2,002 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Parameters of Transfers in Rapid Transit Network Design

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    The rapid transit network design problem consists of the location of train alignments and stations in an urban traffic context. The originality of our study is to incorporate into the location model the decisions about the transportation mode and the route, to be chosen for urban trips. This paper proposes a new design model which includes transfers between train lines. The objective of the model is to maximize the number of expected users in the transit network taking limited budgets into consideration, in addition to location and allocation constraints. Furthermore, the transfer costs are considered in the generalized public costs when the users change lines. Waiting time to take the metro and walking time to transfer is included in the formulation of the costs. The analysis of transfer parameters is carried out using a test network. Some computational experience is included in the paper

    Calculando el pasado. La bóveda del palacio de Ctesifonte

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    Los entramados de lo público: república, plebe, publicidad y población

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    In this essay, I address the multiple experiences of the public (such as public policy, public health, public opinion or the publics), many of which we experience in a fragmented manner, as if these experiences of the public had no relation to each other. However, my premise is that what initially appears as a non-cohering adjective —the public in, for instance, public policy— might be understood in a comprehensive and innovative way when we unearth its shared semantics articulated by the substantive —the public. Furthermore, such nucleation of meanings around the noun allows us to conceive critical and innovative forms of response to a society historically polarized by social inequalities and violence, with elevated processes of bureaucratization and high levels of corruption and inefficiency, which is intimately connected to the global economy. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X32En este ensayo propongo abordar de manera integral las múltiples experiencias de lo público que se manifiestan, en buena parte de nuestras sociedades contemporáneas, aisladas y fracturadas, como si no tuvieran relación una con otra. La premisa es, por el contrario, que aquello que se expresa inicialmente como mero adjetivo —públicas— adquiere la posibilidad de ser comprendido de manera novedosa cuando encuentra su núcleo de sentido común articulado por el sustantivo —lo público—. Aún más, esa nucleación de sentidos en torno al sustantivo permite responder críticamente a una sociedad —como la colombiana—históricamente polarizada por grandes inequidades y fuertes violencias sociales, con acelerados procesos de burocratización y altos niveles de corrupción e ineficiencia, y que está íntimamente conectada a una economía global. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X3

    Tomen lo bueno, dejen lo malo:Simón Rodríguez y la educación popular

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    Este artículo examina la obra del filósofo caraqueño Simón Rodríguez (1771-1854) en torno al papel que la educación popular debe cumplir en las nacientes naciones americanas. Rodríguez, como buena parte de la nueva élite criolla, había comprendido rápidamente que uno de los principales retos de los nuevos Estados era la ausencia de una ciudadanía que pudiera animar la vida cívica y política. Aunque la educación pública ya había sido tratada por extenso por el reformismo ibérico desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, el problema se presentaba ahora de manera mucho más aguda, una vez que los nuevos Estados abrazaban el principio de soberanía popular, el marco institucional republicano y una definición formal de la libertad. Ante semejante reto, los nuevos gobiernos adoptaron el sistema lancasteriano e implementaron programas de educación masiva. El artículo retoma la crítica de Rodríguez al lancasterianismo y propone tres ejes a partir de los cuales se hace posible una aproximación a la propuesta educativa de Rodríguez: su noción de la originalidad de las sociedades americanas, su principio de interdependencia social y el papel de la educación en el proceso de formación de ciudadanos activos, críticos y creativos, única base segura para la sustentación de las nuevas repúblicas.This article examines the work of the Caracas-born philosopher, Simón Rodríguez (1771-1854), with respect to the role that popular education should play in the new nations of the Americas. Rodríguez, like many of the new Creole elite, had rapidly understood that one of the main challenges facing the new states was the absence of a citizenry who could enliven civic and political life. Although popular education had already been extensively addressed by the Bourbon reforms since the mid-eighteenth century, the problem became even more pertinent once the new states embraced the principle of popular sovereignty, the institutional framework of republicanism, and a formal definition of freedom. Facing this challenge, the new governments adopted the Lancaster system and implemented wide-reaching educational programs. The article examines Rodríguez’s criticism of the Lancaster system and proposes three axes of analysis to better understand his own educational proposal: his notion of the originality of American societies; his principle of social interdependence; and the role of education in forming active, critical, and creative citizens, the only sure basis on which the new republics could survive.Este artigo examina a obra do filósofo de Caracas Simón Rodríguez (1771-1854) a respeito do papel que a educação popular deve cumprir nas jovens nações americanas. Rodríguez, assim como boa parte da nova elite crioula, havia compreendido rapidamente que um dos principais desafios dos novos Estados era a ausência de uma cidadania que poderia reavivar a vida civil e política. Embora a educação pública já tivesse sido extensamente tratada pelo reformismo ibérico desde a segunda metade do século XVIII, o problema se apresentava agora de maneira muito mais aguda, uma vez que os novos Estados abraçavam o princípio de soberania popular, um marco institucional republicano e uma definição formal da liberdade. Diante de tal desafio, os novos governos adotaram o sistema lancasteriano e implementaram programas de educação em massa. O artigo retoma a crítica de Rodríguez ao lancasterianismo e propõe três eixos à partir dos quais se torna possível uma aproximação com a proposta educativa de Rodríguez: sua noção da originalidade das sociedades americanas, seus princípios de interdependência social e o papel da educação no processo de formação de cidadãos ativos, críticos e criativos, única base segura para a sustentação das novas repúblicas

