7 research outputs found

    Domain walls shift gears : novel ways to control magnetic domain-wall motion

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    Tunable resistivity of individual magnetic domain walls

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    Despite the relevance of current-induced magnetic domain wall (DW) motion for new spintronics applications, the exact details of the current-domain wall interaction are not yet understood. A property intimately related to this interaction is the intrinsic DW resistivity. Here, we investigate experimentally how the resistivity inside a DW depends on the wall width ¿, which is tuned using focused ion beam irradiation of Pt/Co/Pt strips. We observe the nucleation of individual DWs with Kerr microscopy, and measure resistance changes in real time. A 1/¿2 dependence of DW resistivity is found, compatible with Levy-Zhang theory. Also quantitative agreement with theory is found by taking full account of the current flowing through each individual layer inside the multilayer stack

    Controlled domain-wall injection in perpendicularly magnetized strips

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    For applications of domain wall (DW) motion in magnetic devices, it is vital to control the creation and position of the DW. We use Ga+ irradiation of Pt/Co/Pt strips to locally change the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. This allows us to controllably inject DWs into a device at a tunable field. The observed initial linear decrease and subsequent increase in the DW injection field upon increasing irradiation dose are explained by micromagnetic simulations and an analytical one-dimensional model

    Tunable magnetic domain wall oscillator at an anisotropy boundary

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    We propose a magnetic domain wall (DW) oscillator scheme, in which a low dc current excites gigahertz angular precession of a DW at a fixed position. The scheme consists of a DW pinned at a magnetic anisotropy step in a perpendicularly magnetized nanostrip. The frequency is tuned by the current flowing through the strip. A perpendicular external field tunes the critical current density needed for precession, providing great experimental flexibility. We investigate this system using a simple one-dimensional model and full micromagnetic calculations. This oscillating nanomagnet is relatively easy to fabricate and could find application in future nanoscale microwave sources. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Electric-field control of domain wall motion in perpendicutlarly magnetiezed materials

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    Domain wall motion in materials exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy has been the subject of intensive research because of its large potential for future spintronic devices. Recently, it has been shown that perpendicular anisotropy of thin films can be influenced by electric fields. Voltage-controlled magnetic switching has already been realized, which is envisioned to lead to low-power logic and memory devices. Here we demonstrate a radically new application of this effect, namely control of domain wall motion by electric fields. We show that an applied voltage perpendicular to a Co or CoB wire can significantly increase or decrease domain wall velocities. Velocity modification over an order of magnitude is demonstrated (from 0.4 to 4 µm s(-1)), providing a first step towards electrical control of domain wall devices. This opens up possibilities of real-time and local control of domain wall motion by electric fields at extremely low power cost

    Effects of combined current injection and laser irradiation on Permalloy microwire switching

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    Combined field- and current-induced domain wall (DW) motion in Permalloy microwires is studied using fast magneto-optical Kerr-microscopy. On increasing the current density, we find a decrease of Kerr signal contrast, corresponding to a reduction in the magnetization, which is attributed to Joule heating of the sample. Resistance measurements on samples with varying substrates confirm that the Curie temperature is reached when the magneto-optical contrast vanishes and reveal the importance of the heat flow into the substrate. By tuning the laser power, DWs can be pinned in the laser spot, which can thus act as a flexible pinning site for DW devices

    Beam-induced Fe nanopillars as tunable domain-wall pinning sites

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    Focused-electron-beam-induced deposition (FEBID) is employed to create freestanding magnetic nanostructures. By growing Fe nanopillars on top of a perpendicular magnetic domain wall (DW) conduit, pinning of the DWs is observed due to the stray fields emanating from the nanopillar. Furthermore, a different DW pinning behavior is observed between the up and down magnetic states of the pillar, allowing to deduce the switching fields of the pillar in a novel way. The implications of these results are two-fold: not only can 3-dimensional nano-objects be used to control DW motion in applications, it is also proposed that DW motion is a unique tool to probe the magnetic properties of nano-objects