35 research outputs found
Autori istražuju āstaff rideā metodologiju prouÄavanja bitaka i operacija, te njezinu moguÄu implementaciju u vojnu izobrazbu hrvatskih Oružanih snaga. Vrlo je važno kroz sustav vojne izobrazbe otkriti buduÄe zapovjednike koji imaju dar ispravnog zakljuÄivanja i brzog donoÅ”enja najboljih odluka. Upravo je primjena u ovom radu opisane metodologije pomogla mnogim poznatim vojnim voÄama intelektualno raskrinkati odreÄeno povijesno ratiÅ”te, bojiÅ”te ili bitku, te uvidjeti kako su odluke zapovjednika utjecale na operativne i taktiÄke rezultate, odnosno kako su terenske okolnosti, kao i vrste pokreta i djelovanja, utjecale na razvoj situacije, poraz ili pobjedu. Upoznavanje s primijenjenom taktikom, tehnologijom i vojnim ustrojstvom djeluje poticajno na Äasnika tako da on može jasno sintetizirati i vizualizirati situacijsku sliku koja u odreÄenom trenutku vlada na ratiÅ”tu ili bojiÅ”tu. Ovakva spoznaja, popraÄena znatiželjom i marljivoÅ”Äu, predstavlja temelj za cjeloživotno napredovanje i profesionalno usavrÅ”avanje Äasnika. Äasnik mora puno Äitati i imati jaku volju koja Äe mu priskrbiti psihiÄku i mentalnu spremnost za sve vrste izazova i uloga. Za tu svrhu služi upravo āstaff rideā metodologija, koju primjenjuju vojne organizacije diljem svijeta i koja koristi vojnu povijest kao sredstvo za profesionalni razvoj Äasnika. U hrvatskoj historiografiji ne postoji niti jedno znaÄajno djelo o āstaff rideā metodologiji.The authors explore āstaff rideā methodology of studying the battles and the operations and its possible implementation in the military education of the Croatian armed forces. It is very important, throughout the system of military education, to detect future leaders who are endowed with the gift of proper reasoning and rapid adoption of the best decisions. The application of, in this paper described methodology, just helped many famous military leaders to intellectually debunk certain historical theatre of operations, a battlefield or a battle and to see how the decisions of the commander at the relevant levels impact on the operational and tactical results, and how the field conditions, and the types of action and engagement influenced the development of the situation, defeat or victory. Officer own self-discoverable observations about applicable technologies, tactics and, above all, the military organization act as incentives to him so that he can clearly synthesize and visualize situational picture that at some point in time exists on the theatre of operations or the battlefield. This shrewd observation of officer and leader needs to be accompanied by his curiosity and diligence. He just so lays the foundation for lifelong progression and professional development. This and in this way formed officer must read a lot and have a strong will, which will provide a psychological and mental readiness for all kinds of challenges and roles. āStaff rideā methodology serves precisely for this purpose. It is applied by military organizations around the world using military history as a tool for officerās professional development. In Croatian historiography there has not been any significant work on āstaff rideā methodology
Count Josip Å iÅ”koviÄ (1719 - 1783) - Croatian general in the Habsburg Imperial Army
Autori su na temelju arhivskog gradiva i recentne literature istražili koja je bila uloga i znaÄaj
Josipa Å iÅ”koviÄa, Äasnika hrvatskog podrijetla u službi HabsburÅ”ke Monarhije u razdoblju od 1719. do 1783. godine. U prikazu njegova života i djela koriÅ”teno je arhivsko gradivo iz beÄkog Državnog arhiva, MaÄarskog državnog arhiva te knjige i tisak iz ondaÅ”njeg razdoblja, kao i suvremena literatura niza autora koji se tek rubno bave generalom Å iÅ”koviÄem. U hrvatskoj historiografiji malo je poznato da je kao barun Å iÅ”koviÄ 1770. godine primljen u Tajno vijeÄe Dvorskog ratnog vijeÄa, a kasnije je bio i potpredsjednik Tajnog vijeÄa Dvorskog ratnog vijeÄa. U srazu s pruskim vojskovoÄom i kraljem Fridrikom II. odnio je pobjedu kod Kollina (1757.). Pokopan je u katedrali u Pragu.The aim of this paper is to shed light on and affirm the life and work of the great military leader, Commander of Croatian origin Joseph Count Siskowitz (Josip grof Å iÅ”koviÄ) in the military-political service of the