17 research outputs found

    Design of an Information System Part

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    V práci je zpracována analýza současného stavu IS spolu s definováním požadavků ze strany firmy a zákazníků na řešení. Z výstupů analytické části vychází samotný návrh řešení, který má za úkol zlepšení firemních procesů a ulehčení zpracování opakujících se činností. Samotný návrh řešení je zpracován s využitím moderního přístupu při tvorbě HTML kódu a skriptovacího jazyka CSS.The dissertation analyzes the current state of IS together with defining the requirements of the company and customers for the solution. The outputs of the analytical part are based on the desing of the solution, which is designed to improve business processes and faciliate the processing of recurring activities. The solution is processed using modern approach to HTML code and CSS scripting language.

    Optimization models for resource allocation

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    The thesis presents an overview of the issue of resource allocation optimization and construction processing of two models for the given example describing an engineering production company. The first of the created models, which was conceived as deterministic, was transformed into a stochastic one using different demand scenarios. The solution of the models itself was implemented in the Julia programming language using available optimization libraries. An analysis of the solution including its graphic representation was carried out and a production plan for the company was successfully created

    Soaking lakes pits fracture Chabařovice

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    Import 29/09/2010Následky hornické činnosti (lomové a hlubinné těžení nerostných surovin) jsou velkou zátěží pro životní prostředí a následná rekultivace dotčených ploch je dlouhodobý a těžký proces. Bakalářská práce popisuje zpětné uvedení devastované plochy po následku hornické činnosti způsobem technické a biologické rekultivace, která zahrnuje úpravu vodního režimu povrchu výsypky a zbytkové jámy Lomu Chabařovice, kdy zbytková jáma po těžbě uhlí je zaplavována vodou a náhradou za lom vznikne rozlehlá rekreační zóna s jezerem pro všestranné využití.Consequences of mining activities (deep mining and quarry based mineral extraction) are a great burden on the environment and the subsequent reclamation of the land is a long and difficult process. The thesis describes restoration of an area devastated by mining activities in a manner of technical and biological reclamation, which includes a modification of water regime of the dumping surface and the residual pit surface in Chabařovice Quarry where the coal mine residual pit is to be flooded and a large leisure time area with a reservoir is to be created as a replacement for the quarry.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Proposal of Online Marketing Campaign for a Company Expanding on a Foreign Market

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    The thesis focuses on the proposal of an online marketing campaign for a company expanding into the Polish market using growth hacking and the PAVORD marketing framework. The theoretical part is devoted to definition of basic concepts in the areas of online marketing, Facebook Ads Manager and advertising campaign reporting. The analytical part is dedicated to the introduction of the project, analysis of the current state, the marketing mix of the company and research on the correlation and causality of selected metrics on the success of advertising posts. The proposal part presents how to use the collected data for campaign proposal, setting up processes for managing and evaluating ad posts trough the growth hacker app

    Effect of Traffic Noise and Relaxations Sounds on Pedestrian Walking Speed

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    Exposure to noise in everyday urban life is considered to be an environmental stressor. A specific outcome of reactions to environmental stress is a fast pace of life that also includes a faster pedestrian walking speed. The present study examined the effect of listening to annoying acoustical stimuli (traffic noise) compared with relaxation sounds (forest birdsong) on walking speed in a real outdoor urban environment. The participants (N = 83) walked along an urban route of 1.8 km. They listened to either traffic noise or forest birdsong, or they walked without listening to any acoustical stimuli in the control condition. The results showed that participants listening to traffic noise walked significantly faster on the route than both the participants listening to forest birdsong sounds and the participants in the control condition. Participants who listened to forest birdsong walked slightly slower than those under control conditions; however, this difference was not significant. Analysis of the walk experience showed that participants who listened to forest birdsong during the walk liked the route more than those who listened to traffic sounds. The study demonstrated that exposure to traffic noise led to an immediate increase in walking speed. It was also shown that exposure to noise may influence participants’ perception of an environment. The same environment may be more liked in the absence of noise or in the presence of relaxation sounds. The study also documented the positive effect of listening to various kinds of relaxation sounds while walking in an outdoor environment with traffic noise