13 research outputs found

    Health-promoting properties of artichoke in preventing cardiovascular disease by its lipidic and glycemic-reducing action

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    The artichoke, Cynara scolymus, is one of the most ancient plants grown in the world, and its extracts, obtained from different parts of the plant (leaves, fruits and roots), have been used as medicaments from time immemorial. The pharmacological and therapeutic effects of the artichoke on the liver had already been well known in the 17th century. Modern studies started in the last century confirmed the stimulating properties of artichoke extracts on the liver and gallbladder. The ensuing wave of research was initially focused on the patent liver-stimulating, diuretic and choleretic effects exerted by artichoke preparations on both animals and man, then discovering such other therapeutic properties as the hypolipemizing activity, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemizing activity. This review enumerates the most significant studies that have highlighted these therapeutic properties. Complementary medicine information needs to be incorporated into clinical practice and patient and professional education, in addition to adequate education about proper nutrition. Awareness of the widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine by people with metabolic disorders is crucial for healthcare professionals in order to prevent cardiovascular disease

    Ipertensione arteriosa: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    Negli adulti, la pressione sistolica aumenta di circa 0,6 mmHg all’anno, con la conseguenza che l’incidenza della patologia ipertensiva aumenta dopo i 50 anni ed in particolare nell’età geriatrica. Numerosi studi hanno evidenziato come un approccio integrato farmacologico e dietologico nella terapia dell’ipertensione porti a maggiori risultati in termini di riduzione della pressione arteriosa e dell’incidenza di patologie cardiocerebrovascolari, renali e metaboliche

    Sarcopenia: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    La sarcopenia è definita dallo European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) come una sindrome caratterizzata dalla perdita progressiva e generalizzata di massa e o forza muscolare o funzione. La prevalenza è del 5-13% fra i 60 e i 70 anni, ma aumenta fino all’11-50% nei soggetti al di sopra degli 80 anni. Nella maggior parte degli anziani, l’insorgenza della sarcopenia è multifattoriale; le principali cause identificate sono di natura metabolica, infiammatoria, neurologica, ormonale, nutrizionale e funzionale

    Focus on metabolic and nutritional correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome and update on nutritional management of these critical phenomena

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with numerous metabolic morbidities (insulin resistance (IR), central obesity) and various nutritional abnormalities (vitamin D deficit, mineral milieu alterations, omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio unbalance). METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding: (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of PCOS; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 127 eligible studies. RESULTS: In addition to the well-recognized link between PCOS and IR, the recent literature underlines that in PCOS there is an unbalance in adipokines (adiponectin, leptin, visfatin) production and in omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of overweight on these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of PCOS patients. The optimum diet therapy for the PCOS treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, such as IR improvement, adipokines secretion and reproductive function. These goals must be reached through: accession of the patient to hypocaloric dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining body weight; limiting the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, preferring those with lower glycemic index; dividing the food intake in small and frequent meals, with high caloric intake at breakfast; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega3 PUFA supplements; taking Vitamin D and chromium supplementation, if there are low serum levels. CONCLUSION: Lifestyle intervention remains the optimal treatment strategy for PCOS women. A relatively small weight loss (5 %) can improve IR, hyperandrogenism, menstrual function, fertility

    Dislipidemia: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    L’ipercolesterolemia è molto diffusa in Italia ed in continuo aumento: tra gli anziani, si riscontra nel 24% degli uomini e nel 39% delle donne, mentre il 36% degli uomini ed il 38% delle donne presentano livelli borderline

    Key points for maximum effectiveness and safety for cholesterol-lowering properties of plant sterols and use in the treatment of metabolic syndrome

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    According to the American Diabetes Association and the Adult Treatment Panel III, the starting point for treating metabolic syndrome (MS) is a change of lifestyle. In addition, action on the main symptoms of MS by means of dietary supplements, can be helpful in view of the chronic course of the disease. The term 'phytosterols' refers to sterols and stanols composed of lipophilic triterpenes, a family that is widely distributed in the plant kingdom and whose cholesterol-lowering properties have been amply demonstrated. In the light of the recent literature, the key points for maximum effectiveness and safety of sterols are the following. (A) Plant sterols should be taken with meals: clinical trials have shown that when plant sterols are consumed close to mealtimes, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol may decrease by 9.4%, while when they are taken between meals, the reduction is about 6%. (B) The optimal dosage is 2-2.5 g day(-1) in a single dose. More than 3 g day(-1) has not been found to have any additional beneficial effect and increases the risk of side effects. (C) The food matrix used to dissolve the phytosterols should contain a certain amount of fat. A milk-based matrix appears optimal from this point of view

    Novel Insights on Nutrient Management of Sarcopenia in Elderly

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    Sarcopenia is defined as a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. The more rationale approach to delay the progression of sarcopenia is based on the combination of proper nutrition, possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements and a regular exercise program. We performed a narrative literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of sarcopenia; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 67 eligible studies. In addition to the well recognized link between adequate intake of proteins/amino acids and sarcopenia, the recent literature underlines that in sarcopenic elderly subjects there is an unbalance in vitamin D synthesis and in omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of sarcopenia. The optimum diet therapy for the sarcopenia treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, which must be reached through accession of the elderly to specific personalized dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining muscle mass; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega-3 PUFA supplements; taking vitamin D supplementation, if there are low serum levels

    Novel insights on nutrient management of sarcopenia in elderly,”

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    Sarcopenia is defined as a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. The more rationale approach to delay the progression of sarcopenia is based on the combination of proper nutrition, possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements and a regular exercise program. We performed a narrative literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of sarcopenia; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 67 eligible studies. In addition to the well recognized link between adequate intake of proteins/amino acids and sarcopenia, the recent literature underlines that in sarcopenic elderly subjects there is an unbalance in vitamin D synthesis and in omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of sarcopenia. The optimum diet therapy for the sarcopenia treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, which must be reached through accession of the elderly to specific personalized dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining muscle mass; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega-3 PUFA supplements; taking vitamin D supplementation, if there are low serum levels