25 research outputs found
Vergleich unterschiedlicher Leistungskriterien im Basketball
To establish the performance of a basketball player in a game is rather difficult and unreliable, It depends on many factors from which some can be established objectively and recorded as basketball statistics so that the playing efficiency of a player can be determined. The other factors can be established only subjectively and therefore playing success can thus be adequately evaluated only by competent experts. The sample of subjects included 43 young female basketball players (age 15 to 17) who participated in the final tournament of the Cadet Championship of Slovenia in the season 1994/95. The sample of variables included 6 weighted and 6 non-weighted indexes of playing efficiency and 5 marks of playing success which were established by 5 independent evaluators according to certain criteria. We can establish that the weighted and non-weighted indexes of playing efficiency have, with respect to the extremely high interrelation, practically the same subject of measurement so that non-weighted indexes obviously also express a fairly real mark of playing performance. For this reason, the application and calculation of the weighted indexes was almost meaningless in our case because instead of them the non-weighted indexes could have been used as a criterion of playing efficiency as well.
We can also find out that the indexes of the playing efficiency used in the research are a quite successful measure of efficiency of a player in a game. Absolute indexes obviously carry some more information as they are in a better correlation with the mark of performance than are the relative ones. In establishing the playing efficiency we thus recommend for further use above all the index of absolute efficiency of a player in a match. Provided that the playing performance is evaluated by adequate experts, the mark of playing performance (success) probably still remains that criterion which is the most relevant one and which conveys the most information.Es ist sehr schwer die Leistung der Basketballspielerin einem Spiel zuverlƤssig festzustellen. Sie hangt von mehreren Faktoren ab, von denen einige sachlich festzustellen und als Spielstatistik zu verzeichnen sind und aus betreffender Statistik ist die Leistung durchaus herzuleiten. Die, anderen Faktoren sind nur die persƶnliche EinschƤtzung, so dass die Spielleistung entsprechend nur von den Fachleuten eingestuft werden kann. Das Muster umfasste 43 junge Basketballspielerinnen im Alter von 15 bis 17, die an einem Endwettbewerb der slowenischen Jugendliga im Jahre 1994,/95. teilnahmen. Das Musterbeispiel schloss 6 ponderierte und 6 unponderierte Leistungindexe, sowohl fĆ¼nf Leistungsurteile von fĆ¼nf unabhƤngigen Urteile gemĆ¤Ć bestimmten Kriterien ein.
Es ist festzustellen, dass sowohl ponderierte als auch unponderierte Leistungindexe hinsichtlich dem ausgesprochenen VerhƤltnis zueinander eigentlich den gleichen Leistungspunkt haben, so dass auch unponderierte Indexe ziemlich genaues Leistungsurteil aufweisen. Daher blieb die Anwendung und Bearbeitung von ponderierten Indexe fast bedeutungslos, weil sie zum Leistungsurteil durchaus durch die unponderierten Indexe ersetzt werden konnte. Wir dĆ¼rfen auch behaupten, dass die angewendete Leistungsindexe im Spiel ein groĆes AusmaĆ an Spielerleistung im Spiel zeigen. Die absoluten Indexe bringen einige Daten mehr bei, weil sie in einem festeren VerhƤltnis zu Leistungsurteil als die relativen stehen. Daher empfehlen wir in der zukĆ¼nftlichen Beurteilung von der Spielleistung den Index der absoluten Spielerleistung im Spiel. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Spielleistung durch Fachleute beurteilt wird, bleibt das Leistungsurteil das relevanteste, am meisten zeigende Kriterium
Morphological Profile of Different Types of Top Young Female European Basketball Players
Basketball is a team sport involving several types of players who differ in terms of body height and other morphological dimensions. This study aimed to establish and analyze the morphological characteristics of top young female European basketball players, the development levels of the morphological characteristics of three basic types of such players and any differences among them. The sample of subjects comprised 115 female basketball players aged 14.64 (Ā±0.48) years. They were divided into three groups according to their playing position: guard (N=51), forward (N=33) and center (N=31). The study applied 23 morphological measures, based on which the somatotype components, percentages of bone, muscle and fat tissue and other morphological indexes were calculated. Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) were established between individual types of players in terms of their body height, body mass and the three somatotype components, by using a one-way analysis of variance, whereas no such differences were identified in terms of their bone, muscle and fat tissue percentages. There were no differences even after the effect of body height was eliminated by using a multivariate analysis of covariance. The effect of the covariate was only statistically significant in terms of bone tissue percentage. The results of the study thus refute the assumption that it is possible to differentiate player types according to their proportions of fat and muscle tissue
