92 research outputs found

    Deflected Anomaly Mediation and Neutralino Dark Matter

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    We study the phenomenology of the neutralino dark matter in the so called deflected anomaly mediation scenario. This scheme is obtained from the minimal anomaly mediated scenario by introducing a gauge mediated sector with NfN_f messenger fields. Unlike the former scheme the latter has no tachyons. We find that the neutralino is still the LSP in a wide region of the parameter space: it is essentially a pure bino in the scenario with Nf=1N_f=1 while it can also be a pure higgsino for Nf>1N_f>1. This is very different from the naive anomaly mediated scenario which predicts a wino like neutralino. Moreover we do not find any tachyonic scalars in this scheme. After computing the relic density (considering all the possible coannihilations) we find that there are regions in the parameter space with values compatible with the latest WMAP results with no need to consider moduli fields that decay in the early universe.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exotic prepotentials from D(-1)D7 dynamics

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    We compute the partition functions of D(-1)D7 systems describing the multi-instanton dynamics of SO(N) gauge theories in eight dimensions. This is the simplest instance of the so called exotic instantons. In analogy with the Seiberg-Witten theory in four space-time dimensions, the prepotential and correlators in the chiral ring are derived via localization formulas and found to satisfy relations of the Matone type. Exotic prepotentials of SO(N) gauge theories with N=2 supersymmetries in four-dimensions are also discussed.Comment: 19 page

    Asymmetry at LHC for an U(1)' anomalous extension of MSSM

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    The measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry at LHC could be an important instrument to pinpoint the features of extra neutral gauge particles obtained by an extension of the gauge symmetry group of the standard model. For definitiveness, in this work we consider an extension of the gauge group of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model by an extra anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry (MiAUMSSM). We focus on pp -> e+e- at LHC and use four different definitions of the asymmetry obtained implementing four different cuts on the directions and momenta of the final states of our process of interest. The calculations are performed without imposing constraints on the charges of the extra Z's of our model, since the anomaly is cancelled by a Green-Schwarz type mechanism. Our final result is a fit of our data with a polynomial in the charges from which to extract the values of the charges given the experimental result.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Instanton Calculus, Topological Field Theories and N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theories

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    The results obtained by Seiberg and Witten for the low-energy Wilsonian effective actions of N=2 supersymmetric theories with gauge group SU(2) are in agreement with instanton computations carried out for winding numbers one and two. This suggests that the instanton saddle point saturates the non-perturbative contribution to the functional integral. A natural framework in which corrections to this approximation are absent is given by the topological field theory built out of the N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory. After extending the standard construction of the Topological Yang-Mills theory to encompass the case of a non-vanishing vacuum expectation value for the scalar field, a BRST transformation is defined (as a supersymmetry plus a gauge variation), which on the instanton moduli space is the exterior derivative. The topological field theory approach makes the so-called "constrained instanton" configurations and the instanton measure arise in a natural way. As a consequence, instanton-dominated Green's functions in N=2 Super Yang-Mills can be equivalently computed either using the constrained instanton method or making reference to the topological twisted version of the theory. We explicitly compute the instanton measure and the contribution to u=<\Tr \phi^2> for winding numbers one and two. We then show that each non-perturbative contribution to the N=2 low-energy effective action can be written as the integral of a total derivative of a function of the instanton moduli. Only instanton configurations of zero conformal size contribute to this result. Finally, the 8k-dimensional instanton moduli space is built using the hyperkahler quotient procedure, which clarifies the geometrical meaning of our approach.Comment: latex, 66 page
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