2 research outputs found
Expansão da rede viária na Amazônia Oriental, Rodovia Perimetral Norte, Amapá
O presente estudo trata da análise multitemporal em um trecho da Rodovia Perimetral Norte, estado do Amapá (Brasil) com a finalidade de compreender o processo de expansão da rede viária e ocupação na área. O desenvolvimento da rede viária é analisado a partir de duas categorias de estradas: oficial (resultante de estratégias políticas) e endógena (resultante da ação de agentes privados e eventuais ocupações espontâneas). Para a análise foram utilizadas 12 cenas de imagens da série do satélite Landsat entre o período de 1988 a 2014, dados da base cartográfica de estradas do programa de Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico (ZEE) e entrevistas de campo. A taxa de incremento da rede viária foi associada com eventos socioespaciais que influenciaram na expansão da rede viária. Os resultados permitiram identificar os principais atores responsáveis pelo processo de ampliação da rede viária oficial, os projetos dos assentamentos do INCRA, vinculados às estratégias políticas de ocupação regional. A evolução das estradas endógenas resultou da ação do capital de exploração mineral e madeireiro, atividades que vem se ampliando na região independente de diretrizes de ordenamento territorial. As influências dessas atividades são importantes nos processos de mudanças de uso e ocupação do território e consequentemente nos processos de desmatamento e desenvolvimento da região.Cette étude présente une analyse multi-temporelle du réseau routier de la route Perimetral Norte, état de Amapá (Brésil) dans le but pour comprendre le processus d'occupation du territoire sur la région. Le développement du réseau routier est analysé à partir de deux catégories de routes: officielles (résultant de stratégies politiques) et endogènes (résultant de l'action d'agent privé et d'éventuelles occupations spontanées). Pour l'analyse, nous avons utilisé 12 scènes de la série satellite Landsat entre les années 1988 et 2014, les données cartographiques de base autoroutes du Programme de Zonage Économique Écologique (ZEE) et des interviews sur le terrain. Le taux d'augmentation du réseau routier a été associé à des événements socio-spatiaux qui ont influencé l'expansion du réseau routier. Les résultats ont permis d'identifier que les principaux acteurs responsables du processus d'expansion du réseau routier officiel étaient les projets des établissements agricoles de l'INCRA, liés aux stratégies politiques d'occupation régionale. L'évolution des routes endogènes résulte de l'action du capital miniers et forestiers, activités qui se sont développées dans la région indépendamment des directives d'aménagement du territoire. Les influences de ces activités sont importantes pour les changements dans l'utilisation de l'espace et l'occupation du territoire et, par conséquent, les processus de déforestation et le développement de la région.This article deals with the multitemporal analysis of the network of roads in the Northern Perimetral Highway, Amapá State, Brazil, in order to understand the process of territorial occupation along the area. The development of the road network is analyzed on the basis of two categories of roads: official (resulting from political strategies) and endogenous (resulting from the action of private agents and possible spontaneous occupations). For the analysis, we used 12 scenes from the Landsat satellite series between 1988 and 2014, data from the road map database of the Economic Ecological Zoning Program (ZEE) and field interviews. The rate of increase of the road network was associated with socio-spatial events that influenced the expansion of that network. The results allowed us to determine that the main actors responsible for the process of expansion of the official road network were the projects of the INCRA settlements, linked to the political strategies of regional occupation. The evolution of the endogenous roads resulted from the action of mineral and logging capital, activities that have been expanding in the region independent of territorial planning guidelines. The influences of these activities are important for the changes in the space of use and occupation of the territory and consequently in the processes of deforestation and development of the region
Expansão da rede viária na Amazônia Oriental, Rodovia Perimetral Norte, Amapá
This article deals with the multitemporal analysis of the network of roads in the Northern Perimetral Highway, Amapá State, Brazil, in order to understand the process of territorial occupation along the area. The development of the road network is analyzed on the basis of two categories of roads: official (resulting from political strategies) and endogenous (resulting from the action of private agents and possible spontaneous occupations). For the analysis, we used 12 scenes from the Landsat satellite series between 1988 and 2014, data from the road map database of the Economic Ecological Zoning Program (ZEE) and field interviews. The rate of increase of the road network was associated with socio-spatial events that influenced the expansion of that network. The results allowed us to determine that the main actors responsible for the process of expansion of the official road network were the projects of the INCRA settlements, linked to the political strategies of regional occupation. The evolution of the endogenous roads resulted from the action of mineral and logging capital, activities that have been expanding in the region independent of territorial planning guidelines. The influences of these activities are important for the changes in the space of use and occupation of the territory and consequently in the processes of deforestation and development of the region