313 research outputs found

    Splitting methods with variable metric for KL functions

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    We study the convergence of general abstract descent methods applied to a lower semicontinuous nonconvex function f that satisfies the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality in a Hilbert space. We prove that any precompact sequence converges to a critical point of f and obtain new convergence rates both for the values and the iterates. The analysis covers alternating versions of the forward-backward method with variable metric and relative errors. As an example, a nonsmooth and nonconvex version of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is detailled

    Market, regulation, market, regulation

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the European Regulatory system which was settled both for opening the Single Market for products and ensuring the consumers' safety. It claims that the New Approach and Standardization, and the Global Approach to conformity assessment, which suppressed the last technical barriers to trade in Europe, realized the free movement of products by organizing progressively several orders of markets and regulation. Based on historical and institutional documents, on technical publications, and on interviews, this article relates how the European Commission and the Member States had alternatively recourse to markets and to regulations, at the three main levels of the New Approach Directives implementation. The article focuses also more specifically on the Medical Devices sector, not only because this New Approach sector has long been controversial in Europe, and has recently been concerned by an important regulatory failure, but also because it is regulated by totally other means in the United States of America. At a time when the Medical Devices sector is part of TTIP discussions, this article allows a better understanding of the diverse stakeholders and regulators positions in the EU

    Nitrogen reductions have decreased hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence from empirical and numerical modeling

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    Seasonal hypoxia is a characteristic feature of the Chesapeake Bay due to anthropogenic nutrient input from agriculture and urbanization throughout the watershed. Although coordinated management efforts since 1985 have reduced nutrient inputs to the Bay, oxygen concentrations at depth in the summer still frequently fail to meet water quality standards that have been set to protect critical estuarine living resources. To quantify the impact of watershed nitrogen reductions on Bay hypoxia during a recent period including both average discharge and extremely wet years (2016–2019), this study employed both statistical and three-dimensional (3-D) numerical modeling analyses. Numerical model results suggest that if the nitrogen reductions since 1985 had not occurred, annual hypoxic volumes (O2 \u3c 3 mg L−1) would have been ~50–120% greater during the average discharge years of 2016–2017 and ~20–50% greater during the wet years of 2018–2019. The effect was even greater for O2 \u3c 1 mg L−1, where annual volumes would have been ~80–280% greater in 2016–2017 and ~30–100% greater in 2018–2019. These results were supported by statistical analysis of empirical data, though the magnitude of improvement due to nitrogen reductions was greater in the numerical modeling results than in the statistical analysis. This discrepancy is largely accounted for by warming in the Bay that has exacerbated hypoxia and offset roughly 6–34% of the improvement from nitrogen reductions. Although these results may reassure policymakers and stakeholders that their efforts to reduce hypoxia have improved ecosystem health in the Bay, they also indicate that greater reductions are needed to counteract the ever-increasing impacts of climate change

    L’apprentissage hybride en sciences de gestion : ce qu’en pensent les étudiants

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    Face à un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel des écoles et facultés de gestion, l’apprentissage hybride devient une stratégie institutionnelle très prisée. Ce constat nous a permis de concevoir et d’implanter durant quatre sessions des années universitaires 2009 à 2011, un projet d’apprentissage hybride. Ce dispositif a été déployé dans dix cours distincts pour un total de 27 classes. Nous avons recueilli les perceptions des 805 étudiants inscrits dans ce projet pilote, notamment pour connaître leurs raisons de s’inscrire à un cours hybride, leurs appréciations des dispositifs pédagogiques hybrides ainsi que leurs points de vue des impacts sur les apprentissages. Les données colligées par questionnaire ont été analysées dans l’optique d’une évaluation de l’innovation pédagogique et de sa possible institutionnalisation. L’article se termine par une série de quatre propositions reliées à une conceptualisation émergente sur l’apprentissage hybride.Dealing with an increasingly competitive environment, business schools and faculties are more and more engaged in hybrid learning approaches. This is why our institution designed and implemented a blended-learning project during the years 2009 to 2011 in ten distinct courses for a total of 27 groups. We gathered the perceptions of 805 students in order to better understand their reasons for enrolling in such a course, their level of satisfaction with the teaching and learning environment and their views regarding the impacts on learning. All the results coming from a questionnaire were analyzed in view of evaluating pedagogical innovation and its potential for institutionalization. The article ends with four proposals grounded in a theoretical framework on hybrid learning and teaching

