3,421 research outputs found

    El impacto de la formación en línea en la transferencia de comportamiento y en el desempeño laboral en una gran organización

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    Este estudio analiza la efectividad de la formación en línea en una gran organización. Se ha probado la influencia de diferentes procesos de la formación, como las estrategias de aprendizaje, las reacciones, el apoyo a la transferencia y las barreras, en la transferencia del comportamiento y el desempeño laboral. Los participantes fueron 3,600 empleados de un banco público brasileño que participaron en una formación en línea en el trabajo. Seis meses después, sus supervisores evaluaron las influencias de la formación en el comportamiento laboral de sus subordinados. Los hallazgos indicaron que en la autoevaluación la transferencia del comportamiento se predijo mediante estrategias de aprendizaje de elaboración/aplicación práctica, reacciones a la formación, apoyo organizacional y de pares; las estrategias de control de la motivación, cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda y elaboración/aplicación práctica, junto con las reacciones a la formación, se relacionaron significativamente con el desempeño laboral. En la heteroevaluación, el apoyo del supervisor contribuyó a explicar la transferencia del comportamiento y las estrategias cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda explicaron el desempeño laboral. Se identificó el papel mediador de las reacciones a la formación y el apoyo a la transferencia mostró efectos moderadores marginales.This study analyzes the effectiveness of online training in a large organization. We tested the influence of different training processes, such as learning strategies, reactions, support of transfer, and barriers, on behavioral transfer and job performance. The participants were 3,600 employees of a Brazilian public bank after taking part in online training at work. Six months later, their supervisors evaluated the influences of the training on their subordinates’ work behaviors. Findings indicated that in self-evaluation behavioral transfer was predicted by elaboration/practical application learning strategies, trainees’ reactions to training, organizational, and peer support; motivation control, cognitive/help-seeking, and elaboration/practical application learning strategies, along with trainees’ reactions to training, were significantly related to job performance. In hetero-evaluation, supervisor support contributed to explaining behavioral transfer, and cognitive/help-seeking strategies explained job performance. The mediating role of reactions to training was identified, and support of transfer showed marginal moderating effects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2015-64894-

    Learning strategies scale: adaptation to Portuguese and factor structure

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    Since learning strategies seem to be an important set of variables to explain the effectiveness of training and e-learning in organizations is here to stay, this paper aimed to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Learning Strategies Scale (LSS) and its relationship with the training transfer in an e-learning corporate context. A total of 3600 employees of a Brazilian bank participated in this study by responding to the LSS after taking part in an online course. We measured training transfer with self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation scales. Internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A four-factor structure and an acceptable level of fit for the model were found. All types of learning strategies were related to training transfer in self-evaluation, and the cognitive and help-seeking strategies contributed to explain training transfer in hetero-evaluation. As a reliable and valid measure that predicts the effectiveness of training and job performance, participants should be advised about the learning strategies that produce better performance results at the workplace. Future research should use it in different contexts and samples, analyzing its relationships with other workplace variables.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior” (CAPES/Brazil

    Design´s intrinsic influence in the creation of reality. A semiotic analysis on the relation between design and reality within the context of our current hypermobile era

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    À medida que as inovações tecnológicas se multiplicam a um ritmo acelerado, é possível observar como as fronteiras entre o mundo físico e o mundo do ciberespaço estão se a tornar cada vez mais tênues. Ao observar como os dispositivos tecnológicos se vão fundindo em nossa sociedade, percebe-se como os seres humano tem vindo a evoluir como seres ubíquos, capazes de estar em vários lugares ao mesmo tempo. Tendo entrado nesta chamada era da Hipermobilidade, não somos mais capazes de apenas nos movimentar nos espaços físicos, mas viemos ganhar também a capacidade de navegar pelos ciberespaços. À medida que a tecnologia se complexifica, o espaço vai ganhando um aspeto multidimensional, desencadeando mudanças nas regras espaciais como as conhecemos. Levantando ao mesmo tempo questões sobre a nossa perceção da própria realidade. O design, também desempenha um papel importante na vida humana, tanto na forma como percebemos o nosso mundo, como na forma como o navegamos e experienciamos. Assim, esta investigação busca explorar essa relação intrínseca que o design tem com a criação da realidade em que vivemos. Para tanto, realiza-se a análise de um estudo de caso, propondo a semiótica de Charles S. Peirce como metodologia de análise científica.As technological innovations multiply at fast rates, it can be observed how the borders between the physical world and the cyber world are becoming blurry. When observing how technological devices keep blending within our society, it can be perceived how human kind has evolved into ubiquitous beings, who are able to be at multiple places at the same time. As we entered this so called era of hypermobility, not only are we able to move around physical spaces, but we also gained the ability to navigate through cyberspaces. As technology complexifies, a multidimensional aspect of space emerges, triggering changes within the spatial rules as we know them, while also rising questions about our perception of reality itself. Design, also plays an important role in human life, both in how we perceive our world, as well as how we navigate and experience it. Therefore, this investigation seeks to explore this intrinsic relation that design has with the creation of the reality we live in. To do so, the analysis of a case study is conducted by proposing Charles S. Peirce’s semiotic as a scientific analysis methodology

    Exosomes and Immune Response in Cancer: Friends or Foes?

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    Exosomes are a type of extracellular vesicle whose study has grown exponentially in recent years. This led to the understanding that these structures, far from being inert waste by-products of cellular functioning, are active players in intercellular communication mechanisms, including in the interactions between cancer cells and the immune system. The deep comprehension of the crosstalk between tumors and the immune systems of their hosts has gained more and more importance, as immunotherapeutic techniques have emerged as viable options for several types of cancer. In this review, we present a comprehensive, updated, and elucidative review of the current knowledge on the functions played by the exosomes in this crosstalk. The roles of these vesicles in tumor antigen presentation, immune activation, and immunosuppression are approached as the relevant interactions between exosomes and the complement system. The last section of this review is reserved for the exploration of the results from the first phase I to II clinical trials of exosomes-based cell-free cancer vaccines

    Career paths of Moroccan immigrants in Spain with experience in the export industry in origin. Methodological issues of research

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    In recent decades a process of export-oriented industrialisation has been implemented in Morocco. Many foreign companies are starting to relocate their production to Moroccan territory, benefiting (as have other agents) from the tax advantages offered by the government. The lack of labour rights in these companies gives workers an impulse to quit and emigrate abroad. About fifty thousand Moroccan immigrants with labour experience in the industry in Morocco live in Spain. This paper summarises the methodological decisions taken in a doctoral thesis which aimed to study the working and migratory careers of the Moroccan population in Spain who previously worked in the export industry of their country. Throughout the article, questions are answered about research design, data collection techniques, the field work that was carried out or the analytical and synthetic processing of information. For example, the commitment to methodological complementation as a model for gathering data, the conducting of fifty eight in-depth interviews (both in Spain and in Morocco), the preparation and use of the microdata of the National Immigrant Survey in 2007 or the use of grounded theory as a model of analysis