130 research outputs found

    Book Review: to Chain the Dog of War: The War Power of Congress in History and Law. by Francis D. Wormuth and Edwin B. Firmage, with Francis P. Butler as a Contributing Author.

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    Book review: To Chain the Dog of War: The War Power of Congress in History and Law. By Francis D. Wormuth and Edwin B. Firmage, with Francis P. Butler as a contributing author. Dallas, Tex.: Southern Methodist University Press. 1986. Pp. xi, 347. Reviewed by: Charles A. Lofgren

    Book Review: to Chain the Dog of War: The War Power of Congress in History and Law. by Francis D. Wormuth and Edwin B. Firmage, with Francis P. Butler as a Contributing Author.

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    Book review: To Chain the Dog of War: The War Power of Congress in History and Law. By Francis D. Wormuth and Edwin B. Firmage, with Francis P. Butler as a contributing author. Dallas, Tex.: Southern Methodist University Press. 1986. Pp. xi, 347. Reviewed by: Charles A. Lofgren

    Books Received

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    Books Received THE WORLD OF SCIENCE AND THE RULE OF LAW By John Ziman, Paul Sieghart, and John Humphrey New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. viii, 343. 37.00 ================ ESSAYS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW By Stuart S. Malawer Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., 1986. Pp. ix, 201. 35.00 ============= THE IMF IN A CHANGING WORLD, 1945-85 By Margarett Garritsen deVries Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1986. Pp. x,226 ============ SOVIET LAW AND SOVIET REALITY By Olimpiad S. Ioffe Dordrecht: Martinus Nijohoff Publishers, 1985. Pp. vi, 234 ============= SWITZERLAND\u27S ROLE AS AN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CENTER By Benedicte Vibe Christensen Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1986. Pp. v, 40. 7.50=============LATINAMERICANSOCIETYANDLEGALCULTURE:ABIBLIOGRAPHYCompiledbyFrederickE.SnyderWestport,Connecticut:GreenwoodPress,1985.Pp.xv,188INTERNATIONALLAWOFTAKEOVERSANDMERGERS:UNITEDSTATES,CANADA,ANDSOUTHANDCENTRALAMERICAByH.LeighFfrenchWestport,Connecticut:GreenwoodPress,1986.Pp.viii,359.7.50 ============= LATIN AMERICAN SOCIETY AND LEGAL CULTURE: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Frederick E. Snyder Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985. Pp. xv, 188 INTERNATIONAL LAW OF TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS: UNITED STATES, CANADA, AND SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA By H. Leigh Ffrench Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1986. Pp. viii, 359.55.00 ============== To CHAIN THE DOG OF WAR: THE WAR POWER OF CONGRESS IN HISTORY AND LAW By Francis D. Wormuth and Edwin B. Firmage Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1986. Pp. xi, 347 ============== COMPARATIVE LAW YEARBOOK Issued by the Center for International Legal Studies Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1986. Pp.vi, 24

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    Legislative Disqualifications as Bills of Attainder

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    The separation of powers was first introduced into political discussion during the English Civil Wars of the seventeenth century by the political party known as Levellers. The object was to insure that persons be judged by general and prospective rules. If the legislative authority should decide a particular case, it might be tempted through partiality or prejudice to improvise a special rule for the situation. So the separation of powers was intended to achieve that impartiality in government which Aristotle called the rule of law. The doctrine of checks and balances was also introduced into political discussion during the Civil Wars, and with the Stuart Restoration in 1660 it became the official description of the English constitution. King, Lords and Commons were in a condition of equilibrium. Like three distinct powers in mechanics, they jointly impel the machine of government in a direction different from what either, acting by itself, would have done; but at the same time in a direction partaking of each, and formed out of all; a direction which constitutes the true line of the liberty and happiness of the community.\u27 By the time Blackstone wrote these words, the tripartite division of legislative power had already yielded to what we call today the cabinet system

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    A List of Books Received from Michigan Law Revie

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