5 research outputs found

    Salient Experiences that Shape My Pedagogy

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    Predicated upon Plato\u27s dialogical method of inquiry, this professor\u27s teaching style acknowledges the value found in community dialogue and the importance of incorporating Bloom\u27s six levels of cognitive thinking in the classroom. Rejecting rote memorization and one-way dialogue, she explores truth in fiction and narrative and often uses the dramatic moment as a teaching tool- finding and using a key moment in a scholar\u27s discovery, a contradiction in a text ,or a face-off of the truth of opposing positions to unveil prejudicial attitudes, reveal places where a student\u27s thinking is struck, or show the irreducible complexity of an ethical issue

    Book Notes

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    An Introduction to World Methodism Kenneth Cracknell and Susan J. White New York: Cambridge University Press 2005, 298 pp., paper, 24.99ReviewedbyKennethJCollinsMethodism:EmpireoftheSpiritDavidHemptonNewHaven:YaleUniversityPress2005,304pp.,paper,24.99 Reviewed by Kenneth J Collins Methodism: Empire of the Spirit David Hempton New Haven: Yale University Press 2005, 304 pp., paper, 18.00 Reviewed by Kenneth J Collins Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities Roger E. Olson Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press 2006, 250 pp., paper, 25.00ReviewedbyKennethJCollinsWildernessForever:HowardZahniserandthePathtotheWildernessActMarkW.T.HarveySeattle:UniversityofWashingtonPress2005,325pp.,cloth,25.00 Reviewed by Kenneth J Collins Wilderness Forever: Howard Zahniser and the Path to the Wilderness Act Mark W. T. Harvey Seattle: University of Washington Press 2005, 325 pp., cloth, 35.00 Reviewed by Frances S. Adeney Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminar