122 research outputs found

    Changes in Retinal and Choroidal Gene Expression during Development of Refractive Errors in Chicks

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    PURPOSE. During growth, the retina analyzes the projected image to achieve a close match between eye length and focal length. Because the messengers released by retina and choroid are largely unknown, genes that are differently expressed in response to changes in the retinal image were identified. In addition, because glucagon may be important in the visual control of eye growth, the transcript levels of proglucagon were studied. METHODS. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction differential display was used to identify genes that were differentially expressed in chick eyes that were deprived of sharp vision or treated with positive or negative lenses. Differences were analyzed through sequencing and database searches and confirmed by Northern blot analyses

    Mouse retinal specializations reflect knowledge of natural environment statistics

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    Pressures for survival drive sensory circuit adaption to a species’ habitat, making it essential to statistically characterise natural scenes. Mice, a prominent visual system model, are dichromatic with enhanced sensitivity to green and UV. Their visual environment, however, is rarely considered. Here, we built a UV-green camera to record footage from mouse habitats. We found chromatic contrast to greatly diverge in the upper but not the lower visual field, an environmental difference that may underlie the species’ superior colour discrimination in the upper visual field. Moreover, training an autoencoder on upper but not lower visual field scenes was sufficient for the emergence of colour-opponent filters. Furthermore, the upper visual field was biased towards dark UV contrasts, paralleled by more light-offset-sensitive cells in the ventral retina. Finally, footage recorded at twilight suggests that UV promotes aerial predator detection. Our findings support that natural scene statistics shaped early visual processing in evolution

    Sex, eye size, and the rate of myopic eye growth due to form deprivation in outbred white leghorn chickens

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    Purpose. There is considerable variation in the degree of form-deprivation myopia (FDM) induced in chickens by a uniform treatment regimen. Sex and pretreatment eye size have been found to be predictive of the rate of FD-induced eye growth. Therefore, this study was undertaken to test whether the greater rate of myopic eye growth in males is a consequence of their larger eyes or of some other aspect of their sex. Methods. Monocular FDM was induced in 4-day-old White Leghorn chicks for 4 days. Changes in ocular component dimensions and refractive error were assessed by A-scan ultrasonography and retinoscopy, respectively. Sex identification of chicks was performed by DNA test. Relationships between traits were assessed by multiple regression. Results. FD produced (mean ± SD) 13.47 ± 3.12 D of myopia and 0.47 ± 0.14 mm of vitreous chamber elongation. The level of induced myopia was not significantly different between the sexes, but the males had larger eyes initially and showed greater myopic eye growth than did the females. In multiple linear regression analysis, the partial correlation between sex and the degree of induced eye growth remained significant (P = 0.008) after adjustment for eye size, whereas the partial correlation between initial eye size and the degree of induced eye growth was no longer significant after adjustment for sex (P = 0.11). After adjustment for other factors, the chicks' sex accounted for 6.4% of the variation in FD-induced vitreous chamber elongation. Conclusions. The sex of the chick influences the rate of experimentally induced myopic eye growth, independent of its effects on eye size

    Selective breeding for susceptibility to myopia reveals a gene-environment interaction

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    Purpose. To test whether the interanimal variability in susceptibility to visually induced myopia is genetically determined. Methods. Monocular deprivation of sharp vision (DSV) was induced in outbred White Leghorn chicks aged 4 days. After 4 days' DSV, myopia susceptibility was quantified by the relative changes in axial length and refraction. Chicks in the extreme tails of the distribution of susceptibility to DSV were kept and paired for breeding (high- and low-susceptibility lines). A second round of selection was then performed. The third generation of chicks, derived from the selected parents, was assessed after either monocular DSV (4 or 10 days) or lens wear. Results. After two rounds of selective breeding, the chicks from the high-susceptibility line developed approximately twice as much myopia in response to 4 days' DSV as did those from the low-susceptibility line (P < 0.001). All ocular component dimensions differed significantly (P < 0.001) between the two selected lines, both before treatment and in the responses of the treated eye. When DSV was conducted for 10 days, the relative changes in axial length and refractive error were still significantly different between the high and low lines (P < 0.001). The chicks bred for high or low susceptibility to DSV also showed significantly different responses to minus lens wear, but not to plus lens wear. Additive genetic effects explained ∼50% of the interanimal variability in response to DSV. Conclusions. Genes and environment interact to shape refractive development in chicks