17 research outputs found

    Tight, robust, and feasible quantum speed limits for open dynamics

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    Starting from a geometric perspective, we derive a quantum speed limit for arbitrary open quantum evolution, which could be Markovian or non-Markovian, providing a fundamental bound on the time taken for the most general quantum dynamics. Our methods rely on measuring angles and distances between (mixed) states represented as generalized Bloch vectors. We study the properties of our bound and present its form for closed and open evolution, with the latter in both Lindblad form and in terms of a memory kernel. Our speed limit is provably robust under composition and mixing, features that largely improve the effectiveness of quantum speed limits for open evolution of mixed states. We also demonstrate that our bound is easier to compute and measure than other quantum speed limits for open evolution, and that it is tighter than the previous bounds for almost all open processes. Finally, we discuss the usefulness of quantum speed limits and their impact in current research.Comment: Main: 11 pages, 3 figures. Appendix: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Tightening Quantum Speed Limits for Almost All States

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    Conventional quantum speed limits perform poorly for mixed quantum states: They are generally not tight and often significantly underestimate the fastest possible evolution speed. To remedy this, for unitary driving, we derive two quantum speed limits that outperform the traditional bounds for almost all quantum states. Moreover, our bounds are significantly simpler to compute as well as experimentally more accessible. Our bounds have a clear geometric interpretation; they arise from the evaluation of the angle between generalized Bloch vectors.Comment: Updated and revised version; 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 page appendi

    A Tutorial on Quantum Master Equations: Tips and tricks for quantum optics, quantum computing and beyond

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    Quantum master equations are an invaluable tool to model the dynamics of a plethora of microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing, to energy and charge transport, electronic and nuclear spin resonance, photochemistry, and more. This tutorial offers a concise and pedagogical introduction to quantum master equations, accessible to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience. The reader is guided through the basics of quantum dynamics with hands-on examples that build up in complexity. The tutorial covers essential methods like the Lindblad master equation, Redfield relaxation, and Floquet theory, as well as techniques like Suzuki-Trotter expansion and numerical approaches for sparse solvers. These methods are illustrated with code snippets implemented in python and other languages, which can be used as a starting point for generalisation and more sophisticated implementations.Comment: 57 pages, 12 figures, 34 code example

    Stabilizing open quantum batteries by sequential measurements

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    A quantum battery is a work reservoir that stores energy in quantum degrees of freedom. When immersed in an environment an open quantum battery needs to be stabilized against free energy leakage into the environment. For this purpose we here propose a simple protocol that relies on projective measurement and obeys a second-law like inequality for the battery entropy production rate.Comment: 5+5 pages, 3+2 figure

    Resource speed limits: Maximal rate of resource variation

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    Recent advances in quantum resource theories have been driven by the fact that many quantum information protocols make use of different facets of the same physical features, e.g. entanglement, coherence, etc. Resource theories formalise the role of these important physical features in a given protocol. One question that remains open until now is: How quickly can a resource be generated or degraded? Using the toolkit of quantum speed limits we construct bounds on the minimum time required for a given resource to change by a fixed increment, which might be thought of as the power of said resource, i.e., rate of resource variation. We show that the derived bounds are tight by considering several examples. Finally, we discuss some applications of our results, which include bounds on thermodynamic power, generalised resource power, and estimating the coupling strength with the environment.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Enhancing the charging power of quantum batteries

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    Can collective quantum effects make a difference in a meaningful thermodynamic operation? Focusing on energy storage and batteries, we demonstrate that quantum mechanics can lead to an enhancement in the amount of work deposited per unit time, i.e., the charging power, when NN batteries are charged collectively. We first derive analytic upper bounds for the collective \emph{quantum advantage} in charging power for two choices of constraints on the charging Hamiltonian. We then highlight the importance of entanglement by proving that the quantum advantage vanishes when the collective state of the batteries is restricted to be in the separable ball. Finally, we provide an upper bound to the achievable quantum advantage when the interaction order is restricted, i.e., at most kk batteries are interacting. Our result is a fundamental limit on the advantage offered by quantum technologies over their classical counterparts as far as energy deposition is concerned.Comment: In this new updated version Theorem 1 has been changed with Proposition 1. The paper has been published on PRL, and DOI included accordingl

    Colloquium: Quantum Batteries

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    Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in quantum devices for the production, storage, and transfer of energy. In this Colloquium, we concentrate on the field of quantum energy storage by reviewing recent theoretical and experimental progress in quantum batteries. We first provide a theoretical background discussing the advantages that quantum batteries offer with respect to their classical analogues. We then review the existing quantum many-body battery models and present a thorough discussion of important issues related to their open nature. We finally conclude by discussing promising experimental implementations, preliminary results available in the literature, and perspectives.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures, 311 references. Review and perspective article on quantum batteries. Commissioned for Reviews of Modern Physics. Comments and feedback are welcom

    Photochemical Upconversion in Solution: The Role of Oxygen and Magnetic Field Response

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    Upconversion processes effectively convert two or more low energy photons into one higher energy photon, and have diverse applications in photovoltaics and biomedicine. Upconversion is generally spin-selective, and its magnetic field response can be used to examine the interplay between two different mechanisms for photochemical upconversion in solution: triplet-triplet annihilation, and singlet-oxygen mediated energy transfer. A kinetic model is developed and applied to explain the different photoluminescence profiles of oxygenated versus deoxygenated systems. From the magnetic field response, the triplet-triplet annihilation rate constant is estimated. The conditions required to maximize upconversion photoluminescence intensity in oxygenated solution are determined