39 research outputs found

    Color-octet scalar effects on Higgs boson production in gluon fusion

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    We compute the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the gluon-fusion production of a Higgs boson in models with massive color-octet scalars in the (8,1)0{\bf (8,1)_0} representation using an effective-theory approach. We derive a compact analytic expression for the relevant Wilson coefficient, and explain an interesting technical aspect of the calculation that requires inclusion of the quartic-scalar interactions at next-to-next-to-leading order. We perform a renormalization-group analysis of the scalar couplings to derive the allowed regions of parameter space, and present phenomenological results for both the Tevatron and the LHC. The modifications of the Higgs production cross section are large at both colliders, and can increase the Standard Model rate by more than a factor of two in allowed regions of parameter space. We estimate that stringent constraints on the color-octet scalar parameters can be obtained using the Tevatron exclusion limit on Higgs production.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Invisible Z′ at the CERN LHC

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    We study the feasibility of observing an invisibly decaying Z′ at the LHC through the process pp→ZZ′→ℓ^+ℓ^−XX^†, where X is any neutral, (quasi-) stable particle, whether a standard model neutrino or a new state. The measurement of the invisible width through this process facilitates both a model-independent measurement of Γ_(Z′→ṽν and potentially detection of light neutral hidden states. Such particles appear in many models, where the Z′ is a messenger to a hidden sector, and also if dark matter is charged under the U(1)′ of the Z′. We find that with as few as 30 fb^(−1) of data the invisibly decaying Z′ can be observed at 5σ over standard model background for a 1 TeV Z′ with reasonable couplings. If the Z′ does not couple to leptons and therefore cannot be observed in the Drell-Yan channel, this process becomes a discovery mode. For reasonable hidden sector couplings, masses up to 2 TeV can be probed at the LHC. If the Z′ does couple to leptons, then the rate for this invisible decay is predicted by on-peak data and the presence of additional hidden states can be searched for. With 100 fb^(−1) of data, the presence of excess decays to hidden states can be excluded at 95% C.L., if they comprise 20–30% of the total invisible cross section

    Discovering hidden sectors with mono-photon Z' searches

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    In many theories of physics beyond the Standard Model, from extra dimensions to Hidden Valleys and models of dark matter, Z' bosons mediate between Standard Model particles and hidden sector states. We study the feasibility of observing such hidden states through an invisibly decaying Z' at the LHC. We focus on the process pp -> \gamma Z' -> \gamma X X*, where X is any neutral, (quasi-) stable particle, whether a Standard Model (SM) neutrino or a new state. This complements a previous study using pp -> Z Z' -> l+ l- X X*. Only the Z' mass and two effective charges are needed to describe this process. If the Z' decays invisibly only to Standard Model neutrinos, then these charges are predicted by observation of the Z' through the Drell-Yan process, allowing discrimination between Z' decays to SM neutrinos and invisible decays to new states. We carefully discuss all backgrounds and systematic errors that affect this search. We find that hidden sector decays of a 1 TeV Z' can be observed at 5 sigma significance with 50 fb^{-1} at the LHC. Observation of a 1.5 TeV state requires super-LHC statistics of 1 ab^{-1}. Control of the systematic errors, in particular the parton distribution function uncertainty of the dominant Z \gamma background, is crucial to maximize the LHC searchComment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Factorization and Resummation of Higgs Boson Differential Distributions in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    We derive a factorization theorem for the Higgs boson transverse momentum (p_T) and rapidity (Y) distributions at hadron colliders, using the Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), for m_h>> p_T>> \Lambda_{QCD} where m_h denotes the Higgs mass. In addition to the factorization of the various scales involved, the perturbative physics at the p_T scale is further factorized into two collinear impact-parameter Beam Functions (iBFs) and an inverse Soft Function (iSF). These newly defined functions are of a universal nature for the study of differential distributions at hadron colliders. The additional factorization of the p_T-scale physics simplifies the implementation of higher order radiative corrections in \alpha_s(p_T). We derive formulas for factorization in both momentum and impact parameter space and discuss the relationship between them. Large logarithms of the relevant scales in the problem are summed using the renormalization group equations of the effective theories. Power corrections to the factorization theorem in p_T/m_h and \Lambda_{QCD}/p_T can be systematically derived. We perform multiple consistency checks on our factorization theorem including a comparison with known fixed order QCD results. We compare the SCET factorization theorem with the Collins-Soper-Sterman approach to low-p_T resummation.Comment: 66 pages, 5 figures, discussion regarding zero-bin subtractions adde

    Invisible Z′ at the CERN LHC

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    We study the feasibility of observing an invisibly decaying Z′ at the LHC through the process pp→ZZ′→ℓ^+ℓ^−XX^†, where X is any neutral, (quasi-) stable particle, whether a standard model neutrino or a new state. The measurement of the invisible width through this process facilitates both a model-independent measurement of Γ_(Z′→ṽν and potentially detection of light neutral hidden states. Such particles appear in many models, where the Z′ is a messenger to a hidden sector, and also if dark matter is charged under the U(1)′ of the Z′. We find that with as few as 30 fb^(−1) of data the invisibly decaying Z′ can be observed at 5σ over standard model background for a 1 TeV Z′ with reasonable couplings. If the Z′ does not couple to leptons and therefore cannot be observed in the Drell-Yan channel, this process becomes a discovery mode. For reasonable hidden sector couplings, masses up to 2 TeV can be probed at the LHC. If the Z′ does couple to leptons, then the rate for this invisible decay is predicted by on-peak data and the presence of additional hidden states can be searched for. With 100 fb^(−1) of data, the presence of excess decays to hidden states can be excluded at 95% C.L., if they comprise 20–30% of the total invisible cross section

    Electroweak and finite quark-mass effects on the Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution

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    We perform a detailed study of the various one-loop contributions leading to production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in association with a hard jet. This production mode contributes to the current Tevatron exclusion limit of the Standard Model Higgs with 160 GeV < M_H < 170 GeV, and will also be important for discovery and interpretation of new scalar bosons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We include top- and bottom-quark initiated contributions, maintaining the exact dependence on the quark masses, and also study previously neglected W- and Z-boson mediated effects which shift the qg and q\bar{q} production modes. We consider the deviations from commonly used approximations for the Higgs boson transverse momentum spectrum caused by the finite top-quark mass, bottom quark contributions, and electroweak gauge boson terms. All three effects act to decrease the Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution for observable momenta, with shifts reaching -8% at the Tevatron and -30% at the LHC. The shifts have a significant dependence on the Higgs p_T, and are especially important if large momenta are selected by experimental cuts.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures; references adde

    The New DAMA Dark-Matter Window and Energetic-Neutrino Searches

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    Recently, the DAMA/LIBRA collaboration has repeated and reinforced their claim to have detected an annual modulation in their signal rate, and have interpreted this observation as evidence for dark-matter particles at the 8.2 sigma confidence level. Furthermore, it has also been noted that the effects of channeling may enable a WIMP that scatters elastically via spin-independent interactions from nuclei to produce the signal observed by DAMA/LIBRA without exceeding the limits placed by CDMS, XENON, CRESST, CoGeNT and other direct-detection experiments. To accommodate this signal, however, the mass of the responsible dark-matter particle must be relatively light, m_{DM} \lsim 10 GeV. Such dark-matter particles will become captured by and annihilate in the Sun at very high rates, leading to a potentially large flux of GeV-scale neutrinos. We calculate the neutrino spectrum resulting from WIMP annihilations in the Sun and show that existing limits from Super-Kamiokande can be used to close a significant portion of the DAMA region, especially if the dark-matter particles produce tau leptons or neutrinos in a sizable fraction of their annihilations. We also determine the spin-dependent WIMP-nuclei elastic-scattering parameter space consistent with DAMA. The constraints from Super-Kamiokande on the spin-dependent scenario are even more severe--they exclude any self-annihilating WIMP in the DAMA region that annihilates 1% of the time or more to any combination of neutrinos, tau leptons, or charm or bottom quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Precision Measurements and Fermion Geography in the Randall-Sundrum Model Revisited

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    We re-examine the implications of allowing fermion fields to propagate in the five-dimensional bulk of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) localized gravity model. We find that mixing between the Standard Model top quark and its Kaluza Klein excitations generates large contributions to the rho parameter and consequently restricts the fundamental RS scale to lie above 100 TeV. To circumvent this bound we propose a `mixed' scenario which localizes the third generation fermions on the TeV brane and allows the lighter generations to propagate in the full five-dimensional bulk. We show that this construction naturally reproduces the observed m_c / m_t and m_s / m_b hierarchies. We explore the signatures of this scenario in precision measurements and future high energy collider experiments. We find that the region of parameter space that addresses the hierarchies of fermion Yukawa couplings permits a Higgs boson with a mass of 500 GeV and remains otherwise invisible at the LHC. However, the entire parameter region consistent with electroweak precision data is testable at future linear colliders. We briefly discuss possible constraints on this scenario arising from flavor changing neutral currents.Comment: 44 pages, 20 ps files; VII, typos fixed and refs adde