    La formación universitaria del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria ante el reto del proceso de convergencia europea

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    La formación inicial del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria en España se basa en un modelo que tuvo su origen en un contexto educativo y social distinto al actual y presenta numerosas deficiencias ya que, entre otras cosas, no proporciona a los futuros profesores los instrumentos psicopedagógicos y didácticos adecuados para enfrentarse a los retos de la nueva educación secundaria. En este trabajo presentamos un análisis crítico y una revisión histórica de los distintos marcos normativos que han regulado la formación docente inicial en nuestro país, durante las últimas décadas, con objeto de formular algunas propuestas de mejora de la situación actual, relacionadas con el proceso de convergencia hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

    Healthy Weight and Obesity Prevention

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    Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States and worldwide, and this has contributed to substantial cardiovascular and other health risks. However, controversy exists concerning the causes of obesity and effective modalities for its prevention and treatment. There is also controversy related to the concept of metabolically healthy obesity phenotype, the “obesity paradox,” and on the importance of fitness to protect individuals who are overweight or obese from cardiovascular diseases. In this state-of-the-art review, the authors focus on “healthy weight” with the emphasis on the pathophysiologic effects of weight gain on the cardiovascular system; mechanistic/triggering factors; and the role of preventive actions through personal, education/environment, and societal/authoritative factors, as well as factors to provide guidance for caregivers of health promotion. Additionally, the authors briefly review metabolically healthy obesity, the obesity paradox, and issues beyond lifestyle consideration for weight loss with medications and bariatric surgery.From the John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute, Ochsner Clinical School—The University of Queensland School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Department of Physical Therapy, College of Applied Health Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; PROFITH “PROmoting FITness and Health through Physical Activity” Research Group, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain; Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri; and the Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Ortega receives support for research activity from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (DEP2016-79512-R); additional funding from the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES); and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 667302. Dr. Kushner has served on the advisory board for Novo Nordisk, Weight Watchers, and Retrofit. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose

    Exploring the effect of soil management intensity on taxonomic and functional diversity of ants in Mediterranean olive groves

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    Agricultural intensification is one of the major drivers behind biodiversity loss in Mediterranean agroecosystems. The intensification of olive groves as monoculture in large areas of the southern Spain has had important effects on biodiversity and ecological processes. In the present study, we explore the olive grove soil management practices effects on taxonomic and functional diversity of ants along a gradient of soil management intensity. We predict that both species richness and functional diversity decrease with an increasing intensification of olive grove soil management. We used pitfall traps to sample ants in 24 olive groves subject to different soil management regimes in southern Spain, and then compared ant species richness and functional diversity (FD). Nonploughed organic farms showed higher species richness. Ploughing was observed to be the soil management practice with the greatest negative effect on ant species richness. Three functional traits significantly responded to soil management intensity, with tibia length and head width showing a higher FD in organic farms and diet showing a lower FD in ploughed farms. The results of the present study highlight the negative effects of olive grove ploughing on ant biodiversity and provide novel evidence of the nonploughing organic farming role with respect to maintaining higher levels of ant functional diversityFinancial support was received from the Spanish Ministryof Economy and Competitiveness (Project CGL2014-53782-P