3 research outputs found

    Niestateczne skarpy tamy zbiornika Nova Bystrica

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    Water reservoir Nova Bystrica is located in the northern part of Slovakia, about 6 kilometers southward of the border with Poland and serves to supply the population with drinking water. Two landslides (slope deformations) have affected a slope adjacent to the water reservoir dam. The distance between the dam left-hand side and the landslides is about 250 m. The first landslide is active; its toe extends to the reservoir water and has destroyed the forest road. The second slope deformation, which is considerably larger than the first one, is a block deformation allocated above the forest road. In the contribution, basing on the ongoing monitoring the authors described the stability of both landslides. According to the slope stability calculations they also analyzed the activity of both landslides and forecasted their further development with regard to the operation of the water reservoir itself. In conclusions there are recommendations for further monitoring of both slope deformations and also there are suggests for additional research works.Zbiornik wodny zapewniaj膮cy mieszka艅com wod臋 pitn膮 Nova Bystrica po艂o偶ony jest na p贸艂nocy S艂owacji w odleg艂o艣ci ok. 6 km od granicy z Polsk膮. Na zboczach przyleg艂ych do tamy zbiornika mia艂y miejsce dwa osuwiska. Odleg艂o艣膰 pomi臋dzy lew膮 cz臋艣ci膮 tamy a miejscem utraty stateczno艣ci zbocza wynosi艂a 250 m. Pierwsze osuwisko jest ca艂y czas aktywne, a jego j臋zor wchodzi do zbiornika i niszczy drog臋 le艣n膮 po艣rodku zbocza. Drugie osuwisko, o wiele wi臋ksze ni偶 pierwsze, jest blokow膮 deformacj膮 zlokalizowan膮 powy偶ej ww. drogi. Bazuj膮c na prowadzonym w tym rejonie monitoringu, autorzy okre艣lili stateczno艣膰 zboczy obu osuwisk. W oparciu o obliczenia wska藕nik贸w stateczno艣ci, przeanalizowali r贸wnie偶 aktywno艣膰 obu osuwisk z uwzgl臋dnieniem przysz艂ych ruch贸w wody w zbiorniku. We wnioskach podano zalecenia dotycz膮ce dalszego monitoringu deformacji zachodz膮cych na zboczu osuwisk oraz sugestie dalszych prac badawczych w tym zakresie


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    Purpose. To define vascular changes of the iris in cataract patients with various stages of pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) using the iris fluorescein angiography (IFAG) and to confirm them morphologically.Material and methods. In the study 60 patients were divided into two groups: the group 1 consisted of 30 patients (30 eyes) with cataract and PEX stage I, the group 2 included 30 patients (30 eyes) with cataract and PEX stage II according to the classifications by A.P. Nesterov (2008) and H.M. Nizankowska (2001). The iris fluorescein angiography was performed for all patients, it was estimated the architectonic of the iris vessels, theirs permeability and time parameters. The morphological part was presented by 16 donor eyes which had not passed selection to transplantation.Results. Different degrees of microcirculation violations in the anterior segment of the eye were revealed in the group 1 and the group 2 using the iris fluorescein angiography. Morphologically destructions of epithelium and basal membrane of small and medium arteries were observed in donor eyes with PEX signs.Conclusion. The obtained data testify the existence of the arterial ischemia in the iris. Changes founded in the vascular bed of the iris correlate with the degree of clinical degenerative changes of the anterior segment of the eye. It should be mentioned that the progression of PE啸 stage generated aggravating of changes in the vessels of the iris, like as the deterioration of microcirculation (according to the time parameters), the loss of crimp radial artery, the decrease in their number, the increased permeability and the appearance of neovascularization