208 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the European MOOC stakeholder summit 2015

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    RESCIF is a French-speaking network with 14 faculties of technology from the North and from the South. One of their research themes is water and four partner institutions decided to build together a MOOC as tentative tool for disseminating knowledge and contribute to education of southern engineers. This MOOC “Rivers and Men” is thus an example of collaborative work. The paper gives some facts about the building process and the success of the course. Some reflections are proposed about the target and the actual audience and some preliminary conclusions are drawn about advantages and limitations of such collaborative approach

    The 3D printing of a polymeric electrochemical cell body and its characterisation

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    An undivided flow cell was designed and constructed using additive manufacturing technology and its mass transport characteristics were evaluated using the reduction of ferricyanide, hexacyanoferrate (III) ions at a nickel surface. The dimensionless mass transfer correlation Sh = aRebScdLee was obtained using the convective-diffusion limiting current observed in linear sweep voltammetry; this correlation compared closely with that reported in the literature from traditionally machined plane parallel rectangular flow channel reactors. The ability of 3D printer technology, aided by computational graphics, to rapidly and conveniently design, manufacture and re-design the geometrical characteristics of the flow cell ishighlighted

    Identificação de deficiências nutricionais do guaraná.

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    Procuraram-se evidenciar os sintomas de deficiência nutricional do guaraná. Com este objetivo, plantas de guaraná foram cultivadas em substrato de areia lavada e supridas com solução nutritiva completa (todos os nutrientes) e com soluções de um elemento omitido para teste de deficiência. Quando os sintomas foram constatados, realizou-se a documentação fotográfica e a interpretação visual das deficiências. Assim, foi possível elaborar uma chave indicadora da carência de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, B e Mo em plantas de guaraná.bitstream/item/33534/1/CPATU-CirTec13.pd

    Characterization of natural occurrence of Oenocarpus distichus in the state of Maranhão, Brazil.

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    In Maranhão States Amazon, bacaba stands out as an important resource to local populations. It is employed in human and animal feeding, building houses, traditional medicine and manufacturer goods. The economically viable part of this species is the processed pulp known as bacaba, sold in natura or frozen. Considering the great potential of sustainable economic exploitation of native fruit trees, such as the bacaba, occurrence areas of natural populations of O. distichus in three municipalities of the Gurupi micro region and two of the Chapada das Mangabeiras were mapped in order to subsidize future researches regarding conservation and use of the germplasm. Bacaba populations were mapped in cities of the two microregions: 1) Gurupi where soils, in general, are of low natural fertility with predominance of dystrophic plinthudults and red-yellow dystrophic and plinthic soils and; 2) Chapada das Mangabeiras, where yellow dystrophic hapludox soils are found; and in the escarpments the litholic dystrophic neosoils are common. In these micro regions, bacaba populations are reduced to individuals found in backyards

    Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective

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    Food stamp recipients, like other Americans, struggle with nutrition problems associated with choice of foods, as well as amounts. This series of Economic Information Bulletins compiles evidence to help answer the question of whether the Food Stamp Program can do more to improve the food choices of participants. It examines the role of affordability and price of healthful foods in influencing food choices and the likely success of any policy targeted at changing food choices through food stamp bonuses or restrictions. It also examines other approaches to changing food choices, including nutrition education and potential strategies drawn from behavioral economics literature. Meaningful improvements in the diets of food stamp recipients will likely depend on a combination of many tactics. Measuring the effect of any policy change on food choices and health outcomes remains a challenge.Food Stamp Program, food consumption, food prices, food expenditures, nutrition education, behavioral economics, food choices, diet, health, fruits and vegetables, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, FANRP, ERS, USDA, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Avaliação do efeito da adubação NPK no crescimento de gravioleira no município de São Francisco do Pará.

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    Manejo e tratos culturais da melancia irrigada.

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    No cultivo de melancia, quando submetido às boas práticas de manejo e tratos culturais, a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos tendem a se elevar aos patamares que atendem às exigências do mercado consumidor. Tanto para o bom desenvolvimento das plantas, quanto para obter boas produtividades da melancia, é necessária a execução de um conjunto de práticas de manejo durante todo o ciclo da cultura, em qualquer que seja o sistema de cultivo adotado