73 research outputs found

    Economic impact of reduced mortality due to increased cycling.

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    Increasing regular physical activity is a key public health goal. One strategy is to change the physical environment to encourage walking and cycling, requiring partnerships with the transport and urban planning sectors. Economic evaluation is an important factor in the decision to fund any new transport scheme, but techniques for assessing the economic value of the health benefits of cycling and walking have tended to be less sophisticated than the approaches used for assessing other benefits. This study aimed to produce a practical tool for estimating the economic impact of reduced mortality due to increased cycling. The tool was intended to be transparent, easy to use, reliable, and based on conservative assumptions and default values, which can be used in the absence of local data. It addressed the question: For a given volume of cycling within a defined population, what is the economic value of the health benefits? The authors used published estimates of relative risk of all-cause mortality among regular cyclists and applied these to levels of cycling defined by the user to produce an estimate of the number of deaths potentially averted because of regular cycling. The tool then calculates the economic value of the deaths averted using the "value of a statistical life." The outputs of the tool support decision making on cycle infrastructure or policies, or can be used as part of an integrated economic appraisal. The tool's unique contribution is that it takes a public health approach to a transport problem, addresses it in epidemiologic terms, and places the results back into the transport context. Examples of its use include its adoption by the English and Swedish departments of transport as the recommended methodologic approach for estimating the health impact of walking and cycling

    Environment and health for European cities in the 21st century: Making a difference

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    With more than 80% of the European population expected to live in urban areas by 2030, cities play a pivotal role in steering the transition towards a low-carbon society as well as in promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, and preventing and mitigating socioeconomic inequalities among urban dwellers. This publication reviews the key drivers for change in the European urban environment, highlights the burden of disease in European cities, and discusses opportunities and barriers to action. Taking into account the responsibilities of cities in relation to several policy areas that have a direct impact on health and the environment, it also proposes possible ways forward to strengthen support for cities that are committed to addressing environment and health challenges in their communities. Such support will be channelled through the development of new partnerships, facilitating the dialogue and exchange of knowledge between subnational and local authorities, national governments and international actors, while building on existing strategic partnerships and initiatives at all levels of governanc

    Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice

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    Active travel modes, especially walking and cycling, are now recognized by many as modes that are fully equal to other urban transport modes, integrated in planning frameworks, and adopted as part of the mainstream – not just in trailblazer countries, but worldwide. An ever-growing body of science underpins the gains society can reap from active travel in terms of transport, health and environmental benefits. Planning practice has accumulated a rich portfolio of measures ready to be considered for inspiration, adaptation and possible application in every city. This publication presents a comprehensive case for why and how to promote walking and cycling, based on the latest evidence from scientific research and planning practice. It is addressed to a broad spectrum of readers with the aim to provide pointers and highlights that will help create greater awareness, commitment and capacities to effectively govern sustainable transport developments, so that their benefits can be maximized, and any risks understood and properly managed.This booklet is organized into four main chapters. The first chapter introduces the latest trends and policies around urban mobility and transport, and the prospects for an increasing role of walking and cycling. It highlights the Transport Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) and the recently adopted first Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion. The second chapter explores changes in transport policy and planning practice and argues for a modern, evidence-based approach to promoting walking and cycling. The third chapter provides compelling scientific evidence explaining why walking and cycling should be promoted, covering a wide range of benefits, including for health, the climate, environment, mobility and well-being. The last chapter presents an overview of measures and policies for the promotion of walking and cycling

    Supporting Active Mobility and Green Jobs through the Promotion of Cycling

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    This article is a summary of the main findings of the study “Riding towards the green economy: cycling and green jobs”, which was developed in the context of the Transport, Health and Environment pan-European Programme (THE PEP). It builds on previous work under THE PEP, which demonstrated the job creation potential of cycling and of green and healthy transport more generally. The report summarized in this article collected data on jobs associated with cycling directly from city authorities and analysed these to re-assess previous estimates of the job creation potential of cycling. It concluded that the number of cycling-related jobs in the pan-European Region could increase by 435,000 in selected major cities if they increased their cycling share to that of the Danish capital Copenhagen. The implications and potential role of municipal and sub-national authorities in facilitating cycling while supporting economic development are then discussed. These findings indicate that investment in policies that promote cycling could deliver not only important benefits for health, the environment and the quality of urban life, but could also contribute to a sizable creation of job opportunities. Authorities need to be proactive in promoting cycling in order to deliver these benefits

    The Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling - experiences from 10 years of application of a health impact assessment tool in policy and practice

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    IntroductionIn recent years, walking and cycling have moved into the focus as promising approaches to achieve public health, sustainable transport, climate goals and better urban resilience. However, they are only realistic transport and activity options for a large proportion of the population when they are safe, inclusive and convenient. One way to increase their recognition in transport policy is the inclusion of health impacts of walking and cycling into transport economic appraisals.MethodsThe Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling calculates: if x people walk or cycle a distance of y on most days, what is the economic value of impacts on premature mortality, taking into account effects of physical activity, air pollution and road fatalities, as well as effects on carbon emissions. Different data sources were collated to examine how the HEAT in more than 10 years of existence, and to identify lessons learned and challenges.ResultsSince its launch in 2009, the HEAT has gained wide recognition as a user friendly, yet robust, evidence-based tool usable by academics, policymakers, and practitioners. Originally designed for use in Europe, it has since been expanded for global use.DiscussionChallenges for a wider uptake of health-impact assessment (HIA) tools including active transport such as HEAT are the promotion and dissemination to local practitioners and policy makers also outside European and English-speaking regions and in low- and middle-income contexts, further increasing usability, and more generally the advancement of systematic data collection and impact quantification related to walking and cycling

    Integrated Impact Assessment of Active Travel: Expanding the Scope of the Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling.

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    The World Health Organization's Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling is a user-friendly web-based tool to assess the health impacts of active travel. HEAT, developed over 10 years ago, has been used by researchers, planners and policymakers alike in appraisals of walking and cycling policies at both national and more local scales. HEAT has undergone regular upgrades adopting the latest scientific evidence. This article presents the most recent upgrades of the tool. The health impacts of walking and/or cycling in a specified population are quantified in terms of premature deaths avoided (or caused). In addition to the calculation of benefits derived from physical activity, HEAT was recently expanded to include assessments of the burden associated with air pollution exposure and crash risks while walking or cycling. Further, the impacts on carbon emissions from mode shifts to active travel modes can now be assessed. The monetization of impacts using Value of Statistical Life and Social Costs of Carbon now uses country-specific values. As active travel inherently results in often substantial health benefits as well as not always negligible risks, assessments of active travel behavior or policies are incomplete without considering health implications. The recent developments of HEAT make it easier than ever to obtain ballpark estimates of health impacts and carbon emissions related to walking and cycling