    The Nasal-associated Lymphoid Tissue of Adult Mice Acts as an Entry Site for the Mouse Mammary Tumor Retrovirus

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    Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a B type retrovirus transmitted to the suckling offspring through milk. MMTV crosses the intestinal barrier of neonates, initially infects the lymphoid cells of the Peyer's patches, and later spreads to all lymphoid organs and to the mammary gland. Adult mice can be infected systemically, but not by oral MMTV administration. In this study, we show that nasal administration of infected milk induces the infection of adult mice. Nasal MMTV infection shared the main features of systemic and neonatal intestinal MMTV infections: deletion of the superantigen (SAg)-reactive T cell subset from the peripheral T cell population, presence of viral DNA in lymphoid cells, and transmission of MMTV from mother to offspring. Viral DNA was restricted to the lungs and nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) 6 d after nasal infection. Furthermore, SAg-induced T cell proliferation was only detected in NALT. These results demonstrate that MMTV crosses the intact epithelium of the upper respiratory tract of adult mice and infects the lymphoid follicles associated with these structures

    Audit fees and book-tax differences

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    We investigate whether book-tax differences are associated with higher audit fees, a proxy for auditor risk assessments and auditor effort. Our evidence suggests that there is a significantly positive relation. Further, this association is larger for firms that appear to have managed earnings (i.e., have high accruals) relative to those that are tax avoiders (i.e., have low cash effective tax rates). Our evidence is consistent with large book-tax differences representing an observable proxy for earnings management that is associated with auditor decisions. Our study contributes to capital market research that examines audit fees, as well as other research that examines the usefulness of book-tax differences for market participants.Ernst & Young (Faculty Fellowship in Accounting

    Identification of Replication Competent Murine Gammaretroviruses in Commonly Used Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

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    A newly discovered gammaretrovirus, termed XMRV, was recently reported to be present in the prostate cancer cell line CWR22Rv1. Using a combination of both immunohistochemistry with broadly-reactive murine leukemia virus (MLV) anti-sera and PCR, we determined if additional prostate cancer or other cell lines contain XMRV or MLV-related viruses. Our study included a total of 72 cell lines, which included 58 of the 60 human cancer cell lines used in anticancer drug screens and maintained at the NCI-Frederick (NCI-60). We have identified gammaretroviruses in two additional prostate cancer cell lines: LAPC4 and VCaP, and show that these viruses are replication competent. Viral genome sequencing identified the virus in LAPC4 and VCaP as nearly identical to another known xenotropic MLV, Bxv-1. We also identified a gammaretrovirus in the non-small-cell lung carcinoma cell line EKVX. Prostate cancer cell lines appear to have a propensity for infection with murine gammaretroviruses, and we propose that this may be in part due to cell line establishment by xenograft passage in immunocompromised mice. It is unclear if infection with these viruses is necessary for cell line establishment, or what confounding role they may play in experiments performed with these commonly used lines. Importantly, our results suggest a need for regular screening of cancer cell lines for retroviral “contamination”, much like routine mycoplasma testing

    A global reference database of crowdsourced cropland data collected using the Geo-Wiki platform

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    A global reference data set on cropland was collected through a crowdsourcing campaign using the Geo-Wiki crowdsourcing tool. The campaign lasted three weeks, with over 80 participants from around the world reviewing almost 36,000 sample units, focussing on cropland identification. For quality assessment purposes, two additional data sets are provided. The first is a control set of 1,793 sample locations validated by students trained in satellite image interpretation. This data set was used to assess the quality of the crowd as the campaign progressed. The second data set contains 60 expert validations for additional evaluation of the quality of the contributions. All data sets are split into two parts: the first part shows all areas classified as cropland and the second part shows cropland average per location and user. After further processing, the data presented here might be suitable to validate and compare medium and high resolution cropland maps generated using remote sensing. These could also be used to train classification algorithms for developing new maps of land cover and cropland extent