Habsburg Empire. The paper uses reliable facts determined by the method of comparison through a thorough research of books and newspapers of that time. Two documents from the National Archives of Austria in Vienna (Staatsarchiv: Geheime Rate: 1769 ā 1805) were also brought in: (1) a request from Baron Siskowitz in 1770 to the co-regent Joseph II for admission to a secret council and (2) a letter of recommendation from an unnamed court aide for the same purpose. The military prowess of this warrior and military leader can be deduced from his two victories against the legendary Prussian king and military leader Frederick II the Great. The Battle of Collin (1757) and the Battle of Olomouc (1758) earned him military status, but after that, he was preoccupied with the supervision of military borders. He enjoyed the highest confidence of the Vienna Court War Council. Another proof of his greatness is that he was one of the last European dignitaries to be buried in the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague in 1783. However, there was also a blemish in his career as he ordered the infamous Massacre of Szekelys in 1764. In addition to his great triumphs in battle, this work specifically deals with the dark side of Siskowitzās military-political career. Nevertheless, the
ultimate purpose of this article is to reaffirm his legacy as a military commander
Development of the catholic action in Croatia in the period after Ivan Merz
Nakon smrti dr. Ivana Merza godine 1928. organizacije KatoliÄka akcija, Hrvatski orlovski savez i Sveza hrvatskih orlica postale su najbrojnije organizacije u Hrvatskoj. Odvajanje KatoliÄke akcije od stranaÄke politike, odnosno njezina departizacija i depolitizacija, nije bilo doÄekano s odobravanjem od seniorskog vodstva u Zagrebu. Trzavice izmeÄu Hrvatskoga katoliÄkog pokreta, tj. Seniorata i KatoliÄke akcije nastavile su se i kasnije, sve do 1929. godine, kada je svim katoliÄkim organizacijama bio zabranjen rad.
Nakon raspuÅ”tanja Orlovstva, veÄ u travnju 1930. kao dio Apostolata molitve osnovana je Križarska organizacija, koja je djelovala sve do srpnja 1945., kada Äe dolaskom komunista na vlast i ona prestati sa svojim radom.After the death of Ivan Merz in 1928, the most widespread organizations in Croatia became the Catholic Action, the Croatian Aquiline Association and the Union of Croatian Eaglesses. The leaders of the Catholic Seniorate in Zagreb did not welcome the separation of the Catholic Action from party politics, i.e. its departicization and depoliticization. Frictions between the Croatian Catholic Movement, i.e. the Seniorate, and the Croatian Action continued later on up to 1929 when all Catholic organizations were banned. After dissolution of the Eagles, as early as April 1930, the Crusaders Organization was founded as part of the Apostleship of Prayer, which was active until July 1945, when, with the communists coming to power, they will also cease to work
Moritz Merz, od Pilsena do Zagreba. Životni i ratni put jednog austrougarskog Äasnika
Autori na temelju izvorne arhivske graÄe istražuju životni i ratni ratni put Mori(t)za Merza, austrougarskog Äasnika koji je roÄen u Pilsenu (PlzeÅu) u ÄeÅ”koj. VeÄ od najranije mladosti opredijelio se za poziv Äasnika. Å kolovao se u Pragu i TemiÅ”varu a vojnu karijeru je zapoÄeo 6. lipnja 1886. u redovnim pjeÅ”aÄkim postrojbama kao pripadnik ā73. pjeÅ”aÄke pukovnije vojvode Wilhelma von WĆ¼rttembergaā. God. 1891. dolazi po zapovijedi u Banja Luku gdje je obnaÅ”ao niz dužnosti izmeÄu ostalih Å”efa vojne željezniÄke postaje Banja Luka - Grad sve do
1919. godine. Kratko je bio na dužnosti u Prijedoru, a u ožujku 1895. prelazi u željezniÄku službu kao državni službenik. U srpnju 1919. prelazi u Zagreb gdje je radio kao zamjenik naÄelnika kontrole prihoda Sekcije državnih željeznica Zagreb. Umirovljen je kraljevskim ukazom 28. studenog 1924. godine, a umro je 26. prosinca 1959. u Zagrebu
Activities of Croatian cultural society "Napredak" in the territory of Dalmatia (1925ā1949)
Autori su na temelju neobjavljene arhivske graÄe i malobrojne literature istražili djelatnost, ulogu i znaÄaj Hrvatskog kulturnog druÅ”tva Napredak iz Sarajeva na podruÄju Dalmacije od njihova osnivanja 1925. do 1949., kada su prestali s radom. U radu su autori tabelarno prikazali podružnice koje su djelovale u Dalmaciji, kao i broj dodijeljenih uÄeniÄkih i studentskih stipendija.Croatian cultural society "Napredak" (Progress) from Sarajevo, which was established at the beginning of the 20th century in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aimed at providing material and moral support to schoolboys and students, supporting Croatian cultural societies and educational institutions, expanding the schooling of the people, building and supporting students\u27 boarding houses in places where there are secondary schools, as well as Croatian peopleās dormitories in certain places. Further activities included: building-up youth shelters and setting up kindergartens led by "Napredak", opening courses for illiterates, setting up libraries, publishing books and newspapers, organising popular lectures, etc. During two decades of its operation in northern Croatia and Dalmatia, Croatian cultural society "Napredak" established a number of committees and subsidiaries. "Napredak" managed to establish a network among northern, central and southern Dalmatia by its branch offices, and it paid special attention to citizens of all social groups by a series of its cultural activities. "Napredak" has educated numerous generations of schoolboys and students, as well as provided financial support to many poor families. It has built a series of kindergartens and dormitories, and ā in the most difficult times, especially during World Wars One and Two ā remained devoted to the idea of Croatia\u27s improvement and prosperity
Indikacije klimatskih skokova u srednjem Jadranu
Applying sequential t-test analysis for regime shift detection on 52 years (period 1963-2004) of continuous summer thermohaline data at the three ocean stations in the Adriatic Sea, the two shifts in sea temperature were evidenced, around 1987 and 1998. These shifts separated three climate regimes, where the first climate regime is rather similar to the third one. The first climate regime (1963-1986) is characterized by moderate temperatures and rather high salinities. The first shift occurred in 1987, triggering the second climate regime, influenced by East Mediterranean Transient (EMT). The temperature and salinity in the Adriatic in the second climate regime were lower for one standard deviation than in the previous regime. In the third regime, after second shift the temperatures and salinities abruptly increased. All these conditions were influenced by changes in wind field pattern over the Mediterranean.Analizom dugodiÅ”njih nizova (1963-2004) temperature i saliniteta u podruÄju srednjeg Jadrana, te primjenom sekvencijalnog t-testa (STARS) definirana su dva klimatska skoka, oko 1987. i 1998. godine. Ovi skokovi razdvajaju tri klimatska režima, te su prvi i treÄi sliÄnih osobina. Prvi je klimatski režim (1963-1986) karakteriziran umjerenim temperaturama i priliÄno visokim salinitetima. Prvi skok oko 1987.g. poÄetak je drugog klimatskog režima, u kojem su termohaline osobine intermedijarnog sloja srednjeg Jadrana pod utjecajem istoÄno mediterananskog tranzijenta (EMT). Temperatura i salinitet Jadranskog mora u razdoblju drugog klimatskog režima bile su niže za jednu standardnu devijaciju nego u prethodnom razdoblju. Nakon drugog klimatskog skoka, Å”to predstavlja poÄetak treÄeg klimatskog režima, temperatura i salinitet su se naglo povisili. ObjaÅ”njenje ovih promjena leži u Äinjenici da se u tom razdoblju promijenio sustav vjetrova nad Sredozemljem
Protoci na granici atmosfera-more i termohalina promjenjivost ADRICOSM poligona PeljeŔac-Vis-Drvenik
Thermohaline properties in the east Adriatic coastal area were measured bi-weekly during the cold season of 2002/2003 and weekly in the warm season of 2003 at 14 stations. The collected data set has space and time coverage suitable for comparison with general thermohaline climatology of the region. Temporal salinity changes registered during the experiment show strong departures from the typical annual cycle in which salinity follows average surface water flux variability. Throughout the experiment, high salinity values were measured as a consequence of prolonged bora events in the cold period, and unusual spring-summer atmospheric conditions. Due to the anomalously long and strong heating