563 research outputs found

    Terapia della eiaculazione precoce

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    L’eiaculazione precoce (EP) è il più frequente disturbo sessuale riferito nel maschio, ed è a tutti gli effetti un sintomo auto-identificato, auto-riportato e auto-valutato da chi ne soffre. Attualmente la International Society for Sexual Medicine ha definito l’EP come un’eiaculazione che avviene sempre o quasi sempre entro 1 minuto (EP life-long) o 3 minuti (EP acquisita) dalla penetrazione, con incapacità di ritardare l’eiaculazione e conseguenze negative sul piano personale come frustrazione, sofferenza e/o condotte di rifiuto dell’atto sessuale [1]. Dal punto di vista tassonomico, possiamo riconoscere forme assolute e relazionali, organiche e psicogene (o meglio non-organiche), acquisite o life-long. Il corretto approccio all’EP consiste nel non considerarla esclusivamente una patologia a sé stante, ma un possibile sintomo di una condizione latent

    Galectin-3 performance in histologic and cytologic assessment of thyroid nodules. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The literature on Galectin-3 (Gal-3) was systematically reviewed to achieve more robust information on its histologic reliability in identifying thyroid cancers and on the concordance between Gal-3 test in histologic and cytologic samples. A computer search of the PubMed and Scopus databases was conducted by combinations of the terms thyroid and Gal-3. Initially, 545 articles were found and, after their critical review, 52 original papers were finally included. They reported 8172 nodules with histologic evaluation of Gal-3, of which 358 with also preoperative FNAC Gal-3 assessment. At histology, Gal-3 sensitivity was 87% (95% confidence intervals [CI] from 86% to 88%), and specificity 87% (95% CI from 86% to 88%); in both cases, we found heterogeneity (I285% and 93%, respectively) and significant publication bias (p < 0.001). The pooled rate of positive Gal-3 at fine needle aspiration (FNAC) among cancers with histologically proven Gal-3 positivity was 94% (95% CI from 89% to 97%), with neither heterogeneity (I214.5%) nor bias (p = 0.086). These data show high reliability of Gal-3 for thyroid cancer at histology, while its sensitivity on FNAC samples is lower. The limits of cytologic preparations and interpretation of Gal-3 results have to be solved

    Pituitary hyperplasia mimicking macroadenoma associated with primary hypothyroidism in a patient with selective L-thyroxine malabsorption

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    We present the case of a 29-year-old woman who developed a severe hypothyroidism induced by a thyroxine malabsorption and a secondary pituitary hyperplasia. We performed thyroxine absorption tests to diagnose the malabsorption and to evaluate the best therapeutic intervention. Once assessed a correct therapy lowering TSH, we observed the regression of pituitary mass confirming our diagnosis of secondary pituitary hyperplasia. We suggest to evaluate any possible reason for thyroxine malabsorption and to consider the hypothesis of pituitary hyperplasia in the presence of pituitary mass together with overt hypothyroidism

    Varicocele and sports participation

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    Erectile dysfunction in aging male

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    With the increasing longevity in men and women, sexual health concerns have become more and more important and demands for help are far more common than in the past. Erectile dysfunction's severity and prevalence both increase with aging: since erectile dysfunction is a symptom, physicians should diagnose underlying pathologies that might lead to it instead of focusing on finding a viable treatment. Cardiovascular alterations occur in the elderly, and might lead to erectile dysfunction because of penile blood flow impairment: diabetes, smoking, and sedentary life-style, being risk factors for vascular pathologies, can affect erectile function. Metabolic syndrome and psychological factors are highly prevalent in aging men, and might be other important determinants of erectile dysfunction.Drugs play a role in the pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction, as they can alter hormonal or vascular mechanics needed for achieving or maintaining erection. Alterations in penile vessels can be observed in the elderly: lack of androgens might lead to a reduction of smooth muscle cells content in the penis and an increase in the caliber of vascular spaces. Hypogonadism, when present, should be treated regardless of age; furthermore, synergistic effects have been found during testosterone replacement therapy when using an oral therapy with a PDE-5 inhibitor (sildenafil, vardenafil or tadalafil). These therapies are effective in the elderly, with no increase in the frequency of adverse events, and might also help in providing relief from lower urinary tract symptoms. (www.actabiomedica.it). © Mattioli 1885

    Cancer rate of the indeterminate lesions at low or high risk according to italian system for reporting of thyroid FNA

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    Background: Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology (ICCRTC) has been used in almost all Italian institutions since 2014. High reliability of ICCRTC in classifying low and high risk indeterminate nodules (Tir 3A and Tir 3B, respectively) was demonstrated. Here we reviewed our casuistry of thyroid indeterminate lesions to analyze the histologic outcome. Methods: All lesions undergone FNA and final histology at S. Andrea Hospital of Rome after a cytologic assessment of Tir 3A and Tir 3B, according to ICCRTC, were included in the study. Results: A number of 157 indeterminate FNA was found after the introduction of ICCRTC. Of these, 75 undergone surgery and were finally included for the study. At histology we found a 33.3% of cancers and a 67.7% of benign lesions. Out of the overall series, 25 were classified as Tir 3A and 50 as Tir 3B. Cancer rate observed in Tir 3A (1/25, 4%) was significantly (p = 0.0002) lower than that of Tir 3B (24/50, 48%). No significant difference was found in age and size between the two subcategories. Conclusions: We confirm in our series that Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology allows to discriminate indeterminate lesions at low and high risk of malignancy

    Analysis of tissue surrounding thyroid nodules by ultrasound digital images

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    Since US is not easily reproducible, the digital image analysis (IA) has been proposed so that the image evaluation is not subjective. In fact, IA meets the criteria of objectivity, accurateness, and reproducibility by a matrix of pixels whose value is displayed in a gray level. This study aims at evaluating via IA the tissue surrounding a thyroid nodule (backyard tissue, BT) from goitres with benign (b-BT) and malignant (m-BT) lesions. Sixty-nine US images of thyroid nodules surrounded by adequate thyroid tissue was classified as normoechoic and homogeneous were enrolled as study group. Forty-three US images from normal thyroid (NT) glands were included as controls. Digital images of 800 × 652 pixels were acquired at a resolution of eight bits with a 256 gray levels depth. By one-way ANOVA, the 43 NT glands were not statistically different (P = 0.91). Mean gray level of normal glands was significantly higher than b-BT (P = 0.026), and m-BT (P = 0.0001), while no difference was found between b-BT and m-BT (P = 0.321). NT tissue boundary external to the nodule was found at 6.0 ± 0.5 mm in cancers and 4.0 ± 0.5 mm in benignancies (P = 0.001). These data should indicate that the tissue surrounding a thyroid nodule may be damaged even when assessed as normal by US. This is of interest to investigate the extranodular effects of thyroid tumors
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