46 research outputs found

    Biohemijske promene u krvnom serumu pasa tretiranih fenobarbitonom

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    Despite being described as the safest antiepileptic drug of first choice the presented literature data are much varied as far as dog blood serum biochemical parameters are considered. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phenobarbitone at different per os doses on the values of selected blood serum biochemical parameters in dogs during both short and long term application. The study was conducted on 30 dogs of different races, both sexes, ranging from 2 to 8 years of age. A total of 15 healthy and 15 dogs suffering from idiophatic epilepsy were observed. During the short term per os application of phenobarbitone (given at 3 week intervals) to the healthy population in varied doses a statistically significant increase in ALT and AP was recorded. Application of 16 mg/kg/day of phenobarbitone to the healthy population during 14 days resulted in a significant increase of ALT and AP. This increase was dependant on the duration of the treatment. During chronic application of phenobarbitone to dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy a significant increase in values of AP and ALT depending on the given dose was recorded. In two of the studied epileptic dogs treated with high therapeutic doses of phenobarbitone clinical signs of hepatotoxicity were recorded. Hepatotoxicity resulted in decreased albumin and total protein concentrations, as well as increased blood serum total bilirubin, AST, ALP and AP. The obtained results indicate that a long term application of phenobarbitone at high therapeutic doses can cause hepatotoxicity. However, there was no relationship between phenobarbitone dosage and duration of therapy and blood glucose, urea, creatinine, total proteins, albumins, total bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol.Iako označen kao antiepileptik prvog izbora i veoma bezbedan lek, u literaturi su prezentovani različiti podaci o uticaju fenobarbitona na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa. S obzirom na to, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj fenobarbitona pri različitim per os dozama na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa, tokom kratkotrajne i dugotrajne aplikacije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 30 pasa različitih rasa, oba pola, starosne kategorije od dve do osam godina, od kojih su 15 bili zdravi psi a 15 psi oboleli od idiopatske epilepsije. Tokom kratkotrajne per os aplikacije fenobarbitona (intervali od po tri nedelje) zdravoj populaciji pasa pri različitim per os dozama, u krvnom serumu je registrovano značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP u zavisnosti od doze leka. Aplikacija fenobarbitona u dozi od 16 mg/kg/dnevno tokom 14 nedelja zdravoj populaciji pasa ukazala je, na vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i AP u zavisnosti od dužine trajanja aplikacije. Tokom hronične aplikacije fenobarbitona psima obolelim od idiopatske epilepsije, ustanovljeno je statistički vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP i ALT u krvnom serumu u zavisnosti od doze leka. Kod dve jedinke u bolesnoj grupi pasa pri visokim terapeutskim dozama fenobarbitona registrovana je hepatotoksičnost, Å”to je dovelo do statistički značajnog smanjenja koncentracije albumina i ukupnih proteina, statistički značajnog povećanja koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina, statistički značajnog povećanja aktivnosti AST i statistički vrlo značajnog povećanja aktivnosti ALT i AP u krvnom serumu Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da dugotrajna aplikacija fenobarbitona, pri visokim terapeutskim dozama može izazvati hepatotoksičnost. Nije ustanovljeno postojanje veze između koncentracije glukoze, uree, kreatinina, ukupnih proteina, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina, triglicerida i holesterola u krvnom serumu pasa sa per os dozom fenobarbitona, niti sa dužinom trajanja terapije

    Selected hematology ratios in cats with non-septic effusions highly suspected of feline infectious peritonitis

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    In veterinary medicine, knowledge about hematologic ratios (neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and mean platelet volume-to-platelet ratio (MPV/PLT)) is limited, particularly in cats. While the roles of these ratios have been proven in oncology, systemic inflammation with or without systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and sepsis, information is lacking about their alterations in non-septic effusions, like feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). This study aimed to describe whether NLR, PLR, and MPV/PLT were changed and whether they correlated with routine hematologic and biochemical parameters in 16 cats with non-septic effusions, highly suspected to be the effusive form of FIP without SIRS, compared to nine clinically healthy cats. The NLR was calculated as the absolute count of neutrophils divided by the absolute count of lymphocytes, PLR by calculating the absolute platelet divided by the absolute lymphocyte count, and MPV/PLT by dividing mean platelet volume by absolute platelet count. The NLR, MPV, and MPV/PLT ratios were higher in cats with non-septic effusions suspected to be FIP, but PLR did not differ, when compared to healthy cats. Correlation analysis did not show any association between the selected ratios and hematological and biochemical parameters. In the absence of leukocytosis, increased NLR could help us to confirm the presence of systemic inflammation in cats with non-septic effusions indicative of FIP. However, a high MPV/PLT ratio should be interpreted with caution, especially in cats

    Retrospective analysis of clinical pathological findings in obstruction of lower urinary pathways in cats

