11 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Analysis of Transcript Start Sites in Ly49 Genes Reveals an Unexpected Relationship with Gene Function and a Lack Of Upstream Promoters

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    Comprehensive analysis of the transcription start sites of the Ly49 genes of C57BL/6 mice using the oligo-capping 5′-RACE technique revealed that the genes encoding the “missing self” inhibitory receptors, Ly49A, C, G, and I, were transcribed from multiple broad regions in exon 1, in the intron1/exon2 region, and upstream of exon -1b. Ly49E was also transcribed in this manner, and uniquely showed a transcriptional shift from exon1 to exon 2 when NK cells were activated in vitro with IL2. Remarkably, a large proportion of Ly49E transcripts was then initiated from downstream of the translational start codon. By contrast, the genes encoding Ly49B and Q in myeloid cells, the activating Ly49D and H receptors in NK cells, and Ly49F in activated T cells, were predominantly transcribed from a conserved site in a pyrimidine-rich region upstream of exon 1. An ∼200 bp fragment from upstream of the Ly49B start site displayed tissue-specific promoter activity in dendritic cell lines, but the corresponding upstream fragments from all other Ly49 genes lacked detectable tissue-specific promoter activity. In particular, none displayed any significant activity in a newly developed adult NK cell line that expressed multiple Ly49 receptors. Similarly, no promoter activity could be found in fragments upstream of intron1/exon2. Collectively, these findings reveal a previously unrecognized relationship between the pattern of transcription and the expression/function of Ly49 receptors, and indicate that transcription of the Ly49 genes expressed in lymphoid cells is achieved in a manner that does not require classical upstream promoters

    Ly49B is expressed on multiple subpopulations of myeloid cells

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    Using a novel mAb specific for mouse Ly49B, we report here that Ly49B, the last remaining member of the C57 Ly49 family to be characterized, is expressed at low levels on approximately 1.5% of spleen cells, none which are NK cells or T cells but which instead belong to several distinct subpopulations of myeloid cells defined by expression of CD11b and different levels of Gr1. Much larger proportions of bone marrow and peritoneal cells expressed Ly49B, all being CD11b+ and comprising multiple subpopulations defined by light scatter, F4/80, and Gr1 expression. Costaining for Ly49Q, also expressed on myeloid cells, revealed that Ly49B and Ly49Q were most strongly expressed on nonoverlapping subpopulations, Ly49Q(high) cells being mostly B220+CD4+ and/or CD8+, Ly49B+ cells lacking these markers. Myeloid populations that developed from bone marrow progenitors in vitro frequently coexpressed both Ly49B and Ly49Q, and Ly49B expression could be up-regulated by LPS, alpha-IFN, and gamma-IFN, often independently of Ly49Q. PCR analysis revealed that cultured NK cells and T cells contained Ly49B transcripts, and Ly49B expression could be detected on NK cells cultured in IL-12 plus IL-18, and on an immature NK cell line. Immunohistochemical studies showed that Ly49B expression in tissues overlapped with but was distinct from that of all other myeloid molecules examined, being particularly prominent in the lamina propria and dome of Peyer's patches, implicating an important role of Ly49B in gut immunobiology. In transfected cells, Ly49B was found to associate with SHP-1, SHP-2, and SHIP in a manner strongly regulated by intracellular phosphorylation events

    The mouse tumor cell lines EL4 and RMA display mosaic expression of NK-related and certain other surface molecules and appear to have a common origin

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    As a potential means for facilitating studies of NK cell-related molecules, we examined the expression of these molecules on a range of mouse tumor cell lines. Of the lines we initially examined, only EL4 and RMA expressed such molecules, both lines expressing several members of the Ly49 and NKRP1 families. Unexpectedly, several of the NK-related molecules, together with certain other molecules including CD2, CD3, CD4, CD32, and CD44, were often expressed in a mosaic manner, even on freshly derived clones, indicating frequent switching in expression. In each case examined, switching was controlled at the mRNA level, with expression of CD3zeta determining expression of the entire CD3-TCR complex. Each of the variable molecules was expressed independently, with the exception that CD3 was restricted to cells that also expressed CD2. Treatment with drugs that affect DNA methylation and histone acetylation could augment the expression of at least some of the variable molecules. The striking phenotypic similarity between EL4 and RMA led us to examine the state of their TCRbeta genes. Both lines had identical rearrangements on both chromosomes, indicating that RMA is in fact a subline of EL4. Overall, these findings suggest that EL4 is an NK-T cell tumor that may have retained a genetic mechanism that permits the variable expression of a restricted group of molecules involved in recognition and signaling