22 research outputs found

    The Current State of Validation of Administrative Healthcare Databases in Italy: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Administrative healthcare databases are widely present in Italy. Our aim was to describe the current state of healthcare databases validity in terms of discharge diagnoses (according to the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 code) and their output in terms of research.Methods: A systematic search of electronic databases including Medline and Embase (1995-2013) and of local sources was performed. Inclusion criteria were: healthcare databases in any Italian territory routinely and passively collecting data; medical investigations or procedures at patient level data; the use of a validation process. The quality of studies was evaluated using the STARD criteria. Citations of the included studies were explored using Scopus and Google Scholar.Results: The search strategy allowed the identification of 16 studies of which 3 were in Italian. Thirteen studies used regional administrative databases from Lombardia, Piemonte, Lazio, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto. The ICD-9 codes of the following diseases were successfully validated: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (3 studies in four different regional administrative databases), stroke (3 studies), gastrointestinal bleeding (1 study), thrombocytopenia (1 study), epilepsy (1 study), infection (1 study), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1 study), Guillain-Barre syndrome (1 study), and cancer diseases (4 studies). The quality of reporting was variable among the studies. Only 6 administrative databases produced further research related to the validated ICD-9 codes.Conclusion: Administrative healthcare databases in Italy need an extensive process of validation for multiple diagnostic codes to perform high quality epidemiological and health services research

    L’anziano attivo. Proposte e riflessioni per la terza e la quarta età

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    Il problema della senilità si pone ormai in Italia, come in tutte le società avanzate, in termini assai diversi dal passato. I saggi compresi nel presente volume intervengono su tutti gli aspetti della senilità - da quelli psicologici, sanitari e affettivi a quelli assistenziali, economici e giuridici - per suggerire indicazioni operative e possibili soluzioni.- Indice #4- Prefazione, Marcello Pacini #10- Introduzione, Giuliano Urbani #12- Prima parte Per una nuova concezione della condizione anziana #20- L’età del tempo libero, Norberto Bobbio #22- L’anziano protagonista in una società che cambia, Gian Maria Capuani e Giannino Piana #26- La piccola immortalità, Nando dalla Chiesa #36- L’anziano come risorsa sociale: il volontariato dopo la pensione, Fausto Melloni #44- Seconda Parte Aspetti sociali della condizione anziana #62- Psicogerontologia: attualità e nuove prospettive, Maria Antonietta Aveni Casucci #64- L’invecchiamento della popolazione italiana in un contesto internazionale, Antonio Golini e Agostino Lori #82- L’anziano e l’innovazione tecnologica, Francesco Jovane e Roberto Groppetti #114- La tutela giuridica dell’anziano, Luigi Mengoni #128- La salute dell’anziano: valutazione dei meccanismi di plasticità, Renzo Rozzini, Angelo Bianchetti e Marco Trabucchi #140- Lavoratori anziani: ambivalenza e interventi, Harris T. Schrank e Joan M. Waring #156- Il medico e l’anziano, Carlo Vergani #176- La normalità incerta, Virginio Oddone e Fabrizio Fabris #188- Il quadro organizzativo per una corretta assistenza socio-sanitaria alla popolazione anziana, Gaetano Maria Fara #200- Terza Parte Le tendenze della riflessione #216- La condizione degli anziani in Italia, Claudio Calvaruso #218- Anziani attivi: un possibile esempio di nuova centralità del sociale, Vincenzo Cesareo #228- Appendice Un contributo di ricerca #246- Figli adulti e genitori anziani: una nuova relazione tra le generazioni, Giovanna Rossi #24

    The Key Role of Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Work-up of Hemodialysis Vascular Access

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    Vascular access (VA) is the lifeline for the hemodialysis patient and the native arterio-venous fistula (AVF) is the first-choice access. Among the different tests used in the VA domain, color Doppler ultrasound (CD-US) plays a key role in the clinical work-up. At the present time, three are the main fields of CD-US application: (i) evaluation of forearm arteries and veins in surgical planning; (ii) testing of AVF maturation; (iii) VA complications. Specifically, during the AVF maturation, CD-US allows to measure the diameter and flow volume in the brachial artery and calculate the peak systolic velocity (PSV) of the arterial axis, anastomosis and efferent vein, to detect critical stenosis. The borderline stenosis, revealed by the discrepancies between access flow rate and PSV, should be followed up with subsequent tests to detect progression of stenosis; the cases with significant changes in brachial flow should be referred to angiography. In conclusion, clinical monitoring remains the backbone of any VA program. CD-US is of utmost importance in a patient-centered VA evaluation, because it allows the appropriate management of all aspects of VA care. These are the main reasons why we strongly advocate the adoption of a VA surveillance program based on CD-US

    OT-EquatorÂź Attachments Comparison for Retaining an Early Loaded Implant Overdenture on Two or Three Implants: 1 Year RCT Preliminary Data

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    The purpose of this multicenter randomized controlled trial was to compare the clinical, radiographic, and patient-centered outcomes of early loaded mandibular overdentures deliberately placed on two or three implants. The outcomes were: implant and prosthesis success and survival rates; biological and technical complications; marginal bone loss; patient satisfaction; and periodontal parameters. The results showed no differences between the groups in any of the outcomes analyzed. With the limitations of the present study, and looking at long-term follow-up, the gold standard of prosthetic rehabilitations with attachments, in agreement with the scientific community, should prefer two non-splinted implants

    Tavola rotonda. Umanesimo del management attraverso gli occhi dell'altro

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    Tavola rotonda raccoglie undici francobolli: brevi sguardi, attraverso gli occhi dell’altro, che studiosi e practitioner di differente scaturigine gettano sul tema dell’umanesimo del management. Tavola rotonda tematizza l’ampia e articolata riflessione intorno ad una concezione dell’azione organizzativa non appiattita su posizioni dogmatiche e precostituite. Tavola rotonda guarda alla formazione manageriale in tempi di crisi strutturale. Tavola rotonda schiude al dibattito lanciato dalla Collana punto org per leggere la realtà e scrivere i modi per interpretarla

    Myeloid cell‐based delivery of IFN‐γ reprograms the leukemia microenvironment and induces anti‐tumoral immune responses

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    Abstract The immunosuppressive microenvironment surrounding tumor cells represents a key cause of treatment failure. Therefore, immunotherapies aimed at reprogramming the immune system have largely spread in the past years. We employed gene transfer into hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to selectively express anti‐tumoral cytokines in tumor‐infiltrating monocytes/macrophages. We show that interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) reduced tumor progression in mouse models of B‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B‐ALL) and colorectal carcinoma (MC38). Its activity depended on the immune system's capacity to respond to IFN‐γ and drove the counter‐selection of leukemia cells expressing surrogate antigens. Gene‐based IFN‐γ delivery induced antigen presentation in the myeloid compartment and on leukemia cells, leading to a wave of T cell recruitment and activation, with enhanced clonal expansion of cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes. The activity of IFN‐γ was further enhanced by either co‐delivery of tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) or by drugs blocking immunosuppressive escape pathways, with the potential to obtain durable responses