41 research outputs found

    Multiple equilibria and low-frequency variability of wind-driven ocean models

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 1998The steady states of two models of the double-gyre wind-driven ocean circulation are studied. The link between the steady state solutions of the models and their time-mean and low-frequency variability is explored to test the hypothesis that both stable and unstable fixed points influence shape the model's attractor in phase space. The steady state solutions of a barotropic double-gyre ocean model in which the wind-stress curl input of vorticity is balanced primarily by bottom friction are studied. The bifurcations away from a unique and stable steady state are mapped as a function of two nondimensional parameters, (δI,δS), which can be thought of as measuring respectively the relative importance of the nonlinear advection and bottom damping of relative vorticity to the advection of planetary vorticity. A highly inertial branch characterized by a circulation with transports far in excess of those predicted by Sverdrup balance is present over a wide range of parameters including regions of parameter space where other solutions give more realistic flows. For the range of parameters investigated, in the limit of large Reynolds number, δI,δS → ∞, the inertial branch is stable and appears to be unique. This branch is anti-symmetric with respect to the mid-basin latitude like the prescribed wind-stress curl. For intermediate values of δI,δS, additional pairs of mirror image non-symmetric equilibria come into existence. These additional equilibria have currents which redistribute relative vorticity across the line of zero wind-stress curl. This internal redist~ibution of vorticity prevents the solution from developing the large transports that are necessary for the anti-symmetric solution to achieve a global vorticity balance. Beyond some critical Reynolds number, the nonsymmetric solutions are unstable to time-dependent perturbations. Time-averaged solutions in' this parameter regime have transports comparable in magnitude to those of the non-symmetric steady state branch. Beyond a turning point, where the non-symmetric steady state solutions cease to exist, all the computed time-dependent model trajectories converge to the anti-symmetric inertial runaway solution. The internal compensation mechanism which acts through explicitly simulated eddies is itself dependent explicit dissipation parameter. Using the reduced-gravity quasigeostrophic model an investigation of the link between the steady state solutions and the model's low-frequency variability is conducted. If the wind-stress curl is kept anti-symmetric, successive pairs of non-symmetric equilibria come into existence via symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcations as the model's biharmonic viscosity is reduced. Succesive pairs of mirror image equilibria have an additional half meander in the jet. The distinct energy levels of the steady state solutiOris can be understood in part by there different inter-gyre fluxes of vorticity. Those solutions with weak inter-gyre fluxes of vorticity have large and energetic recirculation cells which remove excess vorticity through bottom friction. Those solutions with strong inter-gyre fluxes of vorticity have much smaller and ·less energetic recirculation cells. A significant fraction of the variance (30%) of the interface height anomaly can be accounted by four coherent structures which point away from the time-mean state and towards four steady state solutions in phase space. After removing the variance which projects onto the four modes, the remaining variance is reduced predominantly at low-frequencies, showing that these modes are linked to the low-frequency variability of the model. Furthermore, the time-averaged flow fields within distinct energy ranges show distinct patterns which are in turn similar to the distinct steady state solutions

    Observational and numerical modeling constraints on the global ocean biological carbon pump

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    This study characterized ocean biological carbon pump metrics in the second iteration of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECCAP2) project. The analysis here focused on comparisons of global and biome-scale regional patterns in particulate organic carbon (POC) production and sinking flux from the RECCAP2 ocean biogeochemical model ensemble against observational products derived from satellite remote sensing, sediment traps, and geochemical methods. There was generally good model-data agreement in mean large-scale spatial patterns, but with substantial spread across the model ensemble and observational products. The global-integrated, model ensemble-mean export production, taken as the sinking POC flux at 100 m (6.08 ± 1.17 Pg C yr−1), and export ratio defined as sinking flux divided by net primary production (0.154 ± 0.026) both fell at the lower end of observational estimates. Comparison with observational constraints also suggested that the model ensemble may have underestimated regional biological CO2 drawdown and air-sea CO2 flux in high productivity regions. Reasonable model-data agreement was found for global-integrated, ensemble-mean sinking POC flux into the deep ocean at 1,000 m (0.65 ± 0.24 Pg C yr−1) and the transfer efficiency defined as flux at 1,000 m divided by flux at 100 m (0.122 ± 0.041), with both variables exhibiting considerable regional variability. The RECCAP2 analysis presents standard ocean biological carbon pump metrics for assessing biogeochemical model skill, metrics that are crucial for further modeling efforts to resolve remaining uncertainties involving system-level interactions between ocean physics and biogeochemistry

    Strong latitudinal patterns in the elemental ratios of marine plankton and organic matter

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    Nearly 75 years ago, Alfred C. Redfield observed a similarity between the elemental composition of marine plankton in the surface ocean and dissolved nutrients in the ocean interior. This stoichiometry, referred to as the Redfield ratio, continues to be a central tenet in ocean biogeochemistry, and is used to infer a variety of ecosystem processes, such as phytoplankton productivity and rates of nitrogen fixation and loss2-4. Model, field and laboratory studies have shown that different mechanisms can explain both constant and variable ratios of carbon to nitrogen and phosphorus among ocean plankton communities. The range of C/N/P ratios in the ocean, and their predictability, are the subject of much active research. Here we assess global patterns in the elemental composition of phytoplankton and particulate organic matter in the upper ocean, using published and unpublished observations of particulate phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon from a broad latitudinal range, supplemented with elemental data for surface plankton populations. We show that the elemental ratios of marine organic matter exhibit large spatial variations, with a global average that differs substantially from the canonical Redfield ratio. However, elemental ratios exhibit a clear latitudinal trend. Specifically, we observed a ratio of 195:28:1 in the warm nutrient-depleted low-latitude gyres, 137:18:1 in warm, nutrient-rich upwelling zones, and 78:13:1 in cold, nutrient-rich high-latitude regions. We suggest that the coupling between oceanic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles may vary systematically by ecosystem. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved