192 research outputs found

    A good leaf order on simplicial trees

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    Using the existence of a good leaf in every simplicial tree, we order the facets of a simplicial tree in order to find combinatorial information about the Betti numbers of its facet ideal. Applications include an Eliahou-Kervaire splitting of the ideal, as well as a refinement of a recursive formula of H\`a and Van Tuyl for computing the graded Betti numbers of simplicial trees.Comment: 17 pages, to appear; Connections Between Algebra and Geometry, Birkhauser volume (2013

    Using the Uncharged Kerr Black Hole as a Gravitational Mirror

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    We extend the study of the possibility to use the Schwarzschild black hole as a gravitational mirror to the more general case of an uncharged Kerr black hole. We use the null geodesic equation in the equatorial plane to prove a theorem concerning the conditions the impact parameter has to satisfy if there shall exist boomerang photons. We derive an equation for these boomerang photons and an equation for the emission angle. Finally, the radial null geodesic equation is integrated numerically in order to illustrate boomerang photons.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 3 Postscript figures, uufiles to compres

    State transition of a non-Ohmic damping system in a corrugated plane

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    Anomalous transport of a particle subjected to non-Ohmic damping of the power ÎŽ\delta in a tilted periodic potential is investigated via Monte Carlo simulation of generalized Langevin equation. It is found that the system exhibits two relative motion modes: the locking state and the running state. Under the surrounding of sub-Ohmic damping (0<ÎŽ<10<\delta<1), the particle should transfer into a running state from a locking state only when local minima of the potential vanish; hence the particle occurs a synchronization oscillation in its mean displacement and mean square displacement (MSD). In particular, the two motion modes are allowed to coexist in the case of super-Ohmic damping (1<ÎŽ<21<\delta<2) for moderate driving forces, namely, where exists double centers in the velocity distribution. This induces the particle having faster diffusion, i.e., its MSD reads =2Deff(ÎŽ)tÎŽeff = 2D^{(\delta)}_{eff} t^{\delta_{eff}}. Our result shows that the effective power index ÎŽeff\delta_{\textmd{eff}} can be enhanced and is a nonmonotonic function of the temperature and the driving force. The mixture effect of the two motion modes also leads to a breakdown of hysteresis loop of the mobility.Comment: 7 pages,7 figure

    Analyzing capacitance-voltage measurements of vertical wrapped-gated nanowires

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    The capacitance of arrays of vertical wrapped-gate InAs nanowires are analyzed. With the help of a Poisson-Schr"odinger solver, information about the doping density can be obtained directly. Further features in the measured capacitance-voltage characteristics can be attributed to the presence of surface states as well as the coexistence of electrons and holes in the wire. For both scenarios, quantitative estimates are provided. It is furthermore shown that the difference between the actual capacitance and the geometrical limit is quite large, and depends strongly on the nanowire material.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Figures included, to appear in Nanotechnolog

    Graph products of spheres, associative graded algebras and Hilbert series

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    Given a finite, simple, vertex-weighted graph, we construct a graded associative (non-commutative) algebra, whose generators correspond to vertices and whose ideal of relations has generators that are graded commutators corresponding to edges. We show that the Hilbert series of this algebra is the inverse of the clique polynomial of the graph. Using this result it easy to recognize if the ideal is inert, from which strong results on the algebra follow. Non-commutative Grobner bases play an important role in our proof. There is an interesting application to toric topology. This algebra arises naturally from a partial product of spheres, which is a special case of a generalized moment-angle complex. We apply our result to the loop-space homology of this space.Comment: 19 pages, v3: elaborated on connections to related work, added more citations, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Regularity of Edge Ideals and Their Powers

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    We survey recent studies on the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of edge ideals of graphs and their powers. Our focus is on bounds and exact values of  reg I(G)\text{ reg } I(G) and the asymptotic linear function  reg I(G)q\text{ reg } I(G)^q, for q≄1,q \geq 1, in terms of combinatorial data of the given graph G.G.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure

    Four lectures on secant varieties

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    This paper is based on the first author's lectures at the 2012 University of Regina Workshop "Connections Between Algebra and Geometry". Its aim is to provide an introduction to the theory of higher secant varieties and their applications. Several references and solved exercises are also included.Comment: Lectures notes to appear in PROMS (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), Springer/Birkhause

    Revisiting the Hardness of Binary Error LWE

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    Binary error LWE is the particular case of the learning with errors (LWE) problem in which errors are chosen in {0,1}\{0,1\}. It has various cryptographic applications, and in particular, has been used to construct efficient encryption schemes for use in constrained devices. Arora and Ge showed that the problem can be solved in polynomial time given a number of samples quadratic in the dimension nn. On the other hand, the problem is known to be as hard as standard LWE given only slightly more than nn samples. In this paper, we first examine more generally how the hardness of the problem varies with the number of available samples. Under standard heuristics on the Arora--Ge polynomial system, we show that, for any Ï”>0\epsilon >0, binary error LWE can be solved in polynomial time nO(1/Ï”)n^{O(1/\epsilon)} given ϔ⋅n2\epsilon\cdot n^{2} samples. Similarly, it can be solved in subexponential time 2O~(n1−α)2^{\tilde O(n^{1-\alpha})} given n1+αn^{1+\alpha} samples, for 0<α<10<\alpha<1. As a second contribution, we also generalize the binary error LWE to problem the case of a non-uniform error probability, and analyze the hardness of the non-uniform binary error LWE with respect to the error rate and the number of available samples. We show that, for any error rate 0<p<10 < p < 1, non-uniform binary error LWE is also as hard as worst-case lattice problems provided that the number of samples is suitably restricted. This is a generalization of Micciancio and Peikert\u27s hardness proof for uniform binary error LWE. Furthermore, we also discuss attacks on the problem when the number of available samples is linear but significantly larger than nn, and show that for sufficiently low error rates, subexponential or even polynomial time attacks are possible
