140 research outputs found

    Legitimation by Constitution (and the News from South Africa)

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    Thirteen Easy Pieces

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    A Review of Responding to Imperfection: The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Amendment by Sanford Levinso

    Politics As Medicine: On Misdiagnosing Legal Scholarship

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    RSB, the Social Contract, and a Bridge across the Gap: Delgado Talks to Rawls

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    Symposium: Examining Critical Race Theory: Honoring Professor Richard Delgad

    \u3cem\u3eTerry Firma\u3c/em\u3e: Background Democracy and Constitutional Foundations

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    Ages ago, I had the excellent luck to fall into a collaboration with Terrance Sandalow to produce a casebook now long forgotten. There could have been no more bracing or beneficial learning experience for a fledgling legal scholar (meaning me). What brought us together indeed was luck from my standpoint, but it was enterprise, too - the brokerage of an alert West Publishing Company editor picking up on a casual remark of mine as he made one of his regular sweeps through Harvard Law School. A novice law professor, I mentioned to him how much I admired a new essay in the field of local government law (a subject I was just then trying to learn) by someone I didn\u27t know but who lived in that editor\u27s home town of Minneapolis-Saint Paul. The essay was Terrance Sandalow\u27s since-become-classic piece on municipal home rule, and the West editor arranged to bring the two of us together to discuss the casebook project that in fact materialized

    Foreword: Racialism and Reason

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    Clueless, I am not; but still I can wonder why I, of all people, was recruited to write a foreword for this symposium - sight unseen, before its component papers had even been submitted. Neither legal representation nor the teaching of it has ever been for me a main activity or focus of scholarly reflection. Although I have written occasionally about race - in defense of busing, on the side of affirmative action - no one could mistake me for a critical race theorist. I am the original-model imperial scholar, as of last report only partially redeemed. Liberal is the usual name for the brand of legal theorist I think I am and certainly intend to be. But isn\u27t liberal an opposite to critical? So what am I doing here

    Faith and Obligation, or What Makes Sandy Sweat

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