season, corresponding surface temperatures were also higher than the long-term averages. Surface heat and water fluxes were calculated for the research period, and were compared with climatological values originating from meteorological stations in the ADRICOSM polygon.Tijekom razdoblja listopad 2002. ā rujan 2003. u podruÄju istoÄne obale Jadranskog mora, unutar poligona PeljeÅ”ac-Vis-Drvenik, kao dio projekta ADRICOSM (Integrirano upravljajnje obalnom zonom Jadranskoga mora), obavljena su vrlo intenzivna mjerenja termohalinih osobina vodenog stupca na 14 postaja. Tijekom zimskog razdoblja mjerilo se jednom u dva tjedna, a kasnije jednom tjedno. Dobra prostorno-vremenska pokrivenost podacima omoguÄila je usporedbu s klimatoloÅ”kim vrijednostima. Pokazano je kako su promjene saliniteta u ovom razdoblju znatno odstupale od prosjeka. Tijekom istraživanja uoÄen je iznadprosjeÄno visoki salinitet koji je bio posljedica jakih i dugotrajnih epizoda bure u hladnom dijelu godine te neuobiÄajenih atmosferskih uvjeta tijekom razdoblja proljeÄe-ljeto 2003. Kao posljedica neuobiÄajeno duge i intenzivne sezone grijanja temperatura mora takoÄer je bila iznadprosjeÄna. Procesi na granici atmosfera-more takoÄer su pokazali znatna odstupanja od klimatoloÅ”kih vrijednosti
Klimatski skokovi i viÅ”e-dekadna promjenjivost pelagiÄkog ekosustava Jadrana
In recent highly variable climate, a combined effect of a large-scale northern hemisphere climate and regional-scale Adriatic hydroclimate changes significantly reflected in the Adriatic Sea ecosystem. To clarify this statement we set up in connection two inter-annual systems: the air-sea interconnected system and pelagic ecosystems for the period 1961 to 2010. Within this period, significant changes occurred through 1987-1998 period, characterized by a drop of temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration in the middle Adriatic intermediate layer as consequence of a weaker ventilation of the Adriatic Sea. The pelagic ecosystem reacted to these changes. Large
fluctuations in marine biota (from plankton to pelagic fish) revealed significantly different regimes before and after the late eighties. Different patterns observed through analyzed biotic parameters
seem linked to modification in thermohaline circulation related to the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), whose effects prevented warmer and saltier water mass intrusions into the Adriatic
Sea. These results provide evidence on connections between the shifts in the middle Adriatic pelagic ecosystem and the northern hemisphere climate via changes in regional atmospheric conditions, and highlight the importance of northern hemisphere climate changes for physical and biological regimes of the Adriatic SeaU vrijeme sve izrazitije promjene klime ekosustav Jadranskog mora pod znaÄajnim je utjecajem atmosferskih promjena koje se dogaÄaju na sjevernoj hemisferi te na regionalnoj skali Jadrana. U svrhu objaÅ”njenja meÄuovisnosti ekosustava Jadrana i atmosferskih procesa na razliÄitim prostornim skalama (od hemisferske do regionalne) analizirana je viÅ”egodiÅ”nja (1961.-2010.) promjen-
jivost sustava atmosfera-more i pelagiÄkog ekosustava. Unutar promatranog vremenskog razdoblja najznaÄajnija promjena dogodila se izmeÄu 1987. i 1998. u intermedijalnom sloju srednjeg Jadrana i bila je obilježena padom temperature mora i saliniteta te kisika kao posljedica slabijeg ventiliranja Jadrana. Istovremeno su u ekosustavu pelagijala Jadranskog mora primijeÄene velike fluktuacije u biomasi morskih organizama (od fitoplanktona do plave ribe). Izdvojena su signifikantno razliÄita stanja ekosustava Jadrana prije i poslije kasnih osamdesetih godina proÅ”log stoljeÄa. Uzrok ovim
razliÄitim stanjima ekosustava dijelom se može povezati sa modificiranom termohalinom cirkulacijom Jadrana koja je pod utjecajem EMT (Eastern Mediterranean Transient) sprjeÄavala ulazak
toplije i slanije vode u Jadransko more, uzrokujuÄi na taj naÄin uoÄene promjene u ekosustavu.
Ovi rezultati dokazuju povezanost izmeÄu skokova u pelagiÄkom ekosustavu na podruÄju srednjeg Jadrana i klime na sjevernoj hemisferi putem promjena u regionalnim vremenskim uvjetima te istiÄu važnost utjecaja klimatskih promjena i skokova na fizikalna i bioloÅ”ka stanja Jadranskog mora