Razlike u motoriÄkim sposobnostima vrhunskih europskih mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica razliÄitih igraÄkih pozicija
The study is mainly aimed at determining and analysing motor abilities of European top-quality young
female basketball players. Our primary interest was the development level of motor abilities of various types of players and probable differences between them. The sample of subjects consisted of 65 female basketball players from 27 European countries aged 14.49Ā±.62 who were divided into three groups according to their playing positions (guards, forwards, centres). Using eight motor tests, we mainly investigated the playersā motor abilities as follows: power of sprinting type, agility, power of throwing type and power of jumping type. Basic descriptive statistics was calculated for all the groups and the differences between them were established using ANOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA with body height and mass as covariates. The study results show that the differences between individual player types can also be confirmed in a sample of European top-quality young female basketball players. They were distinctly differentiated in body height and mass, whereas ANOVA and MANOVA also confirmed the differences in their motor abilities. The structure of motor abilities of individual player types changes considerably if the influence of body height and mass is eliminated. The differences between them decrease and are only preserved in the technically most demanding movements performed with the ball. The differences are not only a consequence of the differences in body height but also of the different playing roles of individual types of players as well as the required technical knowledge.Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bilo utvrÄivanje i analiza stanja motoriÄkih sposobnosti vrhunskih europskih
mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica. Primarni interes istraživanja bio je utvrditi razvojni status motoriÄkih sposobnosti koÅ”arkaÅ”ica razliÄitih igraÄkih pozicija i definiranje razlika meÄu njima. Uzorak ispitanica Äinilo je 65 koÅ”arkaÅ”ica iz 27 europskih zemalja, u dobi od 14,49Ā±0,62 godine. Podijeljene su u tri skupine prema svojim igraÄkim mjestima - braniÄi, krila i centri. Uporabom 8 testova za procjenu motoriÄkih sposobnosti definirano je stanje sljedeÄih motoriÄkih sposobnosti: eksplozivna snaga tipa sprinta, agilnost, eksplozivna snaga tipa bacanja i eksplozivna snaga tipa skoka. Za sve grupe ispitanica izraÄunati su osnovni statistiÄki parametri te su, za utvrÄivanje razlika meÄu njima, koriÅ”tene ANOVA, MANOVA i MANCOVA, kod koje je za tjelesnu visinu i tjelesnu masu provedena analiza kovarijance. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da razlike meÄu igraÄicama razliÄitih igraÄkih pozicija postoje i u uzorku vrhunskih europskih mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica. Mlade koÅ”arkaÅ”ice se izrazito razlikuju po tjelesnoj visini i težini, a ANOVA i MANOVA otkrile su i razlike u razini razvijenosti njihovih motoriÄkih sposobnosti. Struktura motoriÄkih sposobnosti pojedine skupine koÅ”arkaÅ”ica znaÄajno se mijenja ukloni li se utjecaj tjelesne visine i težine. Razlika meÄu njima tada se smanjuje i ostaje oÄuvana samo u tehniÄki najzahtjevnijim kretnim strukturama koje se izvode loptom. Može se zakljuÄiti kako razlike meÄu grupama ispitanica nije samo posljedica razlike u visini, veÄ ona postoji i zbog razliÄitih igraÄkih uloga pojedinog tipa igraÄica, kao i zbog zahtijevane razine tehniÄkog znanja
The effect of shooting range on the dynamics of limbs angular velocities of the basketball shot
The aim of our research was to describe the joint angular velocities of young basketball players (U16) during their performance of jump shots and to find out what is the effect of increasing shooting range on these velocities. Our sample included 14 players that performing the function of guards. Their average age (Ā±SD) was 15.43Ā±0.51 years. The analysis contemplated 370 field goals, which were performed from three
different distances (3.75 m, 5.25 m and 6.75 m) perpendicular to the hoop board. The measurements were performed using an Xsens MVN inertial suit. The results showed that the maximum angular velocity in the shoulder and elbow joint became greater with the increase of shooting range. In the throw from the shortest distance, the segments were integrated into the movement of the shooting arm according to the proximaldistal principle. The temporal sequences of maxima velocities in legs were preserved in throws from all the three distances. The findings are important for young basketball players and their coaches. They have to be aware of the needed adjustments to the techniques of throws from various ranges and they must take them
into account when practicing
Utjecaj uvoÄenja lakÅ”e koÅ”arkaÅ”ke lopte manjeg dijametra na izvedbu Å”uta mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica
The study applied to introduction of a basketball used by women to FĆ©dĆ©ration Internationale de Basketball Associations (FIBA) rules in the 2004/5 season to improve the efficiency and accuracy of basketball shooting. The main purpose was to establish whether the introduction of a reduced-diameter and lighter basketball (size 6) affects the efficacy and number of shots by female basketball players aged 15 and 16 (cadet age category). The sample included 576 European female basketball players who were members of national teams at the cadet Womenās European Championships in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007. The players were classified into three subsamples according to their playing positions: guards, forwards and centres. It was found that statistically significant differences by year (tournament) occurred only in terms of the percentage of scored free throws. The percentage was lower in 2005, whereas in 2007 it was higher than in the reference year of 2001. In the same year (tournament), the number of two-point shots taken and the shots scored by the guards increased, whereas in the case of the centres, it decreased. Contrary to the expectations, the results showed that the introduction of a new basketball (size 6) did not cause any important improvement in the shooting efficacy of young female basketball players (the only exception were free throws) and also that the number of three-point shots taken did not increase.Istraživanje je bilo usmjereno na uÄinke uvoÄenja drugaÄije lopte u pravila MeÄunarodne koÅ”arkaÅ”ke federacije (FIBA) u sezoni 2004./2005. na poboljÅ”anje uÄinkovitosti i preciznosti Å”uterskih performansi mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica. Glavni je cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi utjeÄe li uvoÄenje lakÅ”e i manje lopte (veliÄina 6) na uÄinkovitost i broj bacanja na koÅ” u koÅ”arkaÅ”ica dobi od 15 i 16 godina (kadetski uzrast). Uzorak ispitanica je ukljuÄivao 576 europskih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica koje su bile Älanice nacionalnih selekcija na ženskim kadetskim Europskim prvenstvima održanima 2001., 2003., 2005. i 2007. godine. IgraÄice su bile podijeljene u tri poduzorka prema igraÄkim pozicijama: braniÄi, krila i centri. UtvrÄena je statistiÄki znaÄajna razlika u postotku uspjeÅ”nih slobodnih bacanja izmeÄu godina (održavanja turnira). Postotak je bio manji 2005. godine, dok je 2007. bio veÄi nego u referentnoj 2001. godini. U istoj godini (turnir) se poveÄao broj koÅ”eva za dva poena te broj koÅ”eva koje su postigli braniÄi, dok se smanjio za centre. Suprotno oÄekivanjima, rezultati su pokazali da uvoÄenje nove koÅ”arkaÅ”ke lopte (veliÄina 6) nije prouzroÄilo nikakvo znaÄajno poboljÅ”anje Å”uterske uÄinkovitosti mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”ica (jedina iznimka bila su slobodna bacanja) te takoÄer nije uzrokovalo poveÄanje broja bacanja za tri poena
Bilateral Concentric and Eccentric Isokinetic Strength Evaluation of Quadriceps and Hamstrings in Basketball Players
The aim of the study was to investigate the existence of bilateral asymmetry in healthy basketball players of different age, as evidence suggest that it may be an age related phenomenon which develops over the years of training. Fifty healthy basketball players (26 males and 24 females) participated in the study. The quadriceps (Q) and the hamstring (H) were tested concentrically and eccentrically at 60Ā°/s. The main outcome measure was body weight normalized peak torque (PT/BW). We have also calculated different strength ratios as well as the bilateral strength differences. The main findings indicate that (1) bilateral strength asymmetry is noticeable in senior basketball players relating predominantly to the Q (2) some gender related strength differences were mainly associated with the concentric strength of Q and H (3) when corrected for weight and height, age related strength differences were relatively small and observed only with re- spect to H strength in males (4) superiority of eccentric over concentric strength values of Q and H was more pronounced in females than in males. Strength asymmetry in senior basketball players may be more attributable to the better neuro- muscular control during vertical jumping than to the strength itself, as there were no age related differences between ca- dets and senior players
Impact of the focus of attention on vertical jump performance of junior basketball players
The aim of the research was to determine the impact of the focus of attention on vertical jump performance expressed through a jump height. Thirteen basketball players (body mass = 73,4 kg, height = 186,58 cm, age = 15.12 Ā± 0.61 y) volunteered as participants. All the subject represented a club which participated in the Croatian cadets 1. league in season 2008/09, and were tested during the season. The subjects performed two experiments. In both experiments, they performed 15 repetitions of countermovement jump, whereas in one of the experiments, during the performance of the jumps they were listening to an audio record of spectators. For both type of jumps, the subjects were instructed to stay in the air as long as possible during a single jump (external focus of attention). To determine the differences between jumps, a paired-sample t-test was used with a level of statistical significance set to p ā¤ 0.05. Comparison for jump height between both type of jumps revealed no statistically significant difference, although the presented difference should not be denied considering a real match conditions