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    Diseases of the lower urinary pathways with urethral obstruction are frequent urological conditions demanding urgent treatment that lead to the occurrence of post renal azotemia due to difficult or disabled urine elimination. The aim of these investigations was to establish the most frequent causes for the occurrence of obstructions of the lower urinary pathways in cats, the most frequent clinical signs, as well as the changes in the hematological and biochemical blood and urine parameters. The obtained results indicate that the most frequent cause of urethral obstruction in cats is the presence of urethra stones, sand, and urethra plugs caused by the aggregation of struvite crystals on organic matrix. The laboratory findings showed that all animals were dehydrated, azotemia was established in half the animals, and signs of uremia were evident in 10% cats. Over 90% cats had disrupted tubular function, and only 50% had clear laboratory signs of inflammation. It can be concluded from the presented results that all cats with urethra obstruction exhibit a certain degree of disrupted kidney function, which is, in most cases, a reversible pathological change when treated with timely and adequate therapy. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175061

    Canine babesiosis in different seasons - a fertile ground for multiple questions

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    Background: Canine babesiosis is a disease with a seasonal character. We have previously observed that in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia, 60% of cases with the acute-phase response (APR) give a notable maximum between mid- February and May, the so-called ā€œhigh seasonā€. The other two peak seasons with less pronounced maxima are in winter, from January to mid-February, and in autumn, from October to December. Objectives: Based on clinical observations, we postulate that dogs infected with B. canis in the ā€œhigh seasonā€ develop a more intense APR than dogs in the other two seasons. Material and Methods: To test this hypothesis, we compare the relative parasite load and the level of acute-phase proteins and reactants, their indexes (calculated as a combination of concentrations of fast and slow positive, and fast and slow negative acute phase reactants), as well as the concentration of coagulation factors, complete blood count, and biochemistry among dogs that developed the disease in the autumn, winter, and ā€œhigh seasonā€. Results: The relative parasite load is the lowest, and APR Indexes are the highest in dogs infected in ā€œhigh seasonā€. These findings are accompanied by relatively low creatinine and urea, implying that dogs in ā€œhigh seasonā€ had hemodilution, thus further suggesting short incubation. Unlike other acute-phase proteins, fibrinogen showed the lowest concentration in ā€œhigh seasonā€. Conclusion: Future research will help unveil the connection between more intense APR and relatively low parasite load and fibrinogen concentration

    Association of increased osmotic fragility of red blood cells with common systemic inflammatory diseases in dogs

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    Red blood cell osmotic fragility (RBCOF) refers to susceptibility to hemolysis in vivo and in vitro. An increase in mean cellular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) also reflects in vivo and in vitro hemolysis. Common inflammatory infectious diseases in dogs are often characterized by an increase in MCHC; however, it is not known if there is a concomitant increase in RBCOF. The objective of this study was to determine RBCOF in dogs with babesiosis, dirofilariosis, parvovirosis, pyometra, and canine distemper and to investigate whether RBCOF correlates with routine hematologic and biochemical parameters and lipoprotein fractions. The diagnosis of canine infectious disease was made and complete blood count, serum biochemical profiles, and lipoprotein electrophoresis were determined according to current institutional protocols. RBCOF of healthy control (n=8) and infected dogs (n=73) was measured with a phosphate-buffered saline dilution test, and mean corpuscular fragility (MCF) was calculated. MCF was increased in dirofilariosis, pyometra, and distemper; MCHC was increased in all infected groups; HDL was decreased in babesiosis, pyometra, and distemper compared with healthy controls. However, no correlation was found between these parameters. On the other hand, hematological and biochemical parameters, that are highly predictive of specific infections, correlated with MCF: ALP for babesiosis (r=0.415, P=0.035), urea (r=-0.488, P=0.034) for dirofilariosis, and leukocyte count (r=-0.820, P=0.046) for pyometra. Although elevated MCHC levels in all samples from infected dogs indicate hemolysis, RBCOF was elevated only in dirofilariosis, pyometra, and canine distemper, leading to the conclusion that these apparently related phenomena are controlled by different mechanisms

    Proliferation and differentiation potential of canine synovial fluid cells

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether synovial fluid (SF) of dogs contains cells that have characteristics of MSCs and to describe their differentiation potential. SF adherent cells from 5 young German shepherd dogs (average 3.8 +/- 0.9 years) were expanded (37 degrees C, 5% CO2, humidified atmosphere) three weeks before their phenotype was characterized by flow-cytometry for the presence of CD90 and CD34. Population doubling time (PDT), number of CFU-F and adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potentials have been determined in vitro. In early passages PTD was 31 +/- 10 hours and expansion fold after 3 sub cultivations (9 days) theoretically could be 372 +/- 134. At P1, 0.55 +/- 0.05% of SF cells had the ability to form CFU-F. Sixty-six percent of cells expressed CD90 and none of the cells expressed markers of hematopoietic cells. Oil Red O staining has shown accumulation of fat droplets in cells grown in adipogenic medium, while deposits of calcium in the osteogenic medium were evidenced with Alizarin red staining. SF cultured in hondrogenic and control medium in three-dimensional conditions formed a cartilage-like tissue. Alcian blue staining of pellets' slides have shown a significant amount of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and immunohistochemistry analysis documented collagen type II expression. The amount of GAGs in pellets grown in both conditions showed no difference. SF cells in vitro exhibited osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potentials, suggesting the presence of different mesenchymal progenitors. These results also demonstrated that SF cells have a spontaneous chondrogenic potential that should be further explored for possible tissue engineering protocols

    Reticulocyte response in paired blood samples of Babesia canis infected young and adult dogs

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    Acute B. canis infection can lead to an acute phase reaction (APR) in dogs. The parasite invades red blood cells causing anemia through immune-mediated hemolysis and possible erythropoietic suppression. A regenerative response of the erythroid lineage during the babesiosis has not been described in extension. This research examines hematologic parameters focusing on the absolute reticulocyte count and apolipoprotein A I (ApoA I) level on the day of admission and 14 days after treatment with imidocarb-dipropionate in young (n=11) and adult (n=11) dogs naturally infected with B. canis. Metabolic and inflammatory processes were characterized by analyzing protein and lipid profiles, as well as ApoA I at specified time points. Automated analyzers were used to determine complete blood count and biochemical parameters, while ApoA I was assessed using radioimmunoassay. The reticulocyte count was determined using a manual method by means of supravital staining. Both young and adult dogs with acute B. canis infection showed non-regenerative anemia without difference. Fourteen days after successful treatment with imidocarb-dipropionate, the anemia was corrected and a high reticulocyte count was observed (p<0.05). This indicates that the erythroid regenerative response was efficient in young and adult dogs, although vital signs, leukocyte count and triglyceride concentration suggest a more intense APR in young dogs. A decrease in ApoA I in both groups 14 days after treatment (p<0.01) confirmed that this lipoprotein acts as a positive acute-phase protein in acute B. canis infection in dogs, but further studies are needed to connect its role in erythroid lineage regeneration

    Povezanost promena hematoloŔkih parametara, nivoa proteina akutne faze i redoks homeostaze tokom akutne infekcije pasa sa babesia canis

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    Hemolysis and systemic acute inflammation characterize canine babesiosis caused by the intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite Babesia canis. Our hypothesis was that blood redox homeostasis of patients that suffered acute B. canis infection might be disturbed even after treatment with imidocarb-dipropionate and successful clinical recovery. Eight owner dogs with acute B. canis infection were used for this study. We analyzed the complete blood count, acute phase proteins (ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, paraoxonase-1) in the serum, antioxidant enzymes (catalase and glutathione peroxidase) in the erythrocytes, and oxidative stress markers (malondialdehyde in erythrocytes and thiol groups in serum) at presentation and 15 days after treatment. Results were evaluated by corresponding statistical tests. At presentation, anemia, low/normal leukocyte count and severe thrombocytopenia occurred together with increased ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin levels within the reference interval, decreased paraoxonase-1 and compromised antioxidant defense in the red blood cells. After treatment and successful clinical recovery, hematological values generally fitted within the reference intervals, acute phase proteins were within the physiological levels in the majority of cases and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes were increased. However, elevated malondialdehyde levels indicated increased oxidative damage of erythrocytes that remained as a deleterious sequel despite a successful clinical recovery of the dogs.Babezioza pasa, koju izaziva protozoa Babesia canis, praćena je hemolizom i sistemskom akutnom infl amacijom. NaÅ”a hipoteza je da kod pasa sa akutnom B. canis infekcijom, čak i nakon terapije imidokarb-dipropionatom i uspeÅ”nog kliničkog oporavka, postoji poremećaj redoks homeostaze. Studija uključuje osam vlasničkih pasa akutno infi ciranih babezijom. Analizirani su kompletna krvna slika, proteini akutne faze (ceruloplazmin, haptoglobin i paraoksonaza-1) u serumu, antioksidativni enzimi (katalaza i glutation peroksidaza) u eritrocitima i markeri oksidativnog stresa (malondialdehid u eritrocitima, tiolne grupe u serumu) na prezentaciji i 15 dana nakon terapije. Za procenu značajnosti rezultata primenjeni su odgovarajući statistički testovi. Anemija, nizak/normalan broj leukocita i teÅ”ka trombocitopenija praćeni poviÅ”enom koncentracijom ceruloplazmina, haptoglobinom u fi zioloÅ”kim intervalima i sniženim nivoom paraoksonaze-1, kao i kompromitovana antioksidativna zaÅ”tita, uočeni su na prezentaciji. Nakon terapije i uspeÅ”nog kliničkog oporavka, hematoloÅ”ke vrednosti su bile u fi zioloÅ”kom opsegu, kao i proteini akutne faze kod većine pacijenata, a aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima je pojačana. Međutim, poviÅ”ena koncentracija malondialdehida ukazuje na povećano oÅ”tećenje eritrocita koje je zaostalo uprkos uspeÅ”nom kliničkom oporavku pasa