12 research outputs found

    Boundary contributions to specific heat and susceptibility in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain

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    Exact low-temperature asymptotic behavior of boundary contribution to specific heat and susceptibility in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XXZ model with exchange anisotropy 1/2 < \Delta \le 1 is analytically obtained using the Abelian bosonization method. The boundary spin susceptibility is divergent in the low-temperature limit. This singular behavior is caused by the first-order contribution of a bulk leading irrelevant operator to boundary free energy. The result is confirmed by numerical simulations of finite-size systems. The anomalous boundary contributions in the spin isotropic case are universal.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; corrected typo

    Triplet superconductivity in a one-dimensional ferromagnetic t-J model

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    In this paper we study the ground state phase diagram of a one-dimensional tUJt-U-J model, at half-filling. In the large-bandwidth limit and for ferromagnetic exchange with easy-plane anisotropy, a phase with gapless charge and massive spin excitations, characterized by the coexistence of triplet superconducting (TSTS) and spin density wave (SDWzSDW^{z}) instabilities is realized in the ground state. With reduction of the bandwidth, a transition into an insulating phase showing properties of the spin-1/2 XY model takes place. In the case of weakly anisotropic antiferromagnetic exchange the system shows a long range dimerized (Peierls) ordering in the ground state. The complete weak-coupling phase diagram of the model, including effects of the on-site Hubbard interaction, is obtained

    Alternative Technique for "Complex" Spectra Analysis

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    . The choice of a suitable random matrix model of a complex system is very sensitive to the nature of its complexity. The statistical spectral analysis of various complex systems requires, therefore, a thorough probing of a wide range of random matrix ensembles which is not an easy task. It is highly desirable, if possible, to identify a common mathematcal structure among all the ensembles and analyze it to gain information about the ensemble- properties. Our successful search in this direction leads to Calogero Hamiltonian, a one-dimensional quantum hamiltonian with inverse-square interaction, as the common base. This is because both, the eigenvalues of the ensembles, and, a general state of Calogero Hamiltonian, evolve in an analogous way for arbitrary initial conditions. The varying nature of the complexity is reflected in the different form of the evolution parameter in each case. A complete investigation of Calogero Hamiltonian can then help us in the spectral analysis of complex systems.Comment: 20 pages, No figures, Revised Version (Minor Changes

    \eta-superconductivity in the Hubbard chain with pair hopping

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    The ground state phase diagram of the 1D Hubbard chain with pair-hopping interaction is studied. The analysis of the model is performed using the continuum-limit field theory approach and exact diagonalization studies. At half-filling the phase diagram is shown to consist of two superconducting states with Cooper pair center-of-mass momentum Q=0 (BCS-\eta_0 phase) and Q=\pi (\eta_\pi-phase) and four insulating phases corresponding to the Mott antiferromagnet, the Peierls dimerized phase, the charge-density-wave (CDW) insulator as well as an unconventional insulating phase characterized by the coexistence of a CDW and a bond-located staggered magnetization. Away from half-filling the phase diagram consists of the superconducting BCS-\eta_0 and \eta_\pi phases and the metallic Luttinger-liquid phase. The BCS-\eta_0 phase exhibits smooth crossover from a weak-coupling BCS type to a strong coupling local-pair regime. The \eta_\pi phase shows properties of the doublon (zero size Cooper pair) superconductor with Cooper pair center-of-mass momentum Q=\pi. The transition into the \eta_\pi- paired state corresponds to an abrupt change in the groundstate structure. After the transition the conduction band is completely destroyed and a new \eta_\pi-pair band corresponding to the strongly correlated doublon motion is created.Comment: 15 pages Revtex, 15 embedded eps figure

    Spinon and η -spinon correlation functions of the Hubbard chain

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    We calculate real-space static correlation functions of spin and charge degrees of freedom of the one-dimensional Hubbard model that are described by operators related to singly occupied sites with spin up or spin down (spinons) and unoccupied or doubly occupied sites ( η -spinons). The spatial decay of their correlation functions is determined using density matrix renormalization group results. The nature and spatial extent of the correlations between two sites on the Hubbard chain is studied using the eigenstates and eigenvalues of the two-site reduced density matrix. The results show that the spinon-spinon correlation functions decay algebraically and the η -spinon correlation functions decay exponentially, both in the half- filling and metallic phases. The results provide evidence that these degrees of freedom are organized in boundstates in the interacting system.Portuguese FCT both in the frame- work of the Strategic Project PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011 and under SFRH/BSAB/1177 /201