324 research outputs found

    Diverse reductive dehalogenases are associated with Clostridiales-enriched microcosms dechlorinating 1,2-dichloroethane

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    The achievement of successful biostimulation of active microbiomes for the cleanup of a polluted site is strictly dependent on the knowledge of the key microorganisms equipped with the relevant catabolic genes responsible for the degradation process. In this work, we present the characterization of the bacterial community developed in anaerobic microcosms after biostimulation with the electron donor lactate of groundwater polluted with 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA). Through a multilevel analysis, we have assessed (i) the structural analysis of the bacterial community; (ii) the identification of putative dehalorespiring bacteria; (iii) the characterization of functional genes encoding for putative 1,2-DCA reductive dehalogenases (RDs). Following the biostimulation treatment, the structure of the bacterial community underwent a notable change of the main phylotypes, with the enrichment of representatives of the order Clostridiales. Through PCR targeting conserved regions within known RD genes, four novel variants of RDs previously associated with the reductive dechlorination of 1,2-DCA were identified in the metagenome of the Clostridiales-dominated bacterial community

    Bacterial community structure and diversity along the halocline of Tyro deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basin

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    Purpose: Tyro is a deep hypersaline anoxic basin (DHAB) located at the seafloor of the Eastern Mediterranean sea. Tyro hosts a stratified eukaryotic microbiome moving from seawater to the brine, but no reports are available on its prokaryotic community. We provide the first snapshot of the bacterial community structure in Tyro brine, seawaterbrine interface, and the overlaying deep seawater. Methods: In this study, we combined the use of molecular analyses, i.e., DNA fingerprinting and 16S rRNA pyrosequencing for the description of the bacterial community structure and taxonomy. PiCRUST2 was used to infer information on the prokaryotes functional diversity. A culture-dependent approach was applied to enrich bacteria of interest for marine biotechnology. Results: Bacterial communities sharply clustered moving from the seawater to the Tyro brine, in agreement with the abrupt increase of salinity values. Moreover, specific taxonomic groups inhabited the seawater-brine interface compared to the overlaying seawater and their identification revealed converging taxonomy with other DHABs in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. Functional traits inferred from the prokaryote taxonomy in the upper interface and the overlaying seawater indicated metabolic pathways for the synthesis of osmoprotectants, likely involved in bacterial adaptation to the steep increasing salinity. Metabolic traits related to methane and methylated compounds and to hydrocarbon degradation were also revealed in the upper interface of Tyro. The overall capability of the Tyro microbiome for hydrocarbon metabolism was confirmed by the isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in the sediments. Conclusions: Our results suggest that Tyro seawater-brine interface hosts a specific microbiome adapted to the polyextreme condition typical of DHABs with potential metabolic features that could be further explored for the characterization of the metabolic network connecting the brine with the deep seawater through the chemocline. Moreover, Tyro could be a reservoir of culturable microbes endowed with functionalities of interest for biotechnological applications like hydrocarbon bioremediation

    Systemic Creativities in Sustainability and Social Innovation Education

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to aid educators in sustainability or social innovation to make sense of their creativity. We use a systems model of creativity (Csikszentmihalyi 1988, 1996, 1999) as an enquiring device to tease out issues that influence creativity within these realms. Data from semi-structured interviews with senior and junior educators in two geographical locations lead us to elaborate two systems models to reflect creativity. These models portray creativity as emerging from the alignment of and connections between creators, domains and field elements as suggested by Csikszentmihalyi. However, we also identify some intermediary or absent connections between the model elements which deserve further attention, as their uncritical pursuit could potentially exacerbate exclusion or marginalisation of junior educators' personal values and interests. Therefore, critically and creatively informed learning could be better cultivated in these realms. This and other insights could have important implications for how creativity and its nurturing in education could be advanced in the long run

    What lies on macroalgal surface: diversity of polysaccharide degraders in culturable epiphytic bacteria

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    Macroalgal surface constitutes a peculiar ecological niche and an advantageous substratum for microorganisms able to degrade the wide diversity of algal glycans. The degrading enzymatic activities of macroalgal epiphytes are of paramount interest for the industrial by-product sector and biomass resource applications. We characterized the polysaccharide hydrolytic profle of bacterial isolates obtained from three macroalgal species: the red macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis and Sphaerococcus coronopifolius (Rhodophyceae) and the brown Halopteris scoparia (Phaeophyceae), sampled in South Portugal. Bacterial enrichment cultures supplemented with chlorinated aliphatic compounds, typically released by marine algae, were established using as inoculum the decaying biomass of the three macroalgae, obtaining a collection of 634 bacterial strains. Although collected from the same site and exposed to the same seawater seeding microbiota, macroalgal cultivable bacterial communities in terms of functional and phylogenetic diversity showed host specifcity. Isolates were tested for the hydrolysis of starch, pectin, alginate and agar, exhibiting a diferent hydrolytic potential according to their host: A. taxiformis showed the highest percentage of active isolates (91%), followed by S. coronopifolius (54%) and H. scoparia (46%). Only 30% of the isolates were able to degrade starch, while the other polymers were degraded by 55–58% of the isolates. Interestingly, several isolates showed promiscuous capacities to hydrolyze more than one polysaccharide. The isolate functional fngerprint was statistically correlated to bacterial phylogeny, host species and enrichment medium. In conclusion, this work depicts macroalgae as holobionts with an associated microbiota of interest for blue biotechnologies, suggesting isolation strategies and bacterial targets for polysaccharidases’ discoveryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inoculating plant growth-promoting bacteria - effects on soil hydraulic properties and tomato root development under water stress conditions

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    The plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) harbored in the rhizosphere develop specialized mechanisms that may have a key role to ameliorate soil properties and plant growth under prolonged dry conditions. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the effects of bacterial growth on the soil hydraulic properties and the root response under water stress conditions induced by drip irrigated tomato. At pot scale, a silty soil was inoculated with two PGPB strains (Micrococcus yunnanensis M1 and Pseudomonas stutzeri SR7-77) to cultivate tomato plants under three different water regimes: full irrigation (100% of Pot Capacity- PC), moderate and severe water stress levels (75 and 50% of PC, respectively). Bacterized soil altered the pore size distribution of the rhizosphere compared to no-bacterized soil, increasing root zone plant-available water holding capacity. On the contrary, PGPB occupying the pores reduced the saturated hydraulic conductivity near-saturated soil conditions compared to the uninoculated trial. PGPB shown root surface density (RSD) equal to 0.540 % and 0.355 % to inoculated SR7-77 and M1 tests, respectively and under 50% PC, compared to 0.097% to the uninoculated soil test. Soil water potential values, retrieved through soil water retention parameters, were more negative to M1 and SR7-77 strains tests, corresponding to water hold in the pores with smaller radii conferring resistance to the plant following contrasting stresses. The results demonstrated that PGPB elongated continuous transmission pores and bridged with air-filled spaces in stressed periods

    A Metadata Schema for the Description ofLanguage Resources (LRs)

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    This paper presents the metadata schema for describing language resources (LRs) currently under development for the needs of META-SHARE, an open distributed facility for the exchange and sharing of LRs. An essential ingredient in its setup is the existence of formal and standardized LR descriptions, cornerstone of the interoperability layer of any such initiative. The description of LRs is granular and abstractive, combining the taxonomy of LRs with an inventory of a structured set of descriptive elements, of which only a minimal subset is obligatory; the schema additionally proposes recommended and optional elements. Moreover, the schema includes a set of relations catering for the appropriate inter-linking of resources. The current paper presents the main principles and features of the metadata schema, focusing on the description of text corpora and lexical / conceptual resources

    Modeling the Cerebellar Microcircuit: New Strategies for a Long-Standing Issue

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    The cerebellar microcircuit has been the work bench for theoretical and computational modeling since the beginning of neuroscientific research. The regular neural architecture of the cerebellum inspired different solutions to the long-standing issue of how its circuitry could control motor learning and coordination. Originally, the cerebellar network was modeled using a statistical-topological approach that was later extended by considering the geometrical organization of local microcircuits. However, with the advancement in anatomical and physiological investigations, new discoveries have revealed an unexpected richness of connections, neuronal dynamics and plasticity, calling for a change in modeling strategies, so as to include the multitude of elementary aspects of the network into an integrated and easily updatable computational framework. Recently, biophysically accurate realistic models using a bottom-up strategy accounted for both detailed connectivity and neuronal non-linear membrane dynamics. In this perspective review, we will consider the state of the art and discuss how these initial efforts could be further improved. Moreover, we will consider how embodied neurorobotic models including spiking cerebellar networks could help explaining the role and interplay of distributed forms of plasticity. We envisage that realistic modeling, combined with closed-loop simulations, will help to capture the essence of cerebellar computations and could eventually be applied to neurological diseases and neurorobotic control systems

    Gating of Long-Term Potentiation by Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors at the Cerebellum Input Stage

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    The brain needs mechanisms able to correlate plastic changes with local circuit activity and internal functional states. At the cerebellum input stage, uncontrolled induction of long-term potentiation or depression (LTP or LTD) between mossy fibres and granule cells can saturate synaptic capacity and impair cerebellar functioning, which suggests that neuromodulators are required to gate plasticity processes. Cholinergic systems innervating the cerebellum are thought to enhance procedural learning and memory. Here we show that a specific subtype of acetylcholine receptors, the α7-nAChRs, are distributed both in cerebellar mossy fibre terminals and granule cell dendrites and contribute substantially to synaptic regulation. Selective α7-nAChR activation enhances the postsynaptic calcium increase, allowing weak mossy fibre bursts, which would otherwise cause LTD, to generate robust LTP. The local microperfusion of α7-nAChR agonists could also lead to in vivo switching of LTD to LTP following sensory stimulation of the whisker pad. In the cerebellar flocculus, α7-nAChR pharmacological activation impaired vestibulo-ocular-reflex adaptation, probably because LTP was saturated, preventing the fine adjustment of synaptic weights. These results show that gating mechanisms mediated by specific subtypes of nicotinic receptors are required to control the LTD/LTP balance at the mossy fibre-granule cell relay in order to regulate cerebellar plasticity and behavioural adaptation

    Documentation and User Manual of the META-SHARE Metadata Model

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    The current deliverable presents the META-SHARE metadata schema v1.0, as implemented in the META-SHARE XSD\u27s v1.0 released to (META-NET and PSP partners) in July 2011 for text corpora and lexical/conceptual resources and its supplement for audio corpora, tools and language descriptions (simplified/refactored version) as implemented in November. It is meant to act as a user manual, providing explanations on the model contents for LRs providers and LRs curators that wish to describe their resources in accordance to it. Work on the schema is ongoing and changes/updates to the model are constantly being made; where appropriate, some changes that are already under way are documented in this deliverable
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