60 research outputs found

    The role of environmental correlations in the non-Markovian dynamics of a spin system

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    We put forward a framework to study the dynamics of a chain of interacting quantum particles affected by individual or collective multi-mode environment, focussing on the role played by the environmental quantum correlations over the evolution of the chain. The presence of entanglement in the state of the environmental system magnifies the non-Markovian nature of the chain's dynamics, giving rise to structures in figures of merit such as entanglement and purity that are not observed under a separable multi-mode environment. Our analysis can be relevant to problems tackling the open-system dynamics of biological complexes of strong current interest.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    On the finite size behavior of quantum collective spin systems

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    We discuss the finite size behavior of the adiabatic Dicke model, describing the collective coupling of a set of N-two level atoms (qubits) to a faster (electromagnetic) oscillator mode. The energy eigen-states of this system are shown to be directly related to those of another widely studied collective spin model, the uniaxial one. By employing an approximate continuum approach, we obtain a complete characterization of the properties of the latter, which we then use to evaluate the scaling properties of various observables for the original Dicke model near its quantum phase transition.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Off-resonant entanglement generation in a lossy cavity

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    We provide an exact and complete characterization of the entanglement dynamics of two qubits coupled to a common structured reservoir at zero temperature. We derive the conditions to maximize reservoir-induced entanglement for an initially factorized state of the two-qubit system. In particular, when the two qubits are placed inside a lossy cavity, we show that high values of entanglement can be obtained, even in the bad cavity limit, in the dispersive regime. Finally we show that, under certain conditions, the entanglement dynamics exhibits quantum beats and we explain their physical origin in terms of the interference between two different transitions coupling the dressed states of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Daemonic Ergotropy: Enhanced Work Extraction from Quantum Correlations

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    We investigate how the presence of quantum correlations can influence work extraction in closed quantum systems, establishing a new link between the field of quantum non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the one of quantum information theory. We consider a bipartite quantum system and we show that it is possible to optimise the process of work extraction, thanks to the correlations between the two parts of the system, by using an appropriate feedback protocol based on the concept of ergotropy. We prove that the maximum gain in the extracted work is related to the existence of quantum correlations between the two parts, quantified by either quantum discord or, for pure states, entanglement. We then illustrate our general findings on a simple physical situation consisting of a qubit system.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; RevTeX

    Protecting entanglement via the quantum Zeno effect

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    We study the exact entanglement dynamics of two atoms in a lossy resonator. Besides discussing the steady-state entanglement, we show that in the strong coupling regime the system-reservoir correlations induce entanglement revivals and oscillations and propose a strategy to fight against the deterioration of the entanglement using the quantum Zeno effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Tuning non-Markovianity by spin-dynamics control

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    We study the interplay between forgetful and memory-keeping evolution enforced on a two-level system by a multi-spin environment whose elements are coupled to local bosonic baths. Contrarily to the expectation that any non-Markovian effect would be buried by the forgetful mechanism induced by the spin-bath coupling, one can actually induce a full Markovian-to-non-Markovian transition of the two-level system's dynamics, controllable by parameters such as the mismatch between the energy of the two-level system and of the spin environment. For a symmetric coupling, the amount of non-Markovianity surprisingly grows with the number of decoherence channels.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, PRA versio