanical tuners for broadband operation, providing independently tunable LO power for each polarization. At the conference, we will present details on the receiver optics, cryostat design and the result of the first on-sky observations

    New optics for SEPIA- Heterodyne facility instrument for the APEX telescope

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    The design of SEPIA (Swedish ESO PI Instrument for APEX) was driven by the idea of using ALMA receiver cartridges on the APEX telescope. SEPIA was installed at the guest position of the Naismith cabin A, APEX telescope in early 2015. The SEPIA cryostat and optics was designed to accommodate up to 3 ALMA cartridges. In 2017, the APEX facility instrument SHeFI was decommissioned and SEPIA was accepted as its successor. Moving SEPIA from its PI into Facility Instrument position brought additional constrains due to the severe limitations of the available space. That had led to the necessity of complete redesigning of the SEPIA tertiary optics. During February-March 2019, the new tertiary optics was installed in the APEX Cabin A and SEPIA was placed at its final Facility Instrument position. Here, we present the details of the optical design, layout of the optical component placement, the beam alignment technique, the results of the alignment and SEPIA technical commissioning results at the APEX telescope

    ALMA band 5 cartridge performance

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    Work presented here concerns the design and performance of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge, one of the 10 frequency channels of ALMA project, a radio interferometer under construction at Atacama Desert in Chile. The Band 5 cartridge is a dual polarization receiver with the polarization separation performed by orthomode transducer (OMT) [1]. For each polarization, Band 5 receiver employs sideband rejection (2SB) scheme based on quadrature layout, with SIS mixers covering 163-211 GHz with 4-8 GHz IF. The LO injection circuitry is integrated with mixer chip and is implemented on the same substrate, resulting in a compact 2SB assembly. Amongst the other ALMA bands, the ALMA Band 5 being the lowest frequency band that uses all cold optics, has the largest mirror. Consequently, ALMA Band 5 mirror along with its support structure leaves very little room for placing OMT, mixers and IF subsystems. The constraints put by the size of cold optics and limited cartridge space, required of us to revise the original 2SB design and adopt a design where all the components like OMT, mixer, IF hybrid, isolators and IF amplifier are directly connected to each other without using any co-ax cables in-between. The IF subsystem uses the space between 4 K and 15 K stage of the cartridge and is thermally connected to 4 K stage. Avoiding co-ax cabling required use of custom designed IF hybrid, furthermore, due to limited cooling capacity at 4 K stage, resistive bias circuitry for the mixers is moved to 15 K stage and the IF hybrid along with an integrated bias-T is implemented using superconducting micro-strip lines. The E-probes for both LO and RF waveguide-to-microstrip transitions are placed perpendicular to the wave direction (back-piece configuration). The RF choke at the end of the probes provides a virtual ground for the RF/LO signal, and the choke is DC grounded to the chassis. The on-chip LO injection is done using a microstrip line directional coupler with slot-line branches in the ground plane. The isolated port of the LO coupler is terminated by floating wideband elliptical termination. The mixer employs two SIS junctions with junction area of 3 μm2 each, in twin junction configuration, followed by a quarter wave transformer to couple it to the signal probe. A quarter-wave high impedance line on an extra layer of SiO2 is used to extract the IF by separating from RF [2]. At the conference, we plan to present details of the cartridge design and results of the experimental characterization of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge

    Performance of the First ALMA Band 5 Production Cartridge

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    We present performance of the first ALMA Band 5 production cartridge, covering frequencies from 163 GHz to 211 GHz. ALMA Band 5 is a dual polarization, sideband separation (2SB) receiver based on all Niobium (Nb) Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) tunnel junction mixers, providing 16 GHz of instantaneous RF bandwidth for astronomy observations. The 2SB mixer for each polarization employs a quadrature configuration. The sideband separation occurs at the output of the IF hybrid that has integrated bias-T for biasing the mixers, and is produced using superconducting thin film technology.Experimental verification of the Band 5 cold cartridge performed together with warm cartridge assembly, confirms that the system noise temperature is below 45 K over most of the RF band, which is less than five photon noise (5 hf/k). This is to our knowledge, the best results reported at these frequencies. The measurement of the sideband rejection indicates that the sideband rejection better than 10 dB over 90% of the observational band