3 research outputs found


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    It is well known that stress lies in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases. Erythrocytes (Er) are very sensitive to oxidative stress expressed with increased hemolysis. This phenomenon is due to reduced antioxidant defense reflecting mainly in diminished intracellular glutathione content. Paracetamol is one of the widely used analgesics-antipyretics. Its pro-drug propacetamol is water-soluble, injectable form of paracetamol recently introduced into the clinical practice for pain relief in the postoperative period. In our study we used the cold/restrained stress (CRS) experimental model to investigate the effects of paracetamol and propacetamol on the glutathione antioxidant system in rat Er. The test drugs were applied in equivalent doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg body mass, respectively, 1 hour before the CRS. After the stress period (4 hours, 4°C) blood was taken and glutathione content in Er-lysates was estimated. The results showed a reduced glutathione content in the CRS group. Pretreatment with paracetamol diminished this parameter by 34 %, while the administration of propacetamol decreased the glutathione concentration in Er more stronger - by 64 %. Our results suggested that CRS had induced dysbalance in Er glutathione antioxidant system which was aggravated by paracetamol and propacetamol

    Surgical Treatment as a Prognostic Factor for Survival in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors

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    Background: Surgical treatment is the only method that offers radical treatment in patients with neuro-endocrine tumors (NET). These tumors are commonly found later in their progression with bulky primary tumors with metastases. The slow growth of these tumours allows for aggressive surgical treatment, although up to 90% of NET patients develop metastases, and in 40% of them metastases are present at the moment of diagnosis.Aim: The aim of our study is to assess the prognostic factors influencing survival and quality of life in patients with NET. We established that such factors are: the presence of metastases, their resectability, as well as the type of surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of the characteristics of patients with NET subjected to surgical treatment in our Department for the period 1991 - 2015, as well as prospective analysis of their survival.Results: 98 patients with NET were included in our series: the mean survival time was 7.2 years with a median of 5.3 years. After a statistical analysis of the results, we established that the presence and number of liver metastases (p=0.025), as well as their resectability (Ñ

    Short-Term Results after Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer - Prognostic Factors and Prerequisites for Their Improvement

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    Introduction: Over the past few decades there have been a significant improvement in the results of radical surgery for pancreatic cancer as the early postoperative mortality is minimized in the major centers. However, the rate of postoperative morbidity remains relatively high. The most common surgical complications are: insufficiency of pancreatic or biliary anastomosis, the occurrence of bleeding or delayed gastric emptying. Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze the short-term results after left and right pancreatic resections for pancreatic cancer and to determine the factors influencing their appearance, the prerequisites for reducing the complications and possibilities for preventing them. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed. Between 1999 and 2015, 365 patients underwent different pancreatic resections for pancreatic cancer in the Department of General and Hepato-pancreatic Surgery of the University Hospital `Alexandrovska`. Clinicopathological material was analyzed by different statistical methods using SPSS-19. Results: 244 duodenohemipancreatectomies, 40 left subtotal pancreatectomies and 81 left hemipancreatectomies were performed. Observed mortality rate was 6.85%. Applying own modification of the prosthesis of the anastomoses with drainage type `perdue` leads to decreased rates of pancreatic anastomotic leaks - 3.28%. With regard to the early postoperative results, prognostic factors are blood loss, the values of T-Bil, D-Bil and ALP. Conclusion: Optimizing surgical technique according to the existing changes of the pancreas in the specific case is the basis of reducing of the postoperative morbidity rate. On the other hand, the implementation of adequate intensive care leads to reduction in early postoperative mortality and improvement of survival