87 research outputs found

    Auswirkungen von Bodenperforation und Kalkung auf Bodeneigenschaften von Rückegassen in einem Buchenbestand des Sollings

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    Einhergehend mit der Befahrung des Waldes durch tonnenschwere Forstmaschinen, kann es auf Rückegassen zu erheblichen Schäden am Waldboden in Form von Strukturveränderungen kommen. Die resultierende Bodenverformung und -verdichtung bewirkt Veränderungen von Bodeneigenschaften, u.a. des Porensystems, welche sich in einer Uniformierung der Poren bei gleichzeitigem Rückgang des Porenvolumens sowie der Porenkontinuität äußern (1). Infolge der Strukturveränderungen ist es insbesondere der modifizierte Gashaushalt, der sich auf vielfältige Prozesse auswirkt und die Lebensraumfunktion des Waldbodens verringert (2). Von erheblicher Bedeutung ist die Frage nach der natürlichen Regenerationsfähigkeit verdichteter Waldböden unter Rückegassen. Seitens des RÜWOLA-Projektes wird in einem Feldversuch auf einem Lösslehmstandort im Solling (Braunerde) geprüft, ob mit dem Verfahren der Bodenperforation und der Kombination weiterer Maßnahmen wie Kalkung, eine Technik zur Verfügung steht, die es ermöglicht, regenerative Prozesse im Boden zu initiieren bzw. zu beschleunigen. Drei Jahre nach Anlage von Lochstanzungen wurden Schürfgruben quer zu den Fahrspuren gegraben, die Stanzlöcher freigelegt und mittels verschiedener Methoden die Auswirkungen auf Bodeneigenschaften geprüft. Unter Verwendung der KA 5 (3) erfolgte ein direkter Vergleich zwischen Fahrspur und Mittelstreifen sowie eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Stanzlöcher mit Hilfe eines Zählrahmens (u.a. Durchwurzelung). Des Weiteren fanden Infiltrationsversuche, Bestimmung mikrobieller Biomasse (CFE-Methode), saurer Phosphataseaktivität und physikalischer Kenngrößen (z.B. TRD, GPV) statt. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass Unterschiede zwischen Fahrspur und Mittelstreifen insbesondere bzgl. Eigenschaften der Bodenstruktur und der Durchwurzelung gegeben sind. Kontraste bestehen ebenfalls im Vergleich der Stanzlöcher und dem umgebenden, ungestanzten Bodenareal. Die Summe der betrachteten Parameter weist auf eine mögliche Wirkung der Maßnahmenkombination „Lochstanzung + Kalkung“ hin. Bodenperforation scheint auch zu erhöhter Verdunstung und Drainage beizutragen, wohingegen die Ergebnisse der Stechzylinderproben eher als indifferent zu beurteilen sind

    Time Pressure Modulates Electrophysiological Correlates of Early Visual Processing

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    BACKGROUND: Reactions to sensory events sometimes require quick responses whereas at other times they require a high degree of accuracy-usually resulting in slower responses. It is important to understand whether visual processing under different response speed requirements employs different neural mechanisms. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We asked participants to classify visual patterns with different levels of detail as real-world or non-sense objects. In one condition, participants were to respond immediately, whereas in the other they responded after a delay of 1 second. As expected, participants performed more accurately in delayed response trials. This effect was pronounced for stimuli with a high level of detail. These behavioral effects were accompanied by modulations of stimulus related EEG gamma oscillations which are an electrophysiological correlate of early visual processing. In trials requiring speeded responses, early stimulus-locked oscillations discriminated real-world and non-sense objects irrespective of the level of detail. For stimuli with a higher level of detail, oscillatory power in a later time window discriminated real-world and non-sense objects irrespective of response speed requirements. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, it seems plausible to assume that different response speed requirements trigger different dynamics of processing

    Psychophysics with children: Investigating the effects of attentional lapses on threshold estimates

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    When assessing the perceptual abilities of children, researchers tend to use psychophysical techniques designed for use with adults. However, children’s poorer attentiveness might bias the threshold estimates obtained by these methods. Here, we obtained speed discrimination threshold estimates in 6- to 7-year-old children in UK Key Stage 1 (KS1), 7- to 9-year-old children in Key Stage 2 (KS2), and adults using three psychophysical procedures: QUEST, a 1-up 2-down Levitt staircase, and Method of Constant Stimuli (MCS). We estimated inattentiveness using responses to “easy” catch trials. As expected, children had higher threshold estimates and made more errors on catch trials than adults. Lower threshold estimates were obtained from psychometric functions fit to the data in the QUEST condition than the MCS and Levitt staircases, and the threshold estimates obtained when fitting a psychometric function to the QUEST data were also lower than when using the QUEST mode. This suggests that threshold estimates cannot be compared directly across methods. Differences between the procedures did not vary significantly with age group. Simulations indicated that inattentiveness biased threshold estimates particularly when threshold estimates were computed as the QUEST mode or the average of staircase reversals. In contrast, thresholds estimated by post-hoc psychometric function fitting were less biased by attentional lapses. Our results suggest that some psychophysical methods are more robust to attentiveness, which has important implications for assessing the perception of children and clinical groups

    Relative Stability of Core Groups in Pollination Networks in a Biodiversity Hotspot over Four Years

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    Plants and their pollinators form pollination networks integral to the evolution and persistence of species in communities. Previous studies suggest that pollination network structure remains nested while network composition is highly dynamic. However, little is known about temporal variation in the structure and function of plant-pollinator networks, especially in species-rich communities where the strength of pollinator competition is predicted to be high. Here we quantify temporal variation of pollination networks over four consecutive years in an alpine meadow in the Hengduan Mountains biodiversity hotspot in China. We found that ranked positions and idiosyncratic temperatures of both plants and pollinators were more conservative between consecutive years than in non-consecutive years. Although network compositions exhibited high turnover, generalized core groups – decomposed by a k-core algorithm – were much more stable than peripheral groups. Given the high rate of turnover observed, we suggest that identical plants and pollinators that persist for at least two successive years sustain pollination services at the community level. Our data do not support theoretical predictions of a high proportion of specialized links within species-rich communities. Plants were relatively specialized, exhibiting less variability in pollinator composition at pollinator functional group level than at the species level. Both specialized and generalized plants experienced narrow variation in functional pollinator groups. The dynamic nature of pollination networks in the alpine meadow demonstrates the potential for networks to mitigate the effects of fluctuations in species composition in a high biodiversity area

    The 3-Hydroxy-2-Butanone Pathway Is Required for Pectobacterium carotovorum Pathogenesis

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    Pectobacterium species are necrotrophic bacterial pathogens that cause soft rot diseases in potatoes and several other crops worldwide. Gene expression data identified Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum budB, which encodes the α-acetolactate synthase enzyme in the 2,3-butanediol pathway, as more highly expressed in potato tubers than potato stems. This pathway is of interest because volatiles produced by the 2,3-butanediol pathway have been shown to act as plant growth promoting molecules, insect attractants, and, in other bacterial species, affect virulence and fitness. Disruption of the 2,3-butanediol pathway reduced virulence of P. c. subsp. carotovorum WPP14 on potato tubers and impaired alkalinization of growth medium and potato tubers under anaerobic conditions. Alkalinization of the milieu via this pathway may aid in plant cell maceration since Pectobacterium pectate lyases are most active at alkaline pH

    Mutation analysis of 18 nephronophthisis associated ciliopathy disease genes using a DNA pooling and next generation sequencing strategy

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    Background Nephronophthisis associated ciliopathies (NPHP-AC) comprise a group of autosomal recessive cystic kidney diseases that includes nephronophthisis (NPHP), Senior-Loken syndrome (SLS), Joubert syndrome (JBTS), and Meckel-Gruber syndrome (MKS). To date, causative mutations in NPHP-AC have been described for 18 different genes, rendering mutation analysis tedious and expensive. To overcome the broad genetic locus heterogeneity, a strategy of DNA pooling with consecutive massively parallel resequencing (MPR) was devised.Methods In 120 patients with severe NPHP-AC phenotypes, five pools of genomic DNA with 24 patients each were prepared which were used as templates in order to PCR amplify all 376 exons of 18 NPHP-AC genes (NPHP1, INVS, NPHP3, NPHP4, IQCB1, CEP290, GLIS2, RPGRIP1L, NEK8, TMEM67, INPP5E, TMEM216, AHI1, ARL13B, CC2D2A, TTC21B, MKS1, and XPNPEP3). PCR products were then subjected to MPR on an Illumina Genome-Analyser and mutations were subsequently assigned to their respective mutation carrier via CEL I endonuclease based heteroduplex screening and confirmed by Sanger sequencing.Results For proof of principle, DNA from patients with known mutations was used and detection of 22 out of 24 different alleles (92% sensitivity) was demonstrated. MPR led to the molecular diagnosis in 30/120 patients (25%) and 54 pathogenic mutations (27 novel) were identified in seven different NPHP-AC genes. Additionally, in 24 patients only single heterozygous variants of unknown significance were found.Conclusions The combined approach of DNA pooling followed by MPR strongly facilitates mutation analysis in broadly heterogeneous single gene disorders. The lack of mutations in 75% of patients in this cohort indicates further extensive heterogeneity in NPHP-AC

    Biochemical and genetic analyses of acetoin catabolism in Alcaligenes eutrophus.

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    In genetic studies on the catabolism of acetoin in Alcaligenes eutrophus, we used Tn5::mob-induced mutants which were impaired in the utilization of acetoin as the sole carbon source for growth. The transposon-harboring EcoRI restriction fragments from 17 acetoin-negative and slow-growing mutants (class 2a) and from six pleiotropic mutants of A. eutorphus, which were acetoin-negative and did not grow chemolithoautotrophically (class 2b), were cloned from pHC79 gene banks. The insertions of Tn5 were mapped on four different chromosomal EcoRI restriction fragments (A, C, D, and E) in class 2a mutants. The native DNA fragments were cloned from a lambda L47 or from a cosmid gene bank. Evidence is provided that fragments A (21 kilobase pairs [kb]) and C (7.7 kb) are closely linked in the genome; the insertions of Tn5 covered a region of approximately 5 kb. Physiological experiments revealed that this region encodes for acetoin:dichlorophenol-indophenol oxidoreductase, a fast-migrating protein, and probably for one additional protein that is as yet unknown. In mutants which were not completely impaired in growth on acetoin but which grew much slower and after a prolonged lag phase, fragments D (7.2 kb) and E (8.1 kb) were inactivated by insertion of Tn5::mob. No structural gene could be assigned to the D or E fragments. In class 2b mutants, insertions of Tn5 were mapped on fragment B (11.3 kb). This fragment complemented pleiotropic hno mutants in trans; these mutants were impaired in the formation of a rpoN-like protein. The expression of the gene cluster on fragments A and C seemed to be rpoN dependent