48 research outputs found
Revitalización de marca
No importa en que parte del mundo estemos, LEGO es un idioma universal. La empresa a ha logrado que la pasión por los ladrillos pase de generación en generación por más de 85 años y que aun permanezca intacta su esencia. El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo descifrar las estrategias puestas a cabo por LEGO, para reinventarse como marca y sobrevivir a una era donde la tecnologÃa es la principal protagonista en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Una vez identificadas estas medidas, se procederá a evaluar localmente el efecto en la concepción de imagen de la marca y el comportamiento del consumidor. Para la investigación se utilizó bibliografÃa especÃfica de marketing, entrevistas a representantes de la compañÃa, noticias y artÃculos periodÃsticos que sirvieron como base para analizar la historia de LEGO, la marca, sus caracterÃsticas y su reciente transformación digital. Luego se pusieron a prueba estas afirmaciones con una pequeña muestra de personas de entre 18 y 60 años que fueron encuestadas para conocer como las estrategias impactaron en su forma de percibir la marca y si tuvieron alguna incidencia en el comportamiento de estos. Con un mercado dinámico y cambiante, este caso de éxito sienta precedentes para las demás empresas. LEGO ha sobrevivido todo este tiempo y no por arte de magia: han sabido escuchar a su consumidor, aprender de sus errores, innovar en su oferta y utilizar la tecnologÃa a su favor sin dejar sus valores de lado.Fil: Fratucello, Giuliana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Le modalita' di esercizio dell'azione penale
Dottorato di ricerca in procedura penale. Relatore Renzo OrlandiConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
Magnetic interface anisotropy in Ni/Fe/Ni(111) trilayers
The direction of the spins of Ni capping layers and the 57Fex interlayer have been studied in Ni/57Fex/Ni(1 1 1) films by magneto-optic-vector Kerr and Mössbauer spectroscopy. It was found that the magnetization direction of the Ni follows the orientation of that of the Fe, and that there is an unusual rotation of the magnetization from the in-plane to out-of-plane in the pseudomorphic range of the Fe growth. The effect of the competition between perpendicular surface anisotropy and the magnetostatic energy is discusse
Mossbauer spectroscopy of (111) gamma-Fe single layers grown on Ni
The magnetic profile of Ni(111)/gamma-Fe/Ni with different thickness is studied by CEMS Mossbauer spectroscopy. It depends both from the thickness of the Fe layer and the roughness of the (111)Ni surface. For a particular thickness of 8 Angstrom, two magnetic regions have been pointed out, one antiferromagnetic with low spin states and the second ferromagnetic with high spin states
Short-Range Order at the Surfaces of Annealed Amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 Ribbons
Conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) and gamma transmission Mossbauer spectroscopy were used to measure the effects of annealing at 583 K in vacuum into about 200 nm thick layer below the two surfaces and on the bulk of the Fe40Ni40P14B6 amorphous ribbons prepared by means of melt-spinning technique. The results show a large distribution of hyperfine magnetic fields on the bulk and in the surfaces of the samples. By means of selective analysis of hyperfine magnetic field distribution, we have evalueded the correlation between the different degree of short range orders at the surfaces and in the bulk of the samples, and the phosphorus segregation associated with mechanical enbrittlement induced at low annealing temperature
Oxidation-State and Short-Range Order at the Surfaces of Amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 Ribbons
Conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) was used to study the oxidation state at the surfaces of amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 ribbons obtained by melt-spinning in air and vacuum heated at 583 K. Different concentrations of ferric and ferrous ions depend on the different behaviour of phosphorous diffusion towards the two surfaces during low annealing temperature
The Ni-Gamma-Fe Interface - Hyperfine Magnetic-Field And Magnetic-Anisotropy
Conversion Electrons Mossbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS) is used to study the magnetic polarization state and the magnetic anisotropy of ultrathin Fe/Ni films in multilayer samples with two, one and any Fe/Ni interface. The analysis of the distribution function of the hyperfine fields indicates a magnitude of 34 T for the Fe/Ni interface field and gives evidence of the existence of a pure, highly susceptible gamma-Fe phase. Results corresponding to intermixed regions suggest enhanced hyperfine fields and magnetic moments in local environments with more than 6 and up to 9 nearest Fe neighbor atoms, and low fields in Fe sites with 10-11 Fe neighbors. Out-of-plane perpendicular anisotropy is found only in samples having an Fe/Ni interface