4 research outputs found

    Validity and Reliability Test of Four-Meter Gait Speed on Six Meter Track for Indonesian Adults

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    Walking is an essential component of daily life and studies have shown the growing number of clinicians performing walking tests in their daily practice. This study is aimed to assess the validity and reliability of the Four-Meter Gait Speed (4MGS) test for healthy Indonesian adults (Mongoloid race). Data collection were conducted at the Rehabilitation Department of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital during the period of August 2016 to March 2017. Two observers and two trials were involved in measuring the gait speed in the 4MGS test with a 6 meter track. All accumulated data were analyzed for validity using the Bland-Altman test, while test re-test reliability was done using Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency. Sixty-one subjects were involved in this study. There were no significant differences in inter-trial comparison from both observers (P=0.262 and P=0.954). Similarly, intra-observer walking speed comparison in both trials were also not significantly different (P=0.117 and P=0.869). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value between the first and second tests from observer I was 0.839 (Cronbach Alpha,0.911) while the value for observer II was 0.902 (Cronbach Alpha, 0.948). The ICC value between observer I and II in the first trial was 0.906 (Cronbach Alpha, 0.950); whereas the second trial demonstrated a value of 0.890 (Cronbach Alpha, 0.941). Thus, the 6 meter track 4MGS has a good validity and reliability for healthy Indonesian adults. It is expected that the walking speed from this study can be used for Mongoloid race living in other countries and the 4MGS can become an alternative speed-based walk test, especially during COVID-19 pandemic, due to its practicality in measuring functional capacity in a shorter duration

    The Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Blood Lactate Levels and Rate of Perceived Exertion in Sedentary Healthy Adults

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    The high-intensity interval training has been seen to be beneficial for various populations. This study aimed to determine the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on blood lactate levels and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in sedentary healthy adults. A pre-post study was conducted on adults that were stated healthy and sedentary on physical activity. All participants were given HIIT with a total duration of 20 minutes for 12 sessions using a treadmill. Blood lactate level and RPE was recorded on the 1st and 12th session. A significant decrease in blood lactate level and RPE after giving HIIT was found with a reduction of 1,1 mmol/ L and 2 on the Borg Scale respectively (p<0.0001). Further research is needed using field-based exercise testing to determine exercise prescription and to obtain the benefit of HIIT in populations with cardiovascular risk factors before utilizing it in patients

    Four-Meter Gait Speed Cut-off and Correlation with 6-Minute Walk Test in Adults

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    In facilities where a track required is not available for gait speed test, a simpler method using a shorter track and test duration is needed. One of such methods is the 4-meter gait speed. This study aimed to determine the cut off values for 4MGS and its correlation with the 6-minute walk test (6MWT), a more common functional performance test with shorter track and time. Data for this study were collected at the Department of Rehabilitation of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital during the period of August 2016 to March 2017. The consecutive sampling approach was used to recruit healthy Indonesian adults (n=61) aged 18–50 years into this cross sectional study. The anthropometric and respiratory variables were measured as descriptive data and the cut-off values were determined by calculating the mean 4-meter gait speed (4MGS)-2SD for each gender. The 6MWT was performed afterwards to assess the correlation between 4MGS and 6-minute walk distance (6MWD). Results presented a mean 4MGS value of 2.114±0.309 m/s (male) and 1.908±0.227m/s (female) with the cut-off values for normal gait speed of 1.496 m/s and 1.454m/s for male and female, respectively. Factors affecting 4MGS were body height, body weight, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1). The 4MGS is only shown to be weakly correlated with 6MWD (r=0.314, p=0.014). The cut-off values for 4MGS can be used as a reference to assess the normality of gait speed as a parameter of functional mobility in healthy Indonesian adults and should be used in adjunct to 6MWT to represent a comprehensive functional capacity status

    Hubungan Fungsi Seksual dengan Kecemasan Pasien Pasca-Infark Miokard Akut

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    Background: Sexual dysfunction and anxiety frequently happens on patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and can affect patients’ quality of life. The purpose of this study was to examine the assosiation of sexual function post-AMI patients with anxiety. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study. Respondents are patients in Integrated Cardiac Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital that meet inclusion and exclusion criteria. They signed informed consent. Sexual function was assessed using International Index of Erectyle Function (IIEF) and anxiety was assessed using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Results: Post-AMI patients had erectile dysfunction (82.5%), orgasm dysfunction (72.5%) and libido dysfunction (93.8%). Respondents expressed sexual intercourse dissatisfaction (97.5%) and overall dissatisfaction (90%). The proportion of post-AMI anxiety was 52.5%. There was no assosiation between sexual function post-AMI with anxiety. Conclusion: Anxiety and sexual dysfunction post-AMI is a considerable problem. Factors that affect anxiety and sexual dysfunction post-AMI needs to be explored further so that an integrated management guidelines could be proposed.Latar Belakang: Disfungsi seksual dan kecemasan sering dialami oleh pasien pasca-infark miokard akut (acute myocardial infarct, AMI) dan dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan fungsi seksual dengan kecemasan pasien pasca-AMI. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Responden adalah pasien rawat jalan Poliklinik Jantung Terpadu RS Cipto Mangunkusumo yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi serta menandatangani informed consent. Fungsi seksual dinilai dengan International Index of Erectyle Function (IIEF) sedangan kecemasan dinilai dengan Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Hasil: Pasien pasca-AMI mengalami disfungsi ereksi (82,5%), disfungsi orgasme (72,5%), dan disfungsi libido (93,8%). Responden pada umumnya menyatakan ketidakpuasan dalam hubungan seksual (97,5%) dan terhadap kehidupan seksual secara keseluruhan (90%). Proporsi kecemasan pasca-AMI adalah 52,5%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara fungsi seksual dengan kecemasan pasca-AMI. Kesimpulan: Kecemasan dan disfungsi seksual merupakan masalah yang perlu diperhatikan pada pasien pasca-AMI. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kecemasan dan disfungsi seksual pasca-AMI perlu dieksplorasi lebih lanjut sehingga panduan tatalaksana yang terintegrasi dapat disusun